Get Your Home Ready For Summer

If you’re already got to work getting your garden ready for the summer, you might be ready to turn your attention to the rest of your home. There are some tasks you can do to both the interior and exterior of your home to get it ready for you to have a fun summer. 

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Check Your A/C

Having access to functioning air conditioning during the summer months is a must for a lot of people. You want to make sure that yours is in good working order before the heat really kicks in. This might mean cleaning out the filter or having a thorough A/C functionality test carried out by a professional. Preparing in advance will help you prevent facing the summer with a broken A/C unit. 

Clear Out Some Clutter

Your Spring clean might feel like a pretty long time ago by now. Summer is the perfect time to give your home another deep clean, especially in terms of dusting. You can declutter your living space, or go through your closet and clear out the clothes that you never wear anymore. 

Prep Your Deck Or Patio

Whether your idea of relaxing on the deck or the patio is to stretch out in a chair with a good book or to enjoy a few beers with friends in the evening, there’s something very special about spending time outside. Before the summer gets started, make sure your deck or patio is clean and in good shape. Wash it, and check for cracks or other signs of damage. While you’re working outside, remember to do gutter maintenance too. 

Check Your Insulation

You might find insulation issues just about anywhere throughout your house, from your front door, to your attic, to cracks in your garage door. Cooling costs are higher in the summer, so now is a good time to take a look around your home and seal up any insulation gaps that you might come across, so all that cold air you’re paying for can’t escape. 

Get Your Grill Ready

Take some to think about it. When did you last thoroughly clean your grill? If it’s been quite some time or you can’t actually remember when you did it, it’s a good idea to give your grill a good clean before you want to start to hosting barbecues again. 

Schedule A Fridge Or Freezer Checkup

During the warmer months, your already hard-working fridge and freezer have to work even harder than usual. As temperatures rise, both can become a lot more prone to breakdown or malfunction. Book a checkup to have a professional come and have a look a little before the summer arrives, so you know you’re good to go all summer long. 

Prep Your Bathroom

As summer approaches, it’s a good time to give your bathroom a sort-out. This could be a deep clean, unclogging all the drains, replacing any leaky faucets or showerheads, sprucing up your design, or repainting. Whatever your bathroom needs. 

Get Your Garden Ready For Summer With These Tips

If you want to make the most of your garden and outdoor area this summer, now is the time to start planning your garden’s design and layout. Our gardens are frequently left to their own devices throughout the winter, which means there is always work to be done in order to prepare them to be appreciated to their greatest potential. Whether you intend to host barbecues in the sunshine for friends and family, or you simply want to ensure that you and your children have a safe and enjoyable space to play and relax, our super simple steps will provide you with all the guidance you need to achieve your goals. Read on for more information.

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Cleaning the barbecue, garden furniture, patio, and decking 

During the winter months, it is remarkable how much dirt, debris, and even algae may develop on garden furniture, patio furniture, and deck furniture. It is quite simple to instantly brighten things up and give them a lift in an instant. Barbecues are frequently only in need of a good brush down and a rinse with soapy water after they have been used. Patios, decks, and furniture can all benefit from a thorough cleaning with a power washer, or they can simply be scrubbed with hot soapy water and a brush. The patios, decking, and garden furniture may all be restored to their former glory using specialized cleaning detergents, which are available in a variety of formulations.

Tidy out the shed

Right now is a great opportunity to clear the shed and go through everything that may have been stashed there during the winter. Remove everything from the cabinet, go through what you need and do not need, and give it a thorough cleaning before placing everything back in its proper location. This means that you will be able to locate those critical items and equipment quickly and readily when you need them, rather than fumbling about for an extended period of time.

Paint, stain or treat your fencing

Bad weather may have a significant influence on our garden fences, therefore it is important to give your fence and shed some TLC. A specialized fence paint or treatment will restore the fence to its former glory while also helping to protect it from the weather. There are many different garden paint colors to pick from these days that are perfect for fences, sheds, and even garden furniture. These colors will entirely transform your garden, adding color and brightness to it, and will fully transform your garden.

