5 Best Businesses To Start in 2022

The global economy is changing at a rapid pace. Entrepreneurship and the freelance economy are becoming more and more important in this new world. As jobs become more scarce and the competition for jobs becomes fiercer, entrepreneurs become the new job creators. With the continuing increase in demand for goods and services, there are more opportunities than ever for those willing to take the risk and go after their entrepreneurial dreams. And, of course, there are plenty of ways to start an entrepreneurial venture aside from founding a company. The following are the five best businesses to start in 2022.

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The world of consulting is not going anywhere anytime soon. People will always need guidance on several different topics, and if you know how to provide that direction, there is a market for your services.

Three things set consulting apart from other businesses:

  1. Consultants are experts on their topic.
  2. They work one-on-one with clients.
  3. They can be hired for short or long-term contracts.

Because consultants are experts in their field, it is relatively easy to find success in this business model. Moreover, consultants don’t need to produce the product themselves, so customers looking for a specific item can be directed to another place where they can buy it.

Consulting offers flexibility, as well. You can decide what type of contract you want to sign and how many hours per day you want to work. Consulting also has high earning potential because people will often pay more for quality advice from an expert than a generic service or product sold at a low price.


Dropshipping is a low-risk and inexpensive way to start a business. Dropshipping allows entrepreneurs to offer items without having the inventory in stock or picking, packing, and shipping the items. It’s easy to get started because you don’t need any inventory.

Dropshipping is a great way to test the waters of entrepreneurship by starting with an online store before investing heavily in inventory. Many platforms will allow you to build your store and then upload pictures of the products you want to sell and let them handle the rest–taking care of everything from collecting payment to delivering the product.

Online Sports Betting

The online sports betting industry is on track to be worth $60.7 billion in revenue by 2020, according to Statista. This is an industry with a lot of growth potential that will likely continue to grow as the number of Americans who gamble on sports continues to rise.

Many websites allow you to bet on sports online, like Pinnacle Sports, Bet365, and Bovada (though this list is not exhaustive). And the beauty of being an entrepreneur in this space is that you don’t have to start from scratch—most sites allow you to create your account and place bets as soon as you’ve passed their verification process. With just a little bit of start-up capital and some research into how the betting market works, you can start your own sports betting business online, making it possible for anyone who wants it enough to get started in this booming industry.

App Development

There are plenty of online marketplaces with a variety of apps available. This is one business that would be an easy start-up for someone looking to make some extra money on the side. You need a computer and some basic coding knowledge to get started. However, you don’t need formal training, just the desire to push through your skills and practice so you can become better at what you do and how you do it.

The app development industry is booming, and there are plenty of opportunities for those who want to pursue this type of work. But, you need to make sure that your app will have broad appeal to find success.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. With hackers constantly finding new ways to steal information and attack networks, the demand for cyber security will continue to rise exponentially. Over 20 million cyber-related jobs are created globally, with an estimated increase of more than 25% by 2022. This rapid growth is fueled mainly by companies developing new ways to protect their data and digital infrastructure.

Cyber security might be a perfect business for you if you have a knack for computers and enjoy problem-solving. To start this business, you would need to know how to hack into systems and how networks operate. However, if you want to learn about cyber security or take your skillset to the next level, plenty of affordable online courses can help you do just that!

How to be the Best Dog Owner You Can Be

Becoming a great dog owner means so much more than just training your dog to sit, stay, and obey commands. It means treating your dog with kindness, compassion, and understanding. It means learning to read your dog and finding ways to make them happy and comfortable. And it means being a positive role model for your dog. This article shares some helpful tips for being the best dog owner.

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Make Training a Priority 

Training your dog is one of the most important aspects of being a great dog owner. The more you train your dog, the better behaved they will be. But don’t just teach him and her commands. Train them to stay out of the trash, come when they are called, and behave during walks. Some people worry that training their dogs too much means they won’t enjoy themselves anymore. But in reality, it just means they will have an easier time learning and following your rules. Training is also an excellent way to bond with your dog. If you cannot train your dog yourself, use in home dog trainers to support your efforts.

Make Sure Your Dog Always Has Plenty of Exercise

As a dog owner, it’s up to you to ensure that your dog gets enough exercise. One of the most important things you can do to make sure your dog stays healthy and happy is to provide him with plenty of activities. This might seem like a difficult challenge, but there are many ways to make it easier. One way is by taking your dog on walks every day. If you can’t commit to daily walks, try walking your dog at least three or four days per week. Other great ways for dogs to get exercise are playing fetch, going for car rides, chasing a ball in the yard, and playing chase games inside the house. That being said, if you let them run free in the garden, make sure you have invisible dog fences in place. Even the happiest pooch can feel the sudden zoomies and sprint away from your household after something, and that puts them at risk.

