10 Exterior Home Features You Should Periodically Inspect

Maintaining your home’s exterior on a regular basis is crucial for keeping up with repairs and for safeguarding and preserving your property. Therefore, it is imperative to keep your eye on the condition of your home.

These Are 10 Exterior Home Features You Should Periodically Inspect:

Photo by Pixabay


Check for any damage indicators, such as missing or loose shingles. Examine the decking and ceilings for water stains, which may indicate a leaking roof. To ensure they are free of dirt and working effectively, check your gutters and downspouts as well.


Check for any indications of paint that is peeling, flaking, or cracking. Make sure the window and door frames are securely fastened and in good shape.


Regularly opening and closing your windows will ensure that they are all in good working order. To prevent further damages, replace any shattered glass panes as soon as you can. Furthermore, ensure the caulking surrounding the window frame is intact and not damaged or flaking away.


Check all doors for signs of wear and tear, such as paint peeling or dents in the surface material, including screen doors, garage doors, and entry doors. Make sure the locks on each door are operational by testing them. In addition, make sure your security system is operating properly if you have one.


Often inspect your decks for wear and tear signs of loose boards or protruding nails. Ensure that any railings are in good shape and are properly fastened. If there are stairs leading up to the deck, look for rot or instability.


Inspect fences for decaying wood or rusted metal parts and look for damaged boards or posts. Inspect all gates to make sure they function correctly, open and close, and latch shut securely.

Patio and walkways: 

Look for cracks or other surface damage in the patio stones, pavers, bricks, concrete, etc. when inspecting walkways. Ensure all routes and walkways are level, smooth, and weed- and debris-free.


Maintenance of your home’s landscaping is essential for both aesthetic appeal and security considerations. Any overgrown trees or bushes that might be impeding walkways or other sections of your property should be pruned back. Look for pests like aphids or grubs that could harm your lawn or garden beds as well as any disease symptoms on plants.

Driveway and parking areas: 

Check for cracks, potholes, and other surface material degradation that, if ignored, could pose a tripping hazard. Check for oil spills if you have an asphalt driveway because they can harm the substance. Should there be any repairs, make sure to contact reputable paving companies for quotes.

External Lighting: 

Check to see that all outdoor lights are operational, and replace any burned-out bulbs or rusted fixtures. Make sure that the timer and motion sensor-controlled lighting are set to the proper schedules and make any necessary adjustments.

Maintaining your home’s exterior on a regular basis is crucial for maintaining its value, averting worse issues, and showing that you’re a responsible homeowner. You’ll be well on your way to maintaining a secure and lovely house by paying attention to these 10 suggestions!

The Benefits Of Investing In Property In Your 20s And 30s

If you’re someone who has always wanted to own a property or invest in property, the best times to do it are when you’re young and sprightly. Your 20s and 30s are the best years for opportunities in property investment. 

Why? Well, you’ve got time on your hands, whereas investing in a property later on in life is a lot more challenging to get paid off in time for retirement.

Not only that but if you’re looking to buy your first property, then the lender you use, will only be willing to allow you so many years to pay the loan off. With that being said, here are some of the benefits of investing in property for your 20s and 30s. 

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Provides you with financial security in the long-run

By investing in property early enough, you’re giving yourself some financial security, particularly in the long run. Property is probably one of the most stable investments you can go into and it’s something that will pay you back later on in life and perhaps in the short term if you decide to let it out.

That financial security is something that many would like to have in their lifetime and it’s something that will help pay for all those lifestyle bills and events in life that come up. It’s the type of financial security you’ll come to appreciate.

Helps with diversifying your investment portfolio

There’s nothing more exciting than dipping your feet into the world of investment. There are a lot of investment opportunities beyond property and it might be something you want to explore in more detail as you get older. However, as it’s been mentioned, time isn’t on your side once you’re on the other side of 40.

That’s why it’s important to act fast now and diversify your investment portfolio while you’re young and while you’re still able to make mistakes.

