Top Choice: 5 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Countertop

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Countertops are a major feature in a kitchen. If you’re planning to replace your current countertops, there are a few factors you may want to consider before choosing a new one. Below are just some of the main factors to consider when choosing a kitchen countertop. 


A big factor for people is often appearance. Different countertop materials can provide different looks and textures. Wood tends to be a great rustic option for giving your kitchen a natural touch. Metals like steel and copper can provide a shiny industrial look. Stone materials such as granite, marble and quartz can provide an earthy luxury look. Then there are synthetic options, which are available in an endless selection of colors and textures. Make sure that the look of the material matches the general style of your kitchen – if the rest of your kitchen decor is very rustic, you may want to stick to a rustic countertop option rather than choosing something synthetic.


Some countertop materials are a lot more expensive than others. It’s important to consider your budget when choosing a countertop. Luxury stone materials like marble and granite tend to be the most top-end options. The most affordable options tend to be synthetic options. It’s worth noting that you can buy partially synthetic countertops that mimic the appearance of granite and marble for a fraction of the price – these could be a good option if you’ve got your heart set on granite or marble, but you can’t afford either.


If you’re undertaking some major kitchen remodeling, you may want to think beyond simply replacing your current countertop. This could be a chance to completely change the layout of your kitchen. If your countertop space is currently quite limited, consider whether there could be ways of increasing countertop space. By extending or rearranging the room, you may be able to consider adding a longer countertop with a breakfast bar or possibly an island. Carefully consider the depth of your countertops – most countertops are between 24 and 26 ½ inches. 


Certain countertop materials are more durable than others. If you’re going to be using your countertop regularly and you want it to last for years, you may want to factor in durability. Quartz is known to be one of the toughest materials – it’s scratch-resistant and stain-resistant. Metal materials won’t stain but can scratch easily. Wood will scratch and stain unless laminated. Synthetic options like Corian are much more likely to get damaged over time and tend to have a shorter life than other countertop options. 


You can preserve certain countertop materials by regularly refinishing them. A ‘butcher’s block’ wooden worktop can be kept in good condition by oiling it and sanding it. Stone materials like granite should ideally be sealed regularly to keep them from getting stained and discolored. Materials like quartz are known to require very little maintenance. You should consider how low-maintenance you’d like your countertop to be – neglecting maintenance could negatively affect the appearance of your countertop over time. 

How to Prevent Mold In Your Home

There are plenty of things that can go wrong in your home. But there are some that are worse than others. Take mold, for example. That’s in a league of its own when it comes to homeowner problems. It can have a truly detrimental impact on the quality of a property, to the degree that it can even cause the value of the home to dip. Plus, it can be inconvenient to get rid of. Of course, you can get rid of it, but the best method is to stop it from developing in the first place. In this blog, we’ll look at some of the best methods for keeping it out of your home. Follow these tips, and you’ll be much more likely to have a mold-free property! 

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Handle Water Leaks

The key to keeping mold away is to keep water out of your home. If it’s in your house, then you’ll run the risk of mold — that’s just a fact. The most common source of mold in the house is a water leak. So it’s important that you handle any pipe issues as soon as you’re aware of them. The faster you act, the less volume of water you’ll need to clean up. Some people can overlook a very minor leak since it’s not pooling into a sea of water, but that’s a mistake. 

Watertight Problem Areas

You can get mold anywhere on your property, but there are some areas that are more problematic than others. These are the ones where mold is more likely to develop. The most common places for water to accumulate are the basement, attic, and crawl space. It’s important to waterproof these areas as best you can and to handle any issues as soon as possible. Working with someone who specializes in basement and crawl space repair might just save you a big mold problem later on down the line. We can’t say that you’ll avoid all mold problems if these places are fine, but you’ll be much less likely to encounter an issue. 

Home Infrastructure

If you’re in a position where you get to choose the materials for your home’s infrastructure, then you’ll be able to choose mold-resistant products. There’s never just one material you can use in a home; there are plenty! And some attract mold, while others keep it at bay. There’s even paint that resists mold. 

