Get Your Home Ready For Summer

If you’re already got to work getting your garden ready for the summer, you might be ready to turn your attention to the rest of your home. There are some tasks you can do to both the interior and exterior of your home to get it ready for you to have a fun summer. 

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Check Your A/C

Having access to functioning air conditioning during the summer months is a must for a lot of people. You want to make sure that yours is in good working order before the heat really kicks in. This might mean cleaning out the filter or having a thorough A/C functionality test carried out by a professional. Preparing in advance will help you prevent facing the summer with a broken A/C unit. 

Clear Out Some Clutter

Your Spring clean might feel like a pretty long time ago by now. Summer is the perfect time to give your home another deep clean, especially in terms of dusting. You can declutter your living space, or go through your closet and clear out the clothes that you never wear anymore. 

Prep Your Deck Or Patio

Whether your idea of relaxing on the deck or the patio is to stretch out in a chair with a good book or to enjoy a few beers with friends in the evening, there’s something very special about spending time outside. Before the summer gets started, make sure your deck or patio is clean and in good shape. Wash it, and check for cracks or other signs of damage. While you’re working outside, remember to do gutter maintenance too. 

Check Your Insulation

You might find insulation issues just about anywhere throughout your house, from your front door, to your attic, to cracks in your garage door. Cooling costs are higher in the summer, so now is a good time to take a look around your home and seal up any insulation gaps that you might come across, so all that cold air you’re paying for can’t escape. 

Get Your Grill Ready

Take some to think about it. When did you last thoroughly clean your grill? If it’s been quite some time or you can’t actually remember when you did it, it’s a good idea to give your grill a good clean before you want to start to hosting barbecues again. 

Schedule A Fridge Or Freezer Checkup

During the warmer months, your already hard-working fridge and freezer have to work even harder than usual. As temperatures rise, both can become a lot more prone to breakdown or malfunction. Book a checkup to have a professional come and have a look a little before the summer arrives, so you know you’re good to go all summer long. 

Prep Your Bathroom

As summer approaches, it’s a good time to give your bathroom a sort-out. This could be a deep clean, unclogging all the drains, replacing any leaky faucets or showerheads, sprucing up your design, or repainting. Whatever your bathroom needs.