Clean, Groom, and Trim Regularly 

Cleaning, grooming, and trimming your dog are essential for being a great dog owner. Regularly bathing, brushing, and grooming your dog will help keep them clean, healthy, and comfortable. Periodically trimming the hair around the eyes can also prevent eye injuries.

Play with Your Dog Frequently For Mental Stimulation

One of the secrets to being a great dog owner is providing your dog with mental stimulation. Dogs are very social creatures, and they will get bored quickly. Unfortunately, boredom can lead to destructive behaviors like chewing on furniture, ripping apart your house plants, or chewing up your favorite shoes. To avoid this problem, play with your dog frequently. This could mean playing fetch in the yard or throwing an old towel over his back and running around the house. The important thing is that you’re providing mental stimulation for your pup by making him work for it. It will keep him from getting bored and acting out.

Make Sure Your Dog Always Has Plenty of Exercise

As a dog owner, it’s up to you to ensure that your dog gets enough exercise. One of the most important things you can do to make sure your dog stays healthy and happy is to provide him with plenty of activities. This might seem like a difficult challenge, but there are many ways to make it easier. One way is by taking your dog on walks every day. If you can’t commit to daily walks, try walking your dog at least three or four days per week. Other great ways for dogs to get exercise are playing fetch, going for car rides, chasing a ball in the yard, and playing chase games inside the house.

Get to Know Your Dog 

The first thing you need to do is get to know your dog. You should spend at least an hour each day playing with your dog and take them on walks at least three times a week. When you spend this time interacting with your dog, you will learn more about their personality, preferences, and needs. You’ll also be able to communicate better with your dog so they can understand what you want from them. Spending quality time with your dog will help you develop a strong bond.

Show Your Dog Some Love 

Dogs need love and attention just as much as humans do. Your dog will love it when you spend quality time with him and make him feel special. Make sure that he knows how important he is to you by showing your affection regularly so that he will want to stay with you.

The Value of Professional Home Staging: How a Little TLC Can Increase Your Home’s Value

You have decided to sell your home, found the perfect realtor, and now you are looking for ways to get the best price possible. Have you considered staging your home?

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Staging your home may sound like an unnecessary expenditure, but it doesn’t have to be. Professional home staging is a significant investment if you’re looking to sell your home or are just interested in giving your place a little boost. Over 85% of homes staged each year see an increase in the sale price between 6-25%

If you want to stand out from the crowd and get the highest possible selling price for your home, you need to know about professional home staging.

What is Home Staging? 

Home staging is a term for the process of improving the look of a home to make it more appealing and easier to sell. Home staging includes minor changes to things like furniture, decorations, and room design. Home staging aims to make your property a better investment for potential buyers. There are six main components of staging:

1) Comfortable Furniture

2) Color Coordination

3) Cleaning and Decluttering

4) Properly Organizing the Kitchen

5) Showcasing Unique Features

6) Lighting Design

Why is Professional Home Staging Important? 

Professional home staging can also help to stage any property. Whether you’re selling a house, townhouse, condo, co-op apartment, or any other kind of home, professional home staging can be highly beneficial. Staging your property will make it stand out from the rest—and the increased demand means more potential buyers knocking on your door.

Professional home staging can also be helpful for vacant properties. Opening up the house and filling it with furniture and decor becomes more inviting, and people are more likely to consider living there. This could result in higher property values for future homeowners and increased demand for housing in the area.

Staging an empty space can also help potential homeowners visualize their new room with their things in it! It might cost them less time (and money) than buying a new house or building something from scratch!

Overall, professional home staging is an excellent investment for anyone who has decided to put their property on the market. The increased value alone should convince you to get started today.

How to Stage Your Home 

Hiring a professional home stager is an excellent investment when trying to sell your home. But what exactly does staging entail?

The process of staging typically starts with decluttering and cleaning your home. A cluttered space turns off many potential buyers, so you want to start by hiding any messes that may be visible from the street. You’ll also want to make sure that your rooms flow in the right direction so that buyers can quickly move through the house without feeling lost. A large part of staging is about making your furniture work for you – it should create an inviting atmosphere for buyers who will likely be spending time sitting on it. This includes moving out any large pieces that take up too much floor space and making sure any cords are located behind couches or beds.