Ventilate Your Home

You may be attracting mold to your home without even realizing it. Everyday activities such as washing laundry, taking a shower, and cooking can produce a lot of moisture. And if that moisture has nowhere to go, then it’ll just sit in your home — and, over time, may develop into mold. The solution is simple: ventilate your property! If you can do that, then the moisture will have somewhere to go. It’s especially important to have ventilation in areas that are prone to mold, such as the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry area, plus any other rooms where you have a lot of moisture. 

Avoid materials that attract mold

Look at the surfaces where mold tends to grow, as well. For instance, if you find the mold is growing on your ceiling, this is common due to the fact that heat rises and the warm, moist air from a shower will get caught by it. However, you can use anti-mold paint to paint over the ceiling, which can prevent growth there. Similarly, bathroom wall panels are much less likely to attract mold as tiles are, so if you are looking for plastic bathroom wall cladding, Floors to Walls is a good site. Unlike tiles, there’s no grout of space between panels for mold to gather, and it’s not going to stick the moisture-resistant panels, themselves.

Making Your New Home Safe And Secure

Moving into a new home is a thrilling experience, especially if it is your first home. But, it also throws up some new things to think about. What furniture and home accessories do you need? Who do you need to contact about your new address and so on? But the aspects of safety and security should always be at the top of the priority list.

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With a new home, you can enjoy a completely new life safe in the knowledge that your home is safe and secure providing you with peace of mind. 

These tips can help to make sure your new home is safe and secure when you move in.

Call Professionals

The majority of first-time buyers are clueless about how to keep their new home safe and secure. If this is the case, you should seek guidance from professionals who can guide you through the process of making the necessary modifications to your new house.

You should be aware that if you purchase an older house or apartment, there may be materials in the structure that are hazardous to the health and well-being of everyone who lives in the home or apartment. A construction specialist should be hired to inspect dangerous materials such as lead paint, combustible items, and asbestos if you do not have the necessary skills and experience in the building trades yourself.

Ask an electrician to check your entire home’s electrical system too. Electricians will advise and execute adjustments for you. Don’t forget to include the plumbing too as leaks can cause massive problems within the home.

Change The Locks

You might feel better calling a professional to change the locks for you. A-1 Locksmith can have a new set of keys so you can increase security and remove the risk of any old keyholders accessing your new home.

The same goes for any internal locks and locks for garages etc. too. If your home has been lived in before, you do not know the entire history, and therefore you are well within your rights to change the locks when you buy a new home to prevent unwanted access.

Security Lighting

Criminals often identify a new home or one standing empty for a while as a prime target. These crooks desire to remain hidden. Installing suitable indoor and outdoor lighting systems is another safety recommendation when moving. Eighty-eight percent of burglars will avoid breaking into a well-lit dwelling.

Outdoor lighting can be left on all night. Sensor-activated lighting systems are available to prevent undesirable intruders. Automated indoor smart lighting cna offer extra security too especially when you aren’t physically there. This makes it appear occupied even when it isn’t.

Your front door should also be brightly lit too. When the doorbell rings, you want to know who is at your door.

Secure Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are significant parts of any home, and they are also the most vulnerable components of a house too. Burglars typically gain access to a property through windows and doors. Remember to reinforce windows and doors when you move into a new apartment or place to make break-ins less likely to get entry to your home or business.

Check Your Heating

A well-functioning heating system makes a house a more comfortable and enjoyable place to live in overall. Make sure, however, that the current heating system in your new home is safe and that it is powered by fuel that will not cause health problems for you and your family members. For example, check that the energy being used does not emit hazardous odors and that there are no leaks of gas or oil present. If there is a problem with the heating system, it may be prudent to replace it with a safer and more energy-efficient one.

Meet The Neighbours

When you first move into a new home, take a stroll around the neighborhood. Say hi to people who live in your immediate vicinity. And, if at all feasible, become friends with your next-door neighbors. They will assist you with protecting your home while you are gone on business and will look after your plants and pets while you are away. Making new friends and getting to know your neighbors can also assist in developing ties and building trust, which can result in a more pleasant and peaceful neighborhood.

Moving into a new home can present its challenges, but knowing what to expect and what to focus on can help you turn into your dream home that is safe and secure for you to live in happily.