It’s an investment that benefits you when retiring

Investing in property is one that will surely benefit you when it comes to retiring. Not everyone wants to be working until they’re over the age of 60 but for many, that is the typical age at which they work until.

Financially, investing in property, if done correctly, could mean that you can retire earlier than planned and enjoy life more. Whether that’s apartments or townhouses, the right investment properties could be cashed in for hundreds of thousands, which is ideal for retirement.

You could end up paying off a mortgage sooner

When investing in property, you want to choose a mortgage or lender that you’ll be able to pay off sooner rather than later. The sooner you pay it off, the sooner you can be financially free and out of that lending cycle.

By doing this in your twenties or thirties, you could get out of that mortgage a lot sooner than you thought.

There are plenty of benefits to investing in property during your earlier years of life if you’re able to. Use these tips to maximize your financial success through investing in property.

Upgrading Your Home in 2023: What You Need To Know

Image Source: Freepik 

Whether it is because you have welcomed a baby or pet into your household or due to a change in your career, you might now be ready to upgrade your living space. Luckily, buying a new home and going through the challenges of getting a  mortgage isn’t the only option available. 

With the right strategies, you can transform your current home and create a living space that truly reflects your lifestyle, needs, and goals. In this guide, you’ll find five essential tips you need to upgrade your home in 2023. Let’s get started. 

Set an Accurate Budget

The first step to transforming your home on a budget is to know how much you’re comfortable investing in the upcoming project. Setting a budget will guide you through the choice of materials and help you implement money-saving strategies throughout. 

If you are unsure how much you should expect to spend on a home renovation, working with an architect or designer can help. 

Assess Your Needs

Before getting started with transforming your home, it is important to understand what your end goal is. Are you looking to expand part of your home to build an extra bedroom or living space? Or, are you looking to create more functional spaces within your existing home?

For example, over the past years, the percentage of the population working from home nearly tripled, and more people than ever are now working out from home. This means that you might wish to implement a home office or private gym within your property. 

Make sure to look at both your current and future needs to make a long-lasting investment. 

Boost Your Home’s Sustainability

When transforming your home, make sure you are doing so with sustainability in mind. For example, you might consider investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels. Alternatively, you could look to switch to more sustainable lighting futures and home appliances. 

Additionally, don’t forget to improve your home’s insulation. With adequate insulation, you can avoid wasting energy and make your home more livable.  

Investing in sustainability might involve significant expenses, but eco-friendly features can boost the market value of your property, reduce the cost of bills, and lead to significant returns. 

Implement Technologies

When upgrading your home, keep in mind the importance of implementing smart technological features. Amenities such as a home theater, home assistants, and smart doorbells can help you keep your home safe, avoid wasting unnecessary energy, reduce your bills, and create a more engaging and comfortable living space. 

If you are unsure how to get started with making your home more technology-friendly, this guide can help: https://smarthometechnologies.com/home-theater-phoenix-arizona/ 

Find the Right Contractors

Last but not least, make sure to work with the right contractors. To ensure that the professionals you are partnering with fit your needs and goals, make sure to spend time researching each contractor’s portfolio, values, style, and cost. 

Some of the professional figures you’ll need around you to improve your home’s project include architects, interior and exterior designers, local authorities (especially if you need building permits), and contractors. Get started looking for the right partners to work with today!

How to Make Tough Meat Tender

Often the tougher the meat, or the more fatty it is, the cheaper it is. Although many people avoid these cuts because they aren’t always as gorgeous as a prime cut – they are packed with flavor. 

They might not all start tender and juicy, though; with tougher cuts, you’re going to need to put in a little more work. It will be worth it in the end, though. 

Let’s take a look at some tasty ways to make those tough cuts juicy and delicious! 

Against The Grain

As you look at a tough cut (or any cut), you’ll see that there are long muscle fibres, and those present you with a grain. If you cut along those grains and fibers when preparing the meat, you’ll end up needing to chew – a lot! Instead, look for the grain, and cut it in the opposite direction. When cooked, the meat will pull apart beautifully. 