It’s time to bring in some plants after you’ve decluttered, cleaned, and tweaked your furniture arrangement; it’s time to bring in some plants! Home staging experts always recommend adding greenery to your front room as it creates a more welcoming atmosphere for buyers (who are probably anxious about entering through the door). Also, try bringing in some fresh flowers – even fake ones will do! They help liven up a space even if it feels old and dusty.

Finally, don’t forget about lighting! Buyers will want to see everything they can before they commit to buying, so dim lights or turn them off altogether as they aren’t as conducive to selling property.

The Benefits of Professional Home Staging 

Home staging can be the difference between selling your home and not. Think of it this way: Your house is a product, and staging is necessary to make your product sellable. Staging makes your home more appealing, gives you a chance to highlight features that might otherwise be overlooked, and helps prospective buyers imagine themselves living in the house.

Staging also helps with marketing by giving prospective buyers a better sense of how they will use the space. The correct furniture placement can create an entirely different vibe in the room and make clients feel like they’re walking into their own homes.

What’s more, professionals know about all the tricks of the trade when it comes to advertising properties online to reach as wide an audience as possible.

How To Choose the Right Dog Breed

Perhaps you know that you really want a dog and that you’re in the right stage of life to offer a warm and welcoming home – but you don’t know what breed is going to be the best for you and your family. 

Photo by Rico Van de Voorde on Unsplash

Some dog breeds, while beautiful, aren’t tolerant of small children and other animals. And others, even with a small stature, are prone to making enough noise to keep the neighbors awake. 


Perhaps your heart says that the dog breed that you really want is a Great Dane, but your house spaces say you can have a Yorkshire Terrier. The size of the living space the dog will have access to is ultimately a dealbreaker for many different breeds. 

If you know that the dog could fit in the apartment or studio – but that it would be a case of wagging tails hitting the furniture – then some extra consideration is required. 

Also, keep in mind how you and your dog will get from the street to your apartment – is it stairs or a lift. Bigger dogs tend to have joint problems, and if you aren’t planning on moving, the stairs could be a big issue. 

Will the dog have access to its own place to sleep and relax? Dogs need space to stretch and be alone just as much as humans. 


Dogs come with a lot of costs. The initial purchase price, ongoing vet bills, dog insurance, feeding and comfort, and many toys! 

Your budget might be able to stretch to feeding a medium-size dog, but large breeds and giant dogs are big eaters with big appetites, and that can be out of your budget. 

Choose a dog that fits your budget. 


If you love to go running six times a week, hiking monthly, and your morning starts with a long walk, then you can choose one of the more active breeds. 

If you’re more of a homebody and like to go for one slow stroll a day, then you need to find a breed that can work with that type of activity level. 

Combining a high-energy dog and a couch-potato owner is a recipe for disaster. It means that a naturally high-energy dog will need to work out its energy in other ways. That could be chewing furniture, jumping around, being unsettled, pacing, and when they do finally get out – they can pull more than usual. 

When doing research, be honest about how much you want to walk and how active you are now. Avoid assuming that having a dog will get you up and out. 


Older dogs come with a lot of perks! Sometimes they have been trained, chipped, spayed, or neutered and are more relaxed. 

Puppies can be a lot of hard work, and it takes a few years before you get into that settled older dog phase. An older dog’s personality and medical history are known (or guessed by a vet). 

It is worth keeping in mind that while older dogs can be wonderful family pets, often older dogs are recommended to only be with one person, a couple, or those with much older children. 

No matter what breed you choose, you’re going to want your dog to have the best, and here are some great bedding options: PET BEDS: STYLISH FURNISHINGS FOR YOUR DOG OR CAT « THE FRUGAL MATERIALIST | Interior Design for Less 

Easy Tips On How To Relocate Your Business

Are you considering relocating your business? Whether you’re moving to a new office or expanding to a new location, you should keep a few things in mind. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

Here Are A Few Tips To Make Sure Your Relocation Goes Smoothly:

Start planning early

The earlier you start planning your move, the better. This will give you more time to research your new location, find the right property, and get everything in order.

Do your research

Before you make any decisions, it’s important to do your research. Consider factors like the cost of living, the local economy, and the quality of life in your new location and the possibility of living in an expensive city.

Choose the right location

When choosing a new location for your business, it’s important to consider factors like accessibility, parking, and foot traffic. It would be best if you also considered the demographics of the area and whether it’s a good fit for your target market.