4 Small Changes That Can Upgrade Your Home

brass door knob on brown wooden door

Everyone should know the best ways to keep your home in good condition and ensure it looks perfect, ready for surprise drop-ins from friends and family. But this isn’t enough for some homeowners. After a while, they realize that there are parts of their house that need an upgrade. They notice a mark here or a stain there and feel compelled to change it. These changes needn’t be large-scale renovations, and there are plenty of ways you can upgrade your home. 

Touch Up The Paint and Varnish 

As the years go by, the paint around your doors and banisters chips away. This is through no fault of your own, it’s always an accident. But, just because it’s an accident shouldn’t mean you don’t do something about it/. A fresh coat of paint around these areas will refresh the home, while a coat of varnish can add a sleek sheen that will also protect the paint in the future. Besides these areas, wooden tables and even the doors themselves could also benefit from some varnish to bring your home’s style back.

Replace The Fixtures and Hardware 

If you haven’t replaced the hardware in your home since you moved in, now is the time. Suppose you want to upgrade their style or even change it entirely, there are plenty of fixtures and hardware you can find that adds something different to your home. Brushed metals such as brass are popular right now, whereas chrome is something you might want to install if you are looking for a contemporary design. Replacing everything will only take a few hours at most, so think about how it could benefit your home. 

Reseal and Secure the Windows 

Once the temperature plummets, you’ll notice a chill around your house. Sometimes, this chill comes from old sealant that has peeled away, making the area around your windows ineffective. This can affect energy efficiency and even demand later mosquito control in the summer if you don’t have screens on your windows. You may not need to do this to all windows, but it’s worth checking each one so you know where the sealant has degraded the most. 

Get Rid Of Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew are unavoidable in some cases. No matter how well you keep your home ventilated, there may still be a few black spots sprouting. Typically, these are nothing to worry about, and you can even test for mold to make sure it’s what you think it is. However, you mustn’t let this get out of hand, so cleaning up this mold and mildew as quickly as possible will prevent a wide range of problems. You can also consider why the mold has grown and learn how to avoid it occurring again. If you dry clothes next to the window, open it so the moisture can escape rather than rise. 

The Little Things 

Sometimes, the little things make a considerable difference to your home. If you believe your home looks and feels a little tired and worn out, think about how these changes could improve the style and atmosphere. They are cheap and easy, meaning you can make your home feel better without busting your budget. 

Five Ways To Keep Your Garden Looking Great This Winter

Your garden is a place that can be forgotten about when the weather changes but it is still an important part of your home. So, if you would like to enjoy the space outside all year round, here are some ways that you can create a garden that can be enjoyed during the colder months.

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Clean it up

The colder and wetter weather means that things can be a bit slimy at times. Moss and muck can make your paving areas and deck slippy and gross. All Clean Pressure Washing is a great way to keep the place clean without the need for harsh chemicals. Keeping the place cleaner and slime free means that you will want to spend time in the garden without the worry of gaining an injury by walking across the garden.

Plant evergreens

When the weather turns cold, the leaves turn to a beautiful shade of orange. As lovely as it is, it doesn’t last. Those autumn colours disappear and we are left with 50 shades of brown. Don’t let this be your garden, make sure that there is some colour with evergreens. Evergreen is a plant that keeps its green colour all year round. Plants such as lavender and bull bay can add a splash of colour during those winter months.

Garden furniture

You might have a lovely selection of garden furniture that looks great during the summer months. Ask yourself, this question, is it suitable for during the winter? If it is, great! Keep it out and use it during the colder months so that you can sit and enjoy your garden when the weather is nippy. If it isn’t, you might need to think about investing in a study garden bench that can be used all year round.

Clear away the mess

During the summer, the garden can get messy with rubbish and extra stuff. Before the weather changes, it is a good idea to have a clear-out and get rid of all of those broken items that you don’t need anymore. Recycle what you can to reduce the amount of waste going into the landfills. You might discover that your garden is a much nicer place when it is cleared of the summer rubbish.

Add a burner

If you enjoy sitting outside, you probably want to have a little heat while you are enjoying your garden. At night, you could consider lighting a wood burner or fire pit. This can be a great way to enjoy those chilly evenings. If you are not a fan of having a fire, you could invest in a patio heater that uses gas or electricity that will give you some extra warmth.

