The Value of Professional Home Staging: How a Little TLC Can Increase Your Home’s Value

You have decided to sell your home, found the perfect realtor, and now you are looking for ways to get the best price possible. Have you considered staging your home?

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Staging your home may sound like an unnecessary expenditure, but it doesn’t have to be. Professional home staging is a significant investment if you’re looking to sell your home or are just interested in giving your place a little boost. Over 85% of homes staged each year see an increase in the sale price between 6-25%

If you want to stand out from the crowd and get the highest possible selling price for your home, you need to know about professional home staging.

What is Home Staging? 

Home staging is a term for the process of improving the look of a home to make it more appealing and easier to sell. Home staging includes minor changes to things like furniture, decorations, and room design. Home staging aims to make your property a better investment for potential buyers. There are six main components of staging:

1) Comfortable Furniture

2) Color Coordination

3) Cleaning and Decluttering

4) Properly Organizing the Kitchen

5) Showcasing Unique Features

6) Lighting Design

Why is Professional Home Staging Important? 

Professional home staging can also help to stage any property. Whether you’re selling a house, townhouse, condo, co-op apartment, or any other kind of home, professional home staging can be highly beneficial. Staging your property will make it stand out from the rest—and the increased demand means more potential buyers knocking on your door.

Professional home staging can also be helpful for vacant properties. Opening up the house and filling it with furniture and decor becomes more inviting, and people are more likely to consider living there. This could result in higher property values for future homeowners and increased demand for housing in the area.

Staging an empty space can also help potential homeowners visualize their new room with their things in it! It might cost them less time (and money) than buying a new house or building something from scratch!

Overall, professional home staging is an excellent investment for anyone who has decided to put their property on the market. The increased value alone should convince you to get started today.

How to Stage Your Home 

Hiring a professional home stager is an excellent investment when trying to sell your home. But what exactly does staging entail?

The process of staging typically starts with decluttering and cleaning your home. A cluttered space turns off many potential buyers, so you want to start by hiding any messes that may be visible from the street. You’ll also want to make sure that your rooms flow in the right direction so that buyers can quickly move through the house without feeling lost. A large part of staging is about making your furniture work for you – it should create an inviting atmosphere for buyers who will likely be spending time sitting on it. This includes moving out any large pieces that take up too much floor space and making sure any cords are located behind couches or beds.

It’s time to bring in some plants after you’ve decluttered, cleaned, and tweaked your furniture arrangement; it’s time to bring in some plants! Home staging experts always recommend adding greenery to your front room as it creates a more welcoming atmosphere for buyers (who are probably anxious about entering through the door). Also, try bringing in some fresh flowers – even fake ones will do! They help liven up a space even if it feels old and dusty.

Finally, don’t forget about lighting! Buyers will want to see everything they can before they commit to buying, so dim lights or turn them off altogether as they aren’t as conducive to selling property.

The Benefits of Professional Home Staging 

Home staging can be the difference between selling your home and not. Think of it this way: Your house is a product, and staging is necessary to make your product sellable. Staging makes your home more appealing, gives you a chance to highlight features that might otherwise be overlooked, and helps prospective buyers imagine themselves living in the house.

Staging also helps with marketing by giving prospective buyers a better sense of how they will use the space. The correct furniture placement can create an entirely different vibe in the room and make clients feel like they’re walking into their own homes.

What’s more, professionals know about all the tricks of the trade when it comes to advertising properties online to reach as wide an audience as possible.