6 Tips for Improving Your Hotel’s Star Rating

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If you’re a hotelier, then you know that the star rating of your establishment is important. It can mean the difference between guests choosing your hotel and them going somewhere else. Luckily, there are things you can do to improve your rating. This blog post will discuss seven tips that will help you boost your star rating and bring in more business!

1) Keep your property clean and well-maintained

The first and most important tip is to keep your hotel clean and well-maintained. This means regular cleaning of all public areas, guest rooms, and bathrooms. It also means addressing any maintenance issues as soon as they arise. If guests see that your property is well-cared for, they’ll be more likely to give you a higher rating.

2) Renovate your gardens and outdoor areas

Another way to improve your hotel’s star rating is to renovate your gardens and outdoor areas. This could involve anything from planting new flowers and trees to installing a swimming pool or paving. By making your property more attractive, you’ll give guests another reason to choose your hotel over others.

3) Update the exterior of your building

If the exterior of your hotel is looking dated, it could be time for an update. This doesn’t mean you need to completely renovate the property. Sometimes, a fresh coat of paint or new paving can make all the difference. By giving your hotel a more modern look, you’ll again increase its appeal to guests.

4) Install new furniture and fixtures

Another way to update your hotel is to install new furniture and fixtures. This could include anything from new beds and dressers in the guest rooms to a fresh coat of paint in the lobby. By making these changes, you’ll give guests the impression that your hotel is up-to-date and well-maintained.

5) Add additional amenities

If you want to really spoil your guests, you can add additional amenities to your hotel. This could include anything from complimentary breakfast to an on-site spa. By offering these extras, you’ll make your hotel more appealing and increase the chance of guests giving you a higher rating.

6) Provide excellent customer service

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to improve your hotel’s star rating is to provide excellent customer service. This means being friendly and helpful at all times, addressing guests’ concerns promptly, and going above and beyond to make their stay enjoyable. If you can provide a great experience for your guests, they’ll be more likely to give you a higher rating.

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7) Give guests what they want

If you want to know what guests really want, ask them! You can do this by sending out surveys after their stay or even just asking them directly when they check in. By finding out what guests are looking for, you can make sure your hotel is meeting their needs and giving them the best possible experience.

There are several things you can do to improve your hotel’s star rating. By keeping your property clean and well-maintained, updating the exterior, and adding additional amenities, you’ll give guests more reasons to choose your hotel. Additionally, excellent customer service is essential for giving guests a great experience. And finally, don’t forget to ask guests what they want! By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting a higher rating and bringing in more business.

Via Pexels

6 Home Updates That Make A Big Difference


As a homeowner, you want your property to make a positive statement and be a comfortable place to live. There will come a time when you have a budget ready to go and the urge to do some improvements to it and your spaces.

When this time arrives you want to be prepared and have ideas for what you can do that will have an impact and help you improve your property. In this case, take the time to review six home updates that make a big difference and will have you feeling great again about where you live.

1. Dressing up Your Windows

One home update that makes a big difference is to decorate your windows. Dress them up with shades or blinds and install window treatments. In some areas you may want to hang curtains such as in your living room or dining room or to darken your bedroom. Hanging curtains is the chance to add both color and texture to your rooms. Be sure to hang them high enough to make your ceilings appear taller. Before moving forward with this project, consider giving your windows a good cleaning as well.

2. Look up to the Ceilings

If you want to make a big difference in your home then all you have to do is look up. Your ceilings have an impact on the look and feel of your home whether you like it or not. If your walls and ceilings are outdated and an eyesore then you should consider contacting a popcorn ceiling removal service that can come in and take care of this project for you. You’ll be glad you did once you notice how much better your rooms look and the modern feel it brings to your home. Also, now is a good time to replace or install ceiling fans and light fixtures while you’re at it.

3. Curb Appeal

Make a big difference in how your home looks by focusing on curb appeal. The exterior of your property is your chance to make a good first impression on visitors and passersby. There are many different ways that you can enhance the outside of your property. It all depends on your budget and what you feel are the highest priorities. For example, you can replace an old garage door or driveway or start small with a new mailbox and clean up the landscaping, and plant some colorful flowers. Also, take the time to decorate your front porch with small pieces of furniture, plants, and a welcome mat, and paint your front door an attractive color.