Sort out the lawn

Months of cold, wet weather can put a lot of stress on our lawns, and by this time of year, many may require some maintenance to restore their former glory. It is worthwhile to use a garden fork to drill holes in the ground or a wire rake to scratch the surface to aid in the aeration of the soil. Besides allowing for better drainage, it also allows for more sunshine to pass through the area. Mow the lawn after you have removed any weeds with your hands. It is crucial not to mow the grass down to less than 1cm because doing so will make it appear unhealthy. If you are short on time, a strimmer is an excellent tool for tidying up the edges of your lawn.

Keep the weeds at bay

To get rid of weeds before they become too established, the most effective method is to pull them out from the root system. They can begin to take over your grass, flower beds, and even your patios and sidewalks if you do not take action. You might consider purchasing a weed killer that is specifically developed to combat weeds if you feel like you are losing the battle against them. 

Make sure all of your tools are ready

Plant pruning with rusty old shears is not a nice experience, so make sure your instruments are in good working order before you start gardening. Spent some time rubbing linseed oil into hardwood handles, cleaning metal surfaces with a wire brush to remove corrosion, honing blades, and lubricating moving parts, among other things.

Give your soil a boost

For those of you who have not given your soil some tender loving care in some time, now is the time to give it a boost. Cover the area with a thick layer of high-quality compost or manure, and then till the soil until everything is well distributed. For those of you who want to spread additional seeds in the near future, this is a very vital duty to complete. Avoid using peat if at all possible. Despite efforts by governments and environmental organizations to protect peatlands, which are a unique ecosystem that serves as a vast carbon sink, peatlands are in significant danger of disappearing.

Decorate your garden

It is possible to make your garden look truly beautiful and inviting by using a variety of methods. Flowers in planters and hanging baskets will add instant color to your home without costing a fortune, and they will also attract beneficial pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to your garden. Alternatively, you could hang some string lights or solar-powered garden lights to add interest and to create a lovely cozy effect in the evenings. Alternatively, you could light some citronella candles, which will keep uninvited insects away while also providing a lovely scent and ambience to your summer evenings in the garden.

Clean out the greenhouse

Now is an excellent opportunity to give your greenhouse a thorough cleaning in preparation for the arrival of spring seedlings and cuttings. Clean the outside of your greenhouse with a disinfectant or detergent to get rid of algae, moss, and other grime that has accumulated. This will allow for more light to enter throughout the growing season while also removing potential breeding grounds for pests and disease. In addition, make careful to disinfect any cracks or crevices on the inside of the glass because overwintering pests and disease can thrive in the smallest of spaces.

Make a thorough sweep of the floor and benches, and then wash them with a hot solution of a garden disinfectant such as Jeyes Fluid to remove any plant material. Meanwhile, wash pots and seed trays to help prevent diseases such as “damping off” from infecting your newly planted seeds or seedlings. Over the next few days, make sure to fully ventilate your greenhouse to ensure that it dries completely.

Following the cleaning and polishing of your greenhouse structure, take the time to inspect the structure for any damage to the glass or vents, and replace any broken components.

Create an area for composting

You should consider setting up a compost area in your garden right away if you have not done so already. This could be as simple as purchasing a ready-made compost container, or it could be as involved as building your own out of scrap wood.

A compost area provides a convenient location for storing all of your organic waste. Once it has decomposed, you will be left with a nice, rich compost that your plants will flourish in. Make sure you have a decent mix of grass clippings, vegetable peelings, paper, and woody prunings in your compost pile before starting. You will also need to turn your compost with a garden fork once a month to keep it aerated, which will allow it to progress more quickly.

Think about a vegetable plot

Make 2022 the year that you master the art of cultivating your own vegetables from seed to harvest. Indeed, cultivating your own fresh, organic vegetables and fruits is a very doable endeavor. Start ordering seeds from seed catalogs now since you can sow certain vegetable seeds now, either indoors on a warm windowsill or outside under cloches or fleece, if you get them soon enough.