As you can see, there are a few different ways to make your garden more exciting and enjoyable over the winter months. If you have the option to enjoy your own outdoor space, you should make it as wonderful as you can so that it can be enjoyed no matter what the weather is.

Tips To Keep Your Home In Good Condition

Looking after your home is important and there are many ways that you can help maintain the property so that it remains in good condition. With that said, there are plenty of tips for helping keep the home in tip-top shape. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your home in a good condition all year around.

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Have A Maintenance Checklist

A maintenance checklist is a great way to cover all of the areas of the home. There are certain things that you’ll want to note and upkeep that you wouldn’t typically do when it comes to your weekly cleaning schedule. With that being said, look at cleaning your gutters or giving your dishwasher or laundry machine, a deep clean. 

Having a checklist like this is helpful to ensure nothing gets missed off when it comes to maintaining your home. It can be very easy to miss things off and to let things get worse and simply forgetting each time to make the fixes.

It’s beneficial to create a maintenance checklist at the start of the year so you know that you can document what needs to get done.

Take Care Of Your Air Con

Air conditioning for those in hotter climates is critical. It can certainly be felt when it no longer works. It’s important to take care of your air-con because there will come times where it breaks down and needs your attention. Air conditioning can do with regular check-ups as well as cleaning filters.

It’s also important to get the professionals in to check on the air conditioning, especially as it becomes an old model. Air con is a costly thing to repair and replace, so you certainly want to keep an eye on it to help save yourself money!

Air conditioning is a great addition to your home and something that you certainly want to make sure you maintain, make sure it’s on that maintenance checklist too.

Regular Gas Checks

Regular gas checks are a must when it comes to your home. Gas is a dangerous thing to have in your home and so whatever system you have in place, you want to ensure it’s well protected, insulated and that everything is working as it should do.

A gas check isn’t something that most people will be able to do easily and it’s important to have a professional come in and to check that the gas you have is safe and that no updates need doing to it.

If you’ve not done a gas check for a while, then consider this as your reminder to get one done.

Clean Regularly

The next thing you’ll want to do is to clean your home regularly. The reason why things in your home will often break or need replacing is that the cleanliness isn’t there. Things like your microwave or the interior of your oven will need daily cleaning and if not, the material of the appliance will become compromised. The quality of its purpose will be less effective and eventually, you’ll need to replace it with a newer model.

However, if you’re willing to put in the time and to clean the appliances and every part of your home, then you’re more than likely to spend less money on having to replace everything as a result.

Keeping up with the cleaning is not something that everyone does successfully but it can pay off for the upkeep and appearance of your home, to have a regular cleaning routine in place. If you don’t have the time, then you can always hire a cleaner to come and clean your home.

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Make Sure To Have Insurance

Insurance is an important part of looking after your home because you never really know what could happen to the property either when you’re in it or out of it. Having home insurance and contents insurance is good to provide you with some protection, should anything break or go wrong and that needs fixing.

There are lots of different insurance products on the market, so it’s good to think about which ones are going to be the most beneficial for you and your household. Some insurances will end up costing more than others, so it’s good to be attentive.

If you’re struggling to decide what insurance to have and who to go with, you can always look on comparison sites. This can be helpful in understanding which ones are best for your home and are going to supply all the necessary coverage that you need as a homeowner. It’s better to keep your home in good condition with insurance than to go without and potentially risk having to pay thousands as a result of damage.

Maintain Your Garden

Garden maintenance is not something that everyone enjoys in particular. For some, it can be a bit of a nightmare to face, especially if the exterior space is quite big. With that being said, it’s important to do what you can to maintain your garden, whether you do it yourself, or you get a professional gardener to come in and do it on your behalf.

When maintaining your garden, make sure you focus on all the exteriors including the outside of your home. For the garden, it’s a good idea to create a space that for you, is manageable. You don’t want to go creating a space that becomes too difficult to maintain and to keep up. If you haven’t got the hours available to spend on it, then it’s probably best not to invest your money into thousands worth of features, plants and flowers, etc. Keep it basic where it needs to be and only scale up if you’re willing to take on the challenge of it.

Keeping your home in good condition is easier said than done but it can be done regardless. Think of your home as an investment property and when you’re spending money, you’re likely going to eat away at the overall value of the home. With that said, regular maintenance and care are key.