4. Decluttering & Decorating

If you’re short on cash but want to improve the appearance of your home then spend time decluttering and decorating your rooms. These are home updates that won’t cost you a lot of money but will take up some of your time and energy. Get rid of items that you no longer need and make room for what you do want to display and have out. Some fresh and new décor pieces and artwork and plants will quickly spruce up the interior of your home and make it more appealing. You’ll also feel less stressed out when your home is clean and clutter-free and you don’t have to stare at messes all day long. Keep in mind that you should pay attention to and update the lighting as part of the redecorating process as well.

5. Paint

If you want to update your home cost-effectively and make a big difference then apply fresh paint. New paint is a great way to freshen up your rooms and will help modernize your spaces. It’s wise to bring paint samples home and put them on the walls before you commit to a particular color so you can see how it looks in your house and during different times of the day. You can also use paint to refurbish old furniture or to transform your home by painting the wood trim white. Paint vanity or kitchen cabinets if you want to revive them or change up the color in the rooms.

6. Utilize Unused Spaces

You should also strive to enjoy your home to the fullest. Therefore, utilize and transform unused spaces by adding a reading nook or turning an unused bedroom into a guest bedroom or home office. It could be as simple as rearranging your furniture to fit the room correctly and more efficiently or getting rid of pieces that are too large for your home. You may also want to consider finishing part of your entire basement or adding a sunroom off the back of your home. 

Tips To Consider When Making Updates To Your Home


Home renovations and upgrades are a great use of your time and money when you go about it with the right approach. There are matters to think through in detail and steps you’ll need to take to ensure a smooth process from start to finish.

What’s most important is that you plan and prepare and stay within your budget. Keep in mind that you don’t have to always have a lot of money to put toward your home to make it better. It’s all about being strategic and doing your homework to figure out what will bring you the greatest rewards and pay off in the end.

Establish A Home Improvement Budget

You should save up and establish a home improvement project budget before making any updates to your home. You’ll want to have the money ready to go and know exactly how much you’re working with before you start making any commitments or spending any money. Save up your money and make sure that you have access to the funds you need when you need them so that you don’t overspend and have regrets later on. A budget will help you know which projects you can feasibly tackle and during which time frames or years.

Think About ROI & Adding Value

It’s also important and wise that you think about ROI and what will add the most value to your home. This way you can get a return on your investment later on and will feel good about the money you do choose to spend on updating your property. Research value-added updates and figure out what in your home needs your attention the most based on these findings. It’s one of the most important factors when you’re looking to sell your home so you’ll want to know ahead of time what will help increase your home’s value.

DIY Vs. Hiring Professional Help

Another tip to consider when you’re making updates to your home is whether you can do the work yourself or if you’ll need to hire the professionals to complete the tasks. Some projects such as leaks and major replacements are best left up to the pros. For instance, in the case that your roof needs replacing then you’ll want to contact the pros such as richmond roofers to take care of this important and big job for you. Your roof is an essential part of your home and you’ll want the job done right and in a timely manner. While there are online videos and tutorials you can watch that cover a variety of home upgrades, you should make sure you know your limitations and when to hire a pro.

Take Time to Gather Ideas

It’s also in your best interest to take the time to gather ideas for what types of updates you want to make. You’ll want to get a better idea of what materials and trends homeowners are sticking to and consider what you think will be suitable in your home. There are plenty of online resources to check out such as blogs and home websites that will provide you with useful information and tips. You’ll not only want to know what materials or options are out there but how much they’re going to cost you as well. Not only gather ideas for the interior but also think about what curb appeal updates you can make as well.

Make A Plan

You should always make a plan and know what you’re getting into and how you want to navigate the situation before making updates to your home. Consider your budget, priority list, and timeline, and then map out what rooms or upgrades you’ll be tackling first and when. Some updates may require you to find outside storage solutions or force you out of your home for a particular time frame. Communication and documentation are keys to ensuring your projects go seamlessly from start to finish. Always get on the same page as your contractors in writing before they begin doing any work to your home.