Utilize windowsills to increase the amount of growing area available for tomato, sweet pepper, and chili plants, and potatoes can also be started from seed indoors to save on space.

If the weather conditions are favorable, it is possible to seed some kinds outside as well. This includes beetroot, peas, spinach, onions, and garlic, among other vegetables. This way, you will have a steady stream of fresh produce to get you through the spring and into the summer.

The key is to plant tiny amounts of a variety of crops that provide large amounts of yield.

Opt for low-maintenance kinds that can be harvested again and again, such as cut and return salad leaves and leafy greens such as kale and chard.

Provide a shaded area for people to sit in

Do not forget about the heat of the summer and the fact that you and your guests will still require sun protection during this time of year. Prevent the need to fight with an umbrella or parasol by placing something more substantial and solid in its place, which will also enhance the overall appearance of your garden. You may also want to think about updating your garden furniture, perhaps even treating yourself to some new stylish patio accessories.

Instal a water butt

If we have a particularly dry summer, having a plentiful supply of free water to draw from will be really beneficial. In the event that you do not already have one, now is an excellent time to purchase and install one, so that you will be ready to take advantage of the upcoming spring rains.

5 Ingenious Ways To Keep Your Pet Costs Low

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Many people are pet lovers, with several families having one or more pets in their lives living at home with them. When you’re a pet owner, one thing you have to keep in mind is that things like food, medication, toys, and other items can be expensive.

Thankfully, there are some ways you can keep those costs down to make pet ownership more affordable – especially if you’ve got several pets living at home with you. Want to know what they are? Check out the following five tips and tricks for some inspiration:

1. Consider Pet Insurance

All pet owners like to think their pampered pooches or feline friends will always be healthy and happy in their forever homes. The truth is that pets can often become ill for many reasons.

Sometimes, they might become ill due to genetic reasons, while for others, they could get infected from an insect bite in the garden or injured by another animal when they go outdoors for a walk.

Pet insurance is an excellent way to safeguard against the often spiraling costs of veterinary bills, ongoing medication, and rehabilitation.

2. Buy Your Pet Supplies Online

Are you someone that buys their pet supplies locally from a pet store or a large grocery store? If so, you might not realize it, but you can almost always get better deals online.

Online marketplaces and dedicated pet supplies websites are just some places online where you can find things like pet food and accessories cheaper – even considering shipping costs.

Always compare local prices against those online as you could potentially save yourself lots of money each month.

3. Visit Your Vet Regularly

Some pet owners associate visits to the vets with expensive bills. While that might sometimes be the case, a quick checkup every so often isn’t pricey and can help you prevent costly bills at a later stage.

For example, catching the early signs of disease could mean the difference between an inexpensive course of medication and expensive surgery and aftercare for your pet.

Most veterinarians offer pet plans or clubs where you can pay a monthly subscription fee that includes regular checkups, worming medication, and grooming like nail clipping.

4. Feed Your Pet Healthy Food

As you can imagine, there are many types of pet food on the market that you can purchase. Some are cheap, while others may have more premium price tags.

One thing you should never do is stick solely to cheap pet food. Why? The answer is simple: such products might not have the best ingredients to keep your pet fit and healthy.

Always go by the contents of each type of pet food. If you don’t, you risk causing long-term health problems for your pet and might need to spend hundreds or even thousands on veterinary bills and medication.

5. Invest In Online Pet Training Courses

Last but not least, consider investing in some online pet training courses if you have a dog or similar pet that can get trained to avoid behavioral problems.

While local training professionals and centers are helpful for such purposes, such personal training often comes at a high cost. Online courses, in comparison, are cheaper and usually provide more in-depth information and support.

Just as pet training courses have great importance and can save you a lot of money, you can also consider to go now and looking into pet grooming courses too. A pet grooming course will teach you how to groom your pet properly. Plus, you won’t have to take the time to go to any appointments for the pet groomers! Sometimes, DIY is the best way to go.

How To Keep Down Costs When Traveling

By now, you’re probably well aware of the benefits of travelling, whether you need a break to manage your mental health or are looking to experience something new. However, travelling can also be expensive – especially in current times, where the cost of just about everything appears to be rising. 

