8 Inexpensive Ways to Modernize Your Home

Do you want to modernize your home but don’t know how? Then this article is for you. In it, we will discuss 5 inexpensive ways to update the look and feel of your home without breaking the bank. Whether you’re looking to renovate or simply spruce up a room here and there, these tips are perfect for any homeowner.

Replace Your Light Fixtures

There’s nothing worse than a dingy fixture with low-quality lighting to bring down the overall look of a room. But, it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to replace them. All you need to do is a few shop-hopping. Starting at Olympia Lighting and moving on to the next until you snag the best deal.

Photo by yeremia krisnamurti from Pexels

Slipcover Your Furniture

Whether you want to save some money by reupholstering what you already own or simply add a pop of color if looking for new pieces. Slipcovers are the way forward when it comes to changing it up a bit. It is a very inexpensive way to modernize your current couches with many different colors and textures available. 

Accessorize Like A Pro

If you’re looking to update your home’s interior with minimal hassle and cost, heading down the accessorizing route is always a great choice. With simple changes such as putting up new curtains or adding decorative pieces like vases on display, a few accessories can give that room an entirely fresh feel. 

Add New Flooring

Whether it be wood flooring, carpet, or tiles, updating your floors is one of those projects with so many benefits from both looks and practicality standpoints. It doesn’t take much time either.

Replace Your Kitchen Appliances

Another way you can save money on updating your home is by replacing appliances such as your stovetop and oven with newer models. If you have a smaller kitchen, consider updating your appliances to accommodate your family’s needs and save room.

Doors And Windows

Don’t forget the windows and doors! Windows can, unfortunately, