5 Things to Do After A Winter Storm


You may have spent some time worrying about your winter energy usage, but there are other issues you could encounter during the winter. One of the biggest problems could be household damage, especially after a winter storm if you live somewhere prone to heavy snowfall. While many instances are safe, there could be more extreme examples that put you and your family at risk, so it’s vital to know what to do after a storm strikes. 

Check That Everyone Is Safe 

If a storm occurs during the night, your first responsibility is to make sure everyone is safe. While this might require you to wake them up, it’s better than not knowing where they are. Once you have accounted for everyone (pets included), you should move to a safe place that is at less risk of experiencing damage. It is better to get to the living room or close to the exit so you can get out of the house quickly if you need to. 

Cut The Power 

Every homeowner or renter should know how to locate the circuit breaker to cut the power as soon as possible. This can prevent significant damage to the house if the property short circuits and will also prevent fires if the system gets overloaded. However, some circuit breakers are not always as easily accessible as you’d like, which is why you should try to get to them quickly before more significant danger arrives. 

Take Photos For Insurance 

If you believe your home is relatively safe, take the opportunity to take photographs. This tactic is to help with verification and insurance purposes as you can show your provider precisely what damage has occurred which will allow them to work out a fair figure for your payout. You may also need to take photographs outside the house, but this is not recommended while the storm is ongoing. Instead, wait for it to clear up before venturing outside to keep you safe and prevent unnecessary injuries. 

Remove Damaged Items (If It’s Safe) 

Once the storm has fully cleared, you can remove any damaged items to make it easier for any professionals to clear up your home. Since they are damaged, you will likely get rid of them anyway so this gets things moving quicker, and we can help you get your home back to normal faster. However, only venture into certain rooms, such as the basement or attic, if it is safe to do so. 

Arrange Repairs 

Household repairs after a storm can vary from quick fixes to more demanding projects. You may also discover that the low temperatures have caused further problems if you were away from home during the storm. In this case, you’ll need to consult services about frozen pipe water damage and learn your options to fix these issues and make your home inhabitable again. 


You may not be able to completely fix your home, but you can take several key steps to make it easier to keep you and your family safe. These tips should guide you in the right direction and ensure you get everything you need ready for the next steps, whether claiming for insurance or carrying out essential repairs on your property.