Nevertheless, this does not mean that you have to kiss goodbye to your travel plans or hopes; you simply need to consider ways to keep down the costs when travelling. This way, you’ll be able to make the most of every penny and plan plenty of trips in the meantime! 

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips to get you started!

  • Invest in travelling opportunities. In some cases, you need to be able to spend money to save money. For example, if you were to purchase some kind of sailing vessel – the initial expense may seem steep, but you’ll then get years upon years of vacations out of the initial purchase. As a result, if you’re planning on spending a lot of time travelling, this kind of purchase may be worthwhile. You can save money on these purchases by ensuring you buy quality equipment and parts for your boats, such as the motor yacht or sailboat solutions from volvo penta
  • Book your trip in advance. Another way in which you can save money when travelling is by booking as far in advance as possible. Not only does this give you a chance to save up, but it also means you have plenty of time to seek out deals. For example, many hotels and airlines offer significant discounts for advance bookings, with costs rising as you get closer to your intended date. 
  • Use price comparison sites. Using price comparison sites such as SkyScanner, especially when booking flights, is another excellent way to save money because it ensures you are getting the best possible value for money. These websites will compare prices across different providers, which also saves you a great deal of time and energy. 
  • Monetise your travels. Another great way in which you can save money while seeing the world is by finding unique ways to monetise your travels. While this may sound difficult, it’s actually much easier than you think. For example, you could run a travel blog or even sell your vacation photographs to stock photo websites. This way, you’ll receive a small commission for your work – which you can then reinvest back into your travels.
  • Keep an eye out for passive income opportunities. When travelling, you’ll likely need to take a break from work. As a result, you may be feeling as though you have to cut your trip short so as not to run out of money – but this does not have to be the case. For example, you could look into passive income opportunities so that you can continue to supplement your income while on your adventure. For example, you could begin investing to provide yourself with more travel money and a better, brighter financial future. 

Making The Exterior Of Your Home Beautiful

If you want the outside of your home to look as beautiful as the inside, there are so many ways that you can create a home you can’t wait to come back to. Even if you’re not selling your home, there are plenty of things you can do that add value and quality of life to you. 

Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash

Why does the exterior of your home matter?

Most of the time, we don’t pay much attention to the exterior of our homes; after all – how often do we really see it? Usually, when the sun is out, if we have garden space, we spend time in the back garden. 

Meaning that most often, we tend to the back garden and the windows we can see more than the front. 

However, there is plenty that you can do to the curb facing the exterior of your home too. 

There are other reasons to update the side of your home, too; if it is an older model, the outside might have panels or siding, which means you can call in a Siding Repair Company to have that taken care of. 


If you want to make a big splash with how you change the exterior of your home, then you can go for a renovation. Not only will this give you more room in your home, but it will completely change the look on the outside. 

If you have enough front garden space, you can choose to have a new entryway built, or if you have space on the side, you can have an extension to the main living space in your home. 

Renovations can be some of the more expensive changes you make, but it also has one of the biggest impacts. 

Keep in mind that if you want to change how the outside of the home looks, the windows and doors can be done at the same time so that you have a completely new look. 


If you currently have regular brickwork, you might decide that you want to change the finish on the exterior. 

If you have an older property, you might have peeling paint, mismatched brickwork, or pebbledash. Having your pebbledash cleaned can make it look new. But you may prefer to change it completely. 

Changing the color of the paint can bring a new lease of life to your home exterior. Painting is also one of the cheapest options for giving your home a facelift. 

Some of the most popular options are wood cladding – this can give your home the same appeal as a cabin in the woods or something a little more eco-looking. 


Your roof needs to be replaced around every 12-18 years, depending on where you are located and the guarantee that was on the original work. If you live in a smaller home or a bungalow, then the roof is often one of the biggest and most noticeable features. Changing the shape, adding a skylight, adding solar panels, or a general update can make a huge impact. 