Low and Slow

Even an expensive hunk of meat will benefit from a low and slow cook. But for tough meat, it is a must. With an expensive cut of meat, the meat is typically more supple, and a quick seasoning and sear in a pan are enough. With a tough cut, use them against the grain cutting method, and then a hearty beef stew recipe is going to turn a tough cut into a melt-in-your-mouth cut. 

Through slow cooking, the meat, the juices are soaked into the meat, the muscle fibers are broken down, and the collagen in the meat breaks down too. 


One of the fail-proof methods of softening meat up is by using a meat tenderizer. It is a very effective way to help the muscle fibers break down. The trick, though, isn’t to hammer it too hard, instead an even pressure across the whole piece of meat. If you don’t have a tenderizer, another option is to use a fork to ‘stab’ the meat all over. The idea is to help break down the fibres. 

A crosshatch slice with a sharp knife across the meat will also work. 


Although marinades are ideal for packing meat and veg with flavor – they can serve another purpose too. With tough meats, you can use some more acidic ingredients to help to break down the proteins. You’ll see this commonly with chicken in buttermilk or salmon in lemon juice. 

Using acidic ingredients is similar to a pre-cook – the trick, though, is to make sure you take the meat out after about 2 hours because the acids work quickly and can make the meat too soft. 

Salt Bae

While the salt bae is a funny meme, they aren’t wrong! Let the meat see the salt. It pulls moisture from inside the meat and creates a brine. 

The brine, in turn, gives the meat a richer flavor, softens it up, and gives a deeper color too. You can let the meat sit in salt for about a day before you need to cook it for maximum impact. 

Learning how to prep tough cuts of meats is great for keeping the cost of feeding the family down; here are some other options: 5 Tips To Help You Plan Your Family Meals « THE FRUGAL MATERIALIST

The Ultimate Guide to Updating Your Wardrobe Staples

Image Source: Pexels / Alexandra Maria

Are you tired of staring at a closet full of clothes, but feeling like you have nothing to wear? It may be time for a wardrobe update! But where do you start? Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered with the ultimate guide to updating your wardrobe staples. From the perfect pair of jeans to a versatile blazer, we’ll show you how to create a capsule wardrobe that you can mix and match for any occasion. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just need a little refresh, this guide will help you build a wardrobe that makes you look and feel your best. So, let’s get started on your journey to a more stylish and sustainable wardrobe!

The Importance of Quality Basics

The foundation of any great wardrobe is quality basics. These are the pieces that you can wear day in and day out, and they should be made to last. Invest in high-quality t-shirts, tanks, and camisoles that fit well and are made from soft, breathable fabrics. Look for jeans that flatter your figure and are made from durable denim. 

When shopping for basics, keep in mind that they don’t have to be boring. Look for interesting pieces with details like lace trim, ruching, unique necklines, or even classic graphic t-shirts. These small touches can add personality to an otherwise simple outfit. And don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles – a fitted tank can look just as good with jeans as it does with a pencil skirt.

Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Options

In addition to quality, it’s important to consider the ethical and environmental impact of your clothing choices. Fast fashion has become a major problem in recent years, with clothing being produced quickly and cheaply, often at the expense of workers’ rights and the planet.

Fortunately, there are many sustainable and ethical fashion options available. Look for clothing made from organic or recycled materials, and support brands that prioritize fair labor practices. 

You can also shop secondhand, either online or at thrift stores, to give new life to pre-loved clothing. And when it comes time to part with your own clothing, consider donating or selling it rather than throwing it away. By thinking critically about your shopping habits and supporting brands that align with your beliefs, you can feel good about the clothes you wear.

Avoid Incorporating Trends into Your Wardrobe

While it can be tempting to jump on the latest fashion trend, it’s important to remember that trends come and go quickly. Instead, focus on building a wardrobe of dependable pieces that you can wear for years to come. When shopping, ask yourself if the item is something you’ll still want to wear in a year or two. If not, it’s probably not worth the investment. 

This doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun with fashion – just be selective about which trends you incorporate into your wardrobe. Look for pieces that can be worn in multiple ways, and try layering them with your existing basics for a fresh look.

