Reduce Your Home Energy During The Winter – 5 Simple Ways

While many of us spend a significant amount of money on energy in the summer, especially ion AC units and keeping cool, the most expensive time for energy usage has to be the winter. However, there are some effective ways to keep your energy costs as low as possible, even during the colder months. Read on to find out what they are. 

Keep your heating system well-maintained 

One of the most important things you can do to save energy and money in the winter is to make sure your heating system is well-maintained. This is because a well-maintained heating system will run in a much more efficient manner, using less fuel to achieve the result you wish, as well as making sure it runs well for the longest time possible. 

To that end, booking regular heating and boiler maintenance is crucial if you want to reduce your home energy use during the winter. For some, joining a heating maintenance scheme can be the best way to ensure that this task is completed regularly. It also helps them to spread the cost over a year rather than having to find the money in one go. 

Replace your windows with energy-efficient ones 

Another effective way to cut your energy usage in the winter while keeping your home toasty and warm is to replace your old windows with more energy-efficient ones. Indeed, by choosing the right windows you can make sure the air you expend energy on heating stays in your home and does not escape, requiring more energy spent to keep the temperature constant. 

However, replacing windows is a skilled task, and while some people do attempt to DIY it, it’s usually much better to find a window replacement company specialist to complete the task for you. Indeed, by working with trained professionals you can properly install which should guarantee the most energy efficiency possible. 

Use draft excluders 

An incredibly simple way to reduce your energy consumption in wintertime is to use draft excluders. These are devices that are placed against the gaps along the bottom of doors (and sometimes windows) to block any cold air coming in from another room or outside. 

There are two types of draft excluders to consider. The first is a long fabric item, often filled with dried beans or rice, which can be applied or removed as needed. The second is a permanently fitted item that is made from foam or rubber and creates a seal that prevents cold air from getting in and warm air from getting out. 

Invest in hot/warming items 

Incredibly popular right now are items that are designed to heat the person using them rather than the room in which they are located. Such items include heating mats, heating pillows, and even heating stuffies which can be placed in the microwave. Heated blankets and throws are also very popular as they combine comfort and heat. 

Such devices are particularly useful for people who are sensitive to the cold in the way others in the home are not. This is because it allows them to stay warm and cozy, without the need to use additional energy to heat the home or cause temperature discomfort to anyone else. 

Perfect your heating settings 

Last of all, if you want to keep your home warm during the winter, but you also want to keep the cost of heating it down, it makes sense to get a good grip on your heating settings. What this means is that you set your heating to automatically come on at critical times during the day and night, so it keeps your home warm without overuse. 

These times will be different depending on your home and household. However, as a rule, making sure your heating is set to come on early in the morning before you get up is best. Also setting it to come on in the afternoon around 3 pm when the temperature tends to drop is a good idea. 

You may even like to invest in a SMART heating thermostat. This is because such a device will enable you not only to set automated times for when your heating goes on and off, but also allow you to adjust it to your needs from anywhere inside and outside your home. For example, if you are heading home from work in the rain, you can set your heating to come on so your house is toasty and warm when you arrive. Similarly, if you head out for the day and accidentally leave your heating on when no -one will be home you can easily turn it off from anywhere so you save both energy and money.