Making Sure Your Extension Goes As Planned

There are many reasons anyone might want an extension built on their home, and it’s worth the price no matter what, but there’s a lot you should know before you start looking at the numbers. This is a permanent change, and it can do a lot for your home, but you need to be sure it’s what you want. If you’re not a professional when it comes to construction work, you’re likely out of the loop of what it’s going to take to have your extension built, and you may have some inaccurate expectations of what’s possible for your home.

An extension is more than just an improvement on the house, it’s an investment that can help to raise the overall value of your home when it comes time to sell it. Prices can rise and fall through neighborhood development or lack thereof, and it’s important that you know how to control the value of your house if you’re aiming to sell it!


Who to hire

When it comes to your home, whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, you’re going to need someone you can put a lot of trust into. You want your construction to remain faithful to the plan, and that can be a difficult task for someone who isn’t an expert in the industry. It’s best to ask around others who have had similar work done if they can recommend anyone to you, else you may end up with something not quite like what you asked for!

Know the timeframe

If you’re in a rush to have your extension done before a certain deadline, you’ll want to know how long it’s going to take so you can plan your life around it. Of course, you’ll likely want to be out of the way a lot of the time when the builders are there, and it’s best to make sure that you won’t have your expectations ruined by poor planning!

Manage your expectations

Managing your expectations is important when it comes to any venture, so it’s extra important that you’re able to do it when it comes to something so significant. You need to be considerate when it comes to pricing, possibilities, and even design choices. Not everyone is a great designer, so investing in someone to design the exterior for you might be an even better choice! It’s hard to know what you want if you haven’t been given a second option!

The red tape

It all depends on where you live, but there’s usually a lot of red tape when it comes to getting planning permission for extensions or other construction, and it can be a nightmare to deal with. If you have a mixup with your paperwork, it can delay the construction for quite a long time, making the whole thing a lot more complicated than it has to be. Finding someone who can help you with all of the red tape is a good idea if you’re in a rush to get it done! Nothing is more frustrating than having to delay the construction for a few months just because of some small mistakes.