Keep in mind that the roof is typically a costly job, although when it is done, you won’t need to think about it for many years. 

Windows and Doors

Changing the windows and doors on your property can make a pretty big impact. Swapping from a dark to a light color, or vice versa – or changing the style completely can give your home exterior a whole new feel. 

The added benefit of having your windows and doors replaced is that you will benefit from the internal saving on energy. 


Although most commonly, people will spend time and money on landscaping for the backyard, if your front offers a better view, or you have plenty of space, then it is worth creating a comfortable and sheltered area to sit. 

With some careful lighting and some paneling, you can create an extra space for people to sit and enjoy the sunrise or sunset. 

Landscaping the front yard can be particularly useful if you are trying to create a specific feel and look. Cottages typically have plenty of roses and flowers, but you will often find wrought iron seating tucked in shady places. 

During the landscaping, you can look for the best places to add a range of lighting. Outdoor fairy lights wrapped around trees and bushes and path lighting can give the exterior of your home a warm and welcoming glow. And as an added bonus, it is great for safety too. 

If you are looking for new ways you can create a home exterior that you love, read more here: How to Improve the exterior of your home. Making The Exterior Of Your Home Beautiful

7 Ways To Make Your Home Less Noisy

Noise can be a source of everyday stress for many people. You may find it difficult to relax in your home and you may even be kept awake at night. If you have kids or pets, they could also be distressed by it.

There are so many different sources of noise. The annoying noise could be coming from inside your home (e.g. creaky floorboards or noisy roommates) or it could be an external source (such as traffic or neighbors). In all cases, there are ways of reducing these noises. Below are just a few tips for making your home less noisy. 

Soundproof your walls

There are several measures you can take to stop noise travelling through walls. A simple option could be to muffle sound by placing furniture against the wall such as wardrobes or sofas. A more effective option is to use soundproof acoustic plasterboard or soundproof mineral wool. This can be installed inside the wall or on the wall (the latter option is the easiest option). 

Soundproof your windows and doors

Noise ranging from traffic to wind can often travel through windows and doors. As with walls, there are lots of different ways to make your windows and doors soundproof. With windows, you can muffle sound by filling gaps in frames, using acoustic window inserts, using soundproof glass, hanging up thick curtains or installing shutters. With doors, you can muffle sound by sealing gaps or by upgrading the material of your doors. Make sure that doors are not a source of noise by keeping hinges lubricated to prevent sqeaking or by adding felt pads to reduce slamming sounds. 

Fix up your flooring

Certain flooring materials like stone tiles and laminate can create a lot of noise when people walk over them. It’s possible to use acoustic insulation to stop noise travelling down to rooms below. Switching to carpet or using rugs is another popular option for muffling sound. Make sure to fix any creaky floorboards – these can often be a source of noise in old homes.

Install outdoor ‘noise buffers’

If external noises like traffic, crowds or trains are keeping you awake at night, consider whether it’s possible to muffle these sounds with noise buffers. Fencing installation could be a simple option – consider installing thick wooden fencing to help block out noise. You can also use trees to block out noise. Brick walls can also help to deflect noise.

Confront/report noisy neighbors

It’s important to tell your neighbors if they are being noisy. In most cases, neighbors will make an effort to be less noisy whether it’s turning down the music volume or moving a drum kit into another room. Some sources of noise can be more awkward to confront such as arguments – calling the police may be a better option if things are getting very hostile. Similarly, you should make a noise complaint to your local council if neighbors are continuing to play music loudly or ignore your requests to be quiet. 

Wear earplugs to bed

If you can’t sleep because of traffic noise, noisy neighbors or overhead airplanes, another option could be to simply wear earplugs. In some noisy areas, it is impossible to block out all noise (especially if you rent property and cannot renovate it) and so earplugs are the best option. Explore different types of earplugs

Choose quieter appliances

You can also reduce noise around the home by switching to quieter appliances. A quieter tumble dryer or washing machine could give the option to use it at night without the risk of waking up kids. Most modern appliances tend to be quieter than older ones – if you’ve got very old appliances, consider upgrading them.