6 Tips for Improving Your Hotel’s Star Rating

Via pexels 

If you’re a hotelier, then you know that the star rating of your establishment is important. It can mean the difference between guests choosing your hotel and them going somewhere else. Luckily, there are things you can do to improve your rating. This blog post will discuss seven tips that will help you boost your star rating and bring in more business!

1) Keep your property clean and well-maintained

The first and most important tip is to keep your hotel clean and well-maintained. This means regular cleaning of all public areas, guest rooms, and bathrooms. It also means addressing any maintenance issues as soon as they arise. If guests see that your property is well-cared for, they’ll be more likely to give you a higher rating.

2) Renovate your gardens and outdoor areas

Another way to improve your hotel’s star rating is to renovate your gardens and outdoor areas. This could involve anything from planting new flowers and trees to installing a swimming pool or paving. By making your property more attractive, you’ll give guests another reason to choose your hotel over others.

3) Update the exterior of your building

If the exterior of your hotel is looking dated, it could be time for an update. This doesn’t mean you need to completely renovate the property. Sometimes, a fresh coat of paint or new paving can make all the difference. By giving your hotel a more modern look, you’ll again increase its appeal to guests.

4) Install new furniture and fixtures

Another way to update your hotel is to install new furniture and fixtures. This could include anything from new beds and dressers in the guest rooms to a fresh coat of paint in the lobby. By making these changes, you’ll give guests the impression that your hotel is up-to-date and well-maintained.

5) Add additional amenities

If you want to really spoil your guests, you can add additional amenities to your hotel. This could include anything from complimentary breakfast to an on-site spa. By offering these extras, you’ll make your hotel more appealing and increase the chance of guests giving you a higher rating.

6) Provide excellent customer service

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to improve your hotel’s star rating is to provide excellent customer service. This means being friendly and helpful at all times, addressing guests’ concerns promptly, and going above and beyond to make their stay enjoyable. If you can provide a great experience for your guests, they’ll be more likely to give you a higher rating.

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7) Give guests what they want

If you want to know what guests really want, ask them! You can do this by sending out surveys after their stay or even just asking them directly when they check in. By finding out what guests are looking for, you can make sure your hotel is meeting their needs and giving them the best possible experience.

There are several things you can do to improve your hotel’s star rating. By keeping your property clean and well-maintained, updating the exterior, and adding additional amenities, you’ll give guests more reasons to choose your hotel. Additionally, excellent customer service is essential for giving guests a great experience. And finally, don’t forget to ask guests what they want! By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting a higher rating and bringing in more business.

Via Pexels