Interview Multiple Contractors

When making updates to your home, it’s wise to not offer the job to the first person you speak with. Instead, you should set aside time to interview multiple prospective contractors for each job. Meet with them in person and compare personalities, skills, and costs. Also, consider getting recommendations for who to hire from other homeowners and read the reviews online from previous customers. Check out each contractor’s profile and see which finished projects and work might be closest to your style and are most likely to meet your expectations. 

3 Quick & Easy Ways To Dress Your Daughter For Any Occasion

Image Credit: Pexels from Pixabay.

Looking after your children can be a stressful process, with that being especially true when it comes to special occasions. You’ll need to worry about how they behave during these events, as well as how they dress.

Depending on the occasion, this can be a challenging prospect. Once you know how to dress your daughter for any occasion – no matter what age they are – you can make this much simpler.

With a few quick and easy tips, you can put together some great outfit ideas for tall girls or anyone else.

How To Dress Your Daughter For Any Occasion: 3 Quick & Easy Tips

1. Create A Color Wheel

Kids can go wild with textures and prints when they’re putting together an outfit themselves. While they’ll always look cute, sometimes the outfit isn’t as nice as you’d want it to be. You can avoid much of that in a few ways, with a color wheel being one of the more notable fashion tips.

Your daughter will likely already be familiar with a color wheel, so it’ll be easy for her to understand. Work her favorite colors into this to make sure she’ll love all of the clothes she has. Once you do, you’ll avoid her picking out any mismatched clothes for her outfits.

2. Use Patterns

Patterns can make a big difference in how an outfit looks. Without these, the outfit could look relatively simple and boring. There are a few rules of thumb to follow when you’re taking this approach.

The first is to go with something bold, as this stands out more and can tie the outfit together. You should also use this to add texture to their outfit with ease. Pairing this with something neutral is essential, as it offsets the boldness without taking away from it.

By contrasting patterns with something plain, you’ll complete the look.

3. Match Accessories

Even the simplest outfit can benefit from the right accessories. With so many options to choose from, you can make sure your daughter has plenty of appealing accessories to wear. Work with her to find accessories that she likes and that work well with the outfit.

It’s best not to go overboard when you’re doing this. It’s one thing to have plenty of options to pick from, but that doesn’t mean she should wear a lot of them at the same time. Encourage her to embrace accessories and show her how they can be matched with certain outfits.

Even something as simple as a hairband can be a nice touch for an outfit.

How To Dress Your Daughter For Any Occasion: Wrapping Up

Once you know how to dress your daughter for any occasion, the process gets much simpler and you shouldn’t have anything to stress about. By matching accessories, having a color wheel, and using patterns, you won’t have a problem doing this.

Make sure to keep your daughter’s preferences and desires in mind when doing so. Work with them and let them have an input in their outfits. They’ll like the outfit much better than you’d expect, and they shouldn’t have a problem with whatever they wear.

6 Ways Your Small Business is Wasting Money Right Now

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No one wants to waste money when they don’t have to, but it is even more important that unnecessary waste is avoided when one is running a business because the more money you spend, the lower your profits will be and the harder it will be to make a success of your venture.

With that in mind, let’s take look at some of the most common ways that people waste money in their small businesses, so you can avoid doing the same and save more of your profits for yourself and your company:

1. Wasting time

They say that time is money and this is particularly true in the world of business. If you are taking more time to do anything from processing payments to creating new products, you are wasting more money in terms of employee pay utilities and so on. So, whether you switch to credit card swiping after looking at the arguments about swiping vs keying a payment transaction or you use automated software to cut down on the amount of time you spend doing your accounts, anything you can do to save time will undoubtedly help you to stop wasting money too.

2. Marketing to the wrong audience

Most business owners think that they know exactly who their target audience is, which means they think they know who to target with their marketing materials. Unless they have conducted significant market research, they are often wrong and they end up throwing good money after bad trying to chase the wrong clientele completely.