Find the right property

When searching for a new property, it’s important to find one that meets your needs in terms of size, layout, and amenities. You should also consider the property’s location and whether it’s easily accessible for your employees and customers.

Hire a professional mover

If you’re planning on relocating your business, it’s a good idea to hire a professional mover. They can help you pack up your office, transport your belongings, and get everything set up in your new space.

Notify your customers

Once you’ve decided to move, be sure to notify your customers as soon as possible. Send them an email, post a notice on your website, and put up signs in your current location.

Update your contact information

Before you move, be sure to update your contact information (including your website, email, and phone number). This will help ensure that your customers can reach you after the move.

Pack up your office

When packing up your office, be sure to label all of the boxes with their contents. This will make it easier to find things when you’re setting up in your new space.

Transport your belongings

If you’re hiring a professional mover, they will transport your belongings to your new location. If you’re doing it yourself, be sure to rent a truck that’s large enough to fit all of your things. You might need to consider storage units when you’re doing this if the office you’re moving to isn’t completely ready, but that isn’t much of an obstacle.

Set up your office

Once you’ve moved into your new space, it’s time to set up your office. Start by unpacking the boxes and then arranging the furniture to create a functional and comfortable workspace.

Train your employees

If you have employees, be sure to train them on the new office layout and systems. This will help them adjust to the move and make the transition smoother for everyone.

Get organized

After you’ve moved into your new office, take some time to get organized. Create a filing system for your documents, set up a schedule for cleaning and maintenance, and make sure everyone knows where things are. Should you need an 10×10 storage unit size reference, be sure to contact a reputable company.

Make it feel like home

Once you’ve settled into your new office, it’s time to make it feel like home. Add some personal touches, like photos and plants, to create a comfortable and inviting space.

Set up a security system

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to set up a security system in your new office. This will help protect your employees and belongings from burglars and intruders.

Promote your business

Now that you’re settled into your new location, it’s time to start promoting your business. Send out a press release, distribute flyers, and post signs around town.

4 Ways To Make Your Home More Sustainable And Cut Costs


Whether you want to sell your home or make it more comfortable for you and your family, finding ways to improve sustainability and save money along the way is a fantastic solution. There are plenty of ways homeowners across the country have discovered, and these improvements do not need to cost a lot of money. If you’re curious about how this is possible, consider these four useful ideas. 

Energy Saving Solutions 

With energy bills soaring worldwide, homeowners should look for better ways to balance their budget and make sure they can afford to live without being overwhelmed with gas and electric charges. 

As bleak as things may look for some, there has never been a better time to think about which energy-saving solutions can benefit your home. Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular, while others have chosen to install a tankless water heater to cut costs and provide a more consistent and reliable supply. 

Future-Proof Upgrades

Future-proof upgrades are also a beneficial solution for your home. These upgrades will benefit you and the next owners, as all of the essential technology is already in place, meaning they don’t need to spend money on upgrades after moving in. 

Smart meters are a fantastic way to track your energy usage and find out where you can reduce your expenses. Besides this, rewiring your home to make it more energy-efficient is an excellent idea. You can also use energy-saving bulbs and other appliances that will further reduce consumption, giving you more money to save or apply to other essential upgrades.  

Learn Essential Maintenance Skills

No matter where you live, your home will encounter problems at some point. It could be a creaking door, a rattling heater, or the sealant that has peeled away in the bathroom. The initial response is to call in a professional, but many professional services are fully booked up, and even those that don’t will cost more money than you may be able to afford. 

So what;’s the solution to this? Learning essential DIY skills will allow you to be more self-sufficient within your home. Instead of running to a professional and waiting around for a fix, you can fix everyday problems all by yourself. All it takes is time and a small investment in tools, but this is worth it to keep your home in order. 

Repurpose Old Items 

If you’re someone who has a suitcase full of clothes that don’t fit or are painfully out of style, you can find ways to give them new life. Repurposing old items is a great way to get something unique for your home and saves you from spending extortionate amounts on homeware and decor. 

It doesn’t stop with clothes, either. You can also repurpose drapes to make your home more attractive and prevent unnecessary waste. You will need a sewing kit (and some patience), but the results will be worth it. 


A sustainable home is a happy home, and you’ll be surprised at how different your home feels from making small but effective changes. From reducing energy bills and consumption to finding newness in old things, the path to sustainable (and cheaper) living has never been more accessible.