4 Things To Consider Before Buying A Dog

Buying a dog is an exciting process. That said there are many things to consider before purchasing, such as do you have enough space for a dog? Have you factored in the costs of owning a dog or what type of dog you would like? Before committing to purchasing a dog, you should always do your research to make sure it’s right for you – after all, pets for life. And after you’ve done your research we are sure you will love your new furry friend. Below are 4 things to consider before buying a dog. 

Image from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-gray-jacket-holding-brown-and-white-dog-4422100/ 

Do you have enough time for a dog? 

One of the first things you should be asking yourself before getting a dog, is do you have enough time? Owning a dog requires a lot of dedication and attention. Not only do you need to take them on walks every day but you can’t leave them on their own for too long either. Dogs are great fun, and beneficial to most families but if you have a busy social life, then you may not have the time for a dog or will need to make sacrifices. 

Costs of owning a dog

Dog’s don’t come cheap. First off is the cost to buy a dog. After that is the monthly running costs of owning a dog. These can include buying the best natural dog food, monthly vet bills and dog toys. Although it does add up, dogs are still affordable but the last thing you want to do is overstretch yourself. Before purchasing a dog, it’s always worth putting a spreadsheet together to work out the overall costs of owning one. 

The type of dog you would like to own

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on your preference you can find a dog to match your lifestyle. Some dogs are bigger and require longer and more frequent walks, whilst others are smaller and can get away with one walk a day. If you have smaller children you may want a smaller dog or one that has more patience. Some dogs are easier to train whilst others enjoy running around and being more active. 

Is your home dog friendly? 

Something that you need to consider is how dog-friendly your home is? A major part of owning a dog is making it’s surroundings safe. Is your garden safe and secure for them to run around in or do you need to get some fencing put in? What type of furniture do you have within your property and is it dog proof? Remember dogs can jump up on the sofa and cause a mess. If you are thinking of making some changes to your garden, Pinterest is great for some inspiration. There are many pet goodies that you can get to put around your house if you want to make some changes at the same time. 

Have you recently got a dog and what things did you consider before purchasing one? Did any of the above points come to mind? What type of dog are you looking into getting? Let us know in the comment box below.

Create A Unique Style For Your Home

Living Room With Rustic Theme


One thing that a lot of people seem to have trouble with when it comes to turning their home into the most enjoyable possible space is finding some way to really give it a sense of unique style that sets it apart from everywhere else. After all, there are few things worse than showing up to someone’s home and it essentially feels like a showroom. The best starting place when trying to make your home feel more unique is to figure out what kind of style you want to create in the first place. After all, different homes lend themselves to different aesthetics and the kind of tone you create in your home is going to depend on your personal sense of style. With that in mind, here are some ideas to help you create a unique style for your home.

Rustic chic

People tend to assume that a stylish home is one that has to be ultra modern and sleek but that’s not the case at all. In fact, one of the most effective styles for a lot of homes is to embrace a rustic style that brings a touch of vintage class into any home. The best thing about this kind of home style is that it’s often on the cheaper side since so much of that style can come from things like log burners, reclaimed furniture and second hand pieces. 

High class

Of course, if you wanted to go in the complete opposite direction to the rustic style of home then you can’t go wrong with embracing some sleek, modern, high-class style. This kind of style is one that emphasises clean lines, simplicity, and function over form. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t embrace style and make some serious statements. Things like Murano chandeliers are a real tone setter that fit into this style perfectly. That way you can be sure that your home still has that, all important wow factor.


If you’re looking to throw caution to the wind and really let your unique style shine out then a bohemian style to your home might well be perfect. It’s actually a lot trickier than many people think to create a style in your home that looks like things have just been tossed at random and just happened to land in the perfect place every time. But it’s the kind of style that really can make your home feel like nowhere else if you get it right.

The reality of creating a style for your home is that it has to reflect something about the people who live in it. If you want to make your house really feel like a home then don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. After all, not only is that going to make it a lot easier to make the place feel dynamic and lived in but it’s going to allow you to feel much happier in it for much longer than a home that looks great but doesn’t have any real life to it.

Attractive Log Burners For Every Interior Style

Log burners are among the most attractive accessories you can add to your home. Nothing else has such power to make you feel comfortable and cozy, particularly in the winter. 