That is why it is always a good idea to take the time to conduct market research, engage with followers on social media and ask for honest feedback. Only by doing this can you get a true picture of who your target audience is so you can stop wasting money on marketing and start seeing real results.

3. Using paper

Using paper might seem like a completely normal thing to do in an office or business setting, and in the past it was. These days, things have moved on a little, and most of the things you once used paper for, from invoices to contracts, can be rendered digitally. Doing so will mean that you no longer have to buy reams of paper and ink, nor do you have to invest in lots of printers, copiers, and the maintenance of them, each year, which means you can save a surprising amount of money and do away not only with financial waste, but also physical waste which is bad for the environment too.

5. Recruitment

Many companies waste a lot of money trying to recruit new employees simply because they do not have a clearly defined idea of who they want to employ nor do they have a clearly defined idea of how to create recruitment materials that will attract the right people,

Not only that, but they do not conduct the right kinds of interviews and background checks to separate the wheat from the chaff and ensure they employ staff who will add value to the company.

Yes, it will take a bit more investment to do all of these things and do them well, ideally with the help of a good HR consultancy, but it will save you more money in the long run when you hire the right person the first time and you do not end up having to re-recruit again when they leave in a few months’ time.

6. Not tracking expenses

If you do not track business expenses very carefully to the number, it is really easy for things to get out of hand and for you and your staff to start spending more than is strictly necessary. Keeping tabs on this will help you to reign things in if people get a bit too spend happy with their corporate credit cards. Imposing strict limits on your corporate credit cards and accounts can also help to avoid waste and ensure staff only spend on things that are essential to them doing their jobs day to day. The more you know, the better you can avoid waste in the future – it really is that simple.

Saving money when you are running a small business is not always easy, but if you are spending money in any of the above ways, there is a good chance you are wasting more cash than you need to and reevaluating what you spend and where will undoubtedly help to boost your bottom line and give you more wiggle room. So, what are you waiting for?

4 Ways You Can Care For Yourself This Summer

Summer should be a time you look forward to and want to enjoy as much as possible. When the warmer months come, this is more likely to be true if you feel good about how you look and how you feel about yourself.

Photo by Elina Fairytale: https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-sitting-on-green-grass-field-4833957/

It’s all about taking care of yourself and making sure you put your health first. Here are some things you can do this summer to look and feel great, which will make you happy and help you get the most out of the season.

Look After Your Fitness

One way to make sure you look and feel great this summer is to start toning up and losing weight now. Go to the gym or go for walks and runs outside, and make a promise to work out every day. When you’re in great shape and your clothes feel like they fit well, you’ll feel great. It’s not about losing weight or conforming to celebrity body expectations, it’s about feeling comfortable and confident.  Revere Shoes can help to you look great at the same time as giving you the comfort to be on the move all day getting in secret exercise while having fun. 

Update your Style And Add New Pieces 

This summer, you can look and feel great by updating your wardrobe and style. Go through your wardrobe and get rid of things you don’t like to wear anymore or that don’t fit right. Think about the clothes you own that are out of style and get rid of or donate them so you can make room for new ones. Do some research on the latest fashions and what’s in style. Then, make a budget and go shopping for clothes that will help you look and feel good. You don’t need to spend a fortune to add the updates your wardrobe needs

Look After Your Skin Properly

In the summer, you can also show more skin. So, it’s important to take care of your skin on a regular basis so that it looks young, healthy, and free of spots. This summer, you can look and feel great if you buy the right skin care products and use them regularly. This will help you make positive changes and feel good about showing more skin. Do your research and be willing to go out and buy these products so you can start to feel better about your skin.

Have A Good Sleep Routine 

You might think of summer and look forward to the days getting longer and the weather getting much better. Even though this is true, if you want to look good and feel full of energy, you should stick to a regular bedtime routine. Some nights you might want to stay up late, but just think about how much better you’ll look and feel after a good night’s sleep. If you get enough sleep, your skin will look better, you’ll be able to keep your weight steady, and your mood will improve, making you feel ready to face the day.

These tips should help you to feel great this summer. Do you have any other tips to share in the comments below?