Accessories to Elevate Your Wardrobe

Accessories are the perfect way to elevate your wardrobe and add a personal touch to your outfits. A statement necklace or pair of earrings can instantly dress up a simple t-shirt and jeans, while a scarf or hat can add interest to a neutral outfit. Invest in a few high-quality accessories that you love and can wear with multiple outfits. 

Accessories don’t have to be expensive – you can find great options at thrift stores, flea markets, and online. You might even consider trying your hand at making jewelry as a creative outlet; this is a great way to make sure that your look will always be entirely unique to you! Don’t be afraid to experiment with accessories – you might be surprised at how much they can transform an outfit. 


Updating your wardrobe staples doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By focusing on quality basics, sustainable fashion options, and versatile accessories, you can build a wardrobe that makes you look and feel your best. Remember to take care of your clothes, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and trends. With a little effort, you can create a wardrobe that you love and that will last for years to come.

8 Tips For Increasing Natural Light in Your Home


As the seasons change, more natural light is available. Getting as much natural light in your home as possible will have huge benefits. In addition to keeping your home warm, it can also improve your mood and help you be more productive.

There are many ways you can invite natural light into your home. If you’re looking to improve the amount of light in your home, here are some ways to achieve it.


Mirrors reflect light into your room. By placing a mirror perpendicular to a window with a lot of light, you can maximize the amount of natural light in the room. Many people believe you need to hang mirrors opposite a window but that only bounces the light back out of the window.

In addition, the bigger the reflective surface, the better. However, you don’t need to hang one giant mirror to achieve your goal. Small reflective pieces clustered together will do the job well.

Clean Patio Doors

Patio doors are ideal for letting in natural light. However, doors tend to pick up just as much, if not more, dirt and grime than windows. It can help to keep your patio doors clean when you want to let in as much light as possible.

If your patio doors are stained or becoming difficult to clean, you may want to think about replacing them. You can find out more here. New patio doors are also more likely to be energy efficient than your old ones.

White Walls

Light colors are reflective so it makes sense to keep your wall colors as light as possible. Opting for white walls gives you the best chance of reflecting light in all of your rooms. This doesn’t mean your rooms have to be without personality.

There are tons of ways to express your character through artwork and accessories. If you’re not a fan of white, try and go for off white, cream, or light yellow.

Arrange Your Furniture

If getting more natural light is your goal, arrange your furniture towards the best access to natural light in the room. Strategically arranging furniture so you can see the natural light from wherever you’re sitting. You may not be able to increase the light but you can make the most of it.

For instance, in a room where the natural flows to the corner of the room, you could consider setting up your office desk so you always have natural light as you’re working.

Add Plants

Plants need natural light to survive. They’re very good at finding every inch of light they can. Plants will help you take the lead on bringing natural light into your home. 

You may even notice plants slowly turning to get the most of the sun as it moves throughout the day. Plants can also help to purify your indoor air quality so they make a good addition to any home.

Keep Windows Unblocked

Many people use blinds or curtains for privacy but the smallest block can take away a significant amount of sunlight. If a small part of your window is blocked by blinds in the morning, your room may miss the morning sun altogether.

If you use blinds or curtains, make sure that they’re drawn completely from your window during the daytime. Just a small change can make a huge difference to the light in your room.

Glass Wall

Glass walls are becoming more popular in interior design. People want more natural light in their homes and taking out a wall to replace it with glass doors is a great option. It can act as an alternative to patio doors or it could increase the window size.

It’s important to get the right advice when installing a glass wall. The glass should be strong enough to offer protection from the elements and ensure your home keeps the same amount of heat.

Artificial Lighting

If you can’t get the amount of natural light you want in your home, artificial lighting may be your only choice. However, there are many artificial lights that can mimic natural light well. Look for bright lights that offer energy efficiency.

Be strategic about where you place artificial lighting. Be sure to put it in spots that will reflect through as much of the room as possible. 

Natural light is the best choice for many reasons and the more you can get, the better. If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, take a look at the rest.