In this post, we take a look at several attractive log burner styles you could install in your living room. 


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This is a classical log burner that works with regularly-sized dried woodblocks. You can see that it has tools at the bottom for adjusting the embers, plus a flue from the top to remove the smoke. 

You can place wood burners in a hearth, as the owner of this one does. Or you can install them as standalone units with a surrounding shroud. 

Inset Fireplaces

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This log burner is very different from what you traditionally see in most people’s homes. Here the owner has built the furnace itself back into the wall and then constructed a hearth surround made of baked bricks. 

The overall feel of this design is rustic. But if you build one yourself, you could create a more contemporary finish. 

Wood Effect

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What if you don’t want to collect and burn wood. In that case, you can get heating installers to fit a gas equivalent that creates a similar effect. This example is shaped very much like a typical widescreen television and is inset into the wall. The heat from the flames escapes through small vents at the top. 

The great thing about this burner is that the electric version doesn’t require a flue. So you don’t have to modify your home in any way to fit it. Plus, when you move, you can bring it with you easily. 


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Some property owners prefer modern-styled wood burners. These work in precisely the same way as traditional versions, except they have a modern aesthetic. This example, for instance, features a round chamber instead of the more common rectangular versions. 

The great thing about this furnace is that you can put it in any room with an outside wall. In this example, the owner has put it in a mudroom, but there are plenty of other locations you could use, including boot rooms, utility rooms, and even bedrooms. 

The burner can stand alone without a shroud because the body of the unit features substantial insulation. Theoretically, you could touch it without burning your hand. The heat from the flames escapes through vents in the top of the unit passively, with all the toxic fumes leaving via the vent. C


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The owners of this furnace have actually built it into the room itself. It sits in a kind of brick alcove with a concrete floor separated from the main body of the room. This approach is popular among property owners who want to get the benefits of a stove without risky it damaging the rest of their furniture

So which of these attractive stoves, furnaces, and log burners will you choose for your home? 

3 Things that Need Fixing when Considering Selling Your Home

Have you decided to sell your home? Are you wondering whether you should do some maintenance before placing the house on the market? Selling a home can be a daunting experience for anyone, especially if you’re unsure what should be done beforehand – but it doesn’t have to be! There are plenty of ways you can ensure your house is market-ready, and there are many people you can ask for assistance regarding the matter. That said, here are three things you can consider attending to firstly to ensure that you not only have your home ready for selling but will boost your home’s resale value and get you the best price possible in your pocket.

via Pixabay


Before you start looking at a moving company and getting all your things packed away, you need to ensure that the roof is in tip top condition. A roof is one of the first things potential buyers look at and inquire about when viewing a home, so it should definitely be the first thing you do some maintenance on before selling. A leaking roof is a big issue for buyers, seeing as leakages can cause structural damage that can be costly. Start by checking your roof for any damages or sagging. If your roof is older than twenty- to twenty-five years, odds are the entire roof will need replacing, seeing as a roof doesn’t usually hold up longer than that. You can also check for any cracked or chipped shingles on the roof; that will be the first place water can seep through to the ceiling. If you would rather not risk your safety on top of your high roof, there are specialists in the field that can assist you with a complete roof inspection and then advise on what needs maintenance afterward. Studies also show that a new roof can boost your home’s resale value by an average of $12,000!

Air-conditioning system

An air conditioning system is a big bonus to a home, so it should definitely be in working conditioning when buyers view the property. Many homeowners who don’t use their air conditioning system have simply discarded them, but selling a home with one that isn’t in an optimal condition will definitely drive down the offer the buyers will put on the table. Luckily, it is also a straightforward and affordable feature of your home to repair and can be done swiftly and without any hassle. There are also many 24 Hour Air Conditioning Repair specialists that will be able to assist you no matter the time of day you’re available for them to come over.


 Plumbing is an essential factor of a home – it’s what ensures that water gets everywhere it should and that the house has proper drainage. A house’s plumbing is usually not something that acts up quickly, but make sure that all the pipes are still working correctly and that all the drains are unclogged just to be safe. This will give you peace of mind when buyers come and view your home, and you’ll feel more assured to give the green light when buyers ask if all the plumbing is in order.

By checking, maintaining, and ensuring your home’s above features are in mint condition, your home will be more than ready for the market. Afterward, the only thing that will be left to do is to sit back, relax and watch your home sell in no time!

What Pet Is Right For Your Family

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

When it comes to choosing the right pet for your family there are many things to consider. As the saying goes a “pet is for life, not just for Christmas” and that couldn’t be more true. They are a huge responsibility whatever pet you get, but with the right care, dedication and love they undeniably become a part of the family. So which pet suits your family and lifestyle best? Take a look at our guide below.


First on our list is a dog. This is the most popular pet people choose, yes they are cute and a ‘man’s best friend’ but they require so much attention and work. If you are home the majority of the day and have time to go for walks every day then a dog might be for you. Whether you opt for a puppy or a rescue dog they still need your time and patience to be trained and learn how to act in their environment. Before you go and adopt a dog you should do plenty of research about the breed, there is a difference in the temperaments of all types of dogs, a Labrador’s temperament can be completely different to a pomsky puppy. Some require more attention than others so it’s important to be clued up prior to deciding on your new addition to the family.


Getting a cat is very similar to having a dog, they require a little less attention in the fact that they don’t need walking and often like to keep to themselves. If you have young children it is important to integrate any new pet slowly and teach the children not to pull tails and ears. Same as dogs it is important to do your research on the different breeds as some might be more prone to illnesses than others or hold different temperaments. 


If you are thinking you want something a little smaller than a cat or dog then a rodent is a great choice. It is the number one choice for a child’s first pet, as it requires just enough attention to teach your child how to look after a living animal. Choose from hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits. Each animal needs different care so pick one that fits in with your family best.


If you are an eccentric person or are a little bold with your choices then consider picking a reptile as your family pet. Reptiles are made up of lizards and snakes, they need specific care and a lot of research should be done into creating the perfect home for them before you bring one home. They often eat live creatures so if you are on the squeamish side these aren’t the pets for you. 


For an ‘easy’ pet the choice you should make is to buy some fish. They require little care, just the right environment and to be fed and cleaned is all they need. You can even get an automatic food dispenser for when you go away, unlike with every other pet you would need to get a pet sitter. Of course like any other pet different fish have different needs so read up on fish species before buying.

Frugal Living Tips to Pay Off Debt

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Now is an excellent time to get control of your problem debt and start to pay it off. It’s the beginning of the year, giving you plenty of time to work on it and get it right, it’s also mild pandemic when everything goes shut, so spending opportunities are limited. Don’t waste this chance to become debt free, read the tips below and begin your journey of frugal living. 


When you have large amounts of debt it can be stressful and damaging in all sorts of ways. You need to get it under control. The first thing you must do is to consolidate it. You need to make the debt payments manageable and friendly to your budget. 

When you consolidate your debt you will notice a difference immediately. Suddenly you will be able to plan your finances and save money again instead of giving it all away with interest payments. You will have to sign some forms but it’s recommended. 


Once you have streamlined yoy finances and reduced your problem debt to one manageable monthly payment it’s time to set goals to pull yourself out of the quicksand of debt and back to the surface. Goals are the best way to do this. 

Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. Look into SMART goals as a model for goal planning. A good place to start is by imagining where you would like to be financially in the coming months or year. 


After setting your goals it’s time to start a budget. If you’ve had bad debt you probably have an unhealthy relationship or attitude to money. You might think of it as being problematic. Try to change this mindset. Money is just a means to an end. With a budget you can use it wisely. 

Consider the things you absolutely need and can’t live without. Then see what is left over. Decide on what you can cut and what you can save. Chances are you will be able to pare it down quite a lot. If you find that you want things in your lifestyle factor them into your budget as you go. 


These days everyone has devices. We have laptops, smartphones, and consoles. If you live rented accommodation you may not have adequate insurance cover in case of damage to these expensive items or if they’re stolen. 

Under these circumstances it’s highly advisable to take our renters insurance. Renters insurance covers you in case of damage or theft. It can save you a lot of money and stress in the short term, especially if you’ve just had a break in. 


When you carry out your budget planning you should take a close look at your bills and where you can save. Some bills such as property tax and gas aren’t always easy to reduce, on the other hand, there are some bills that can be reduced by switching providers or changing habits. 

Electricity bills and Internet bills are two of the most common types of regular bills that can be reduced. Compare the market and take full advantage of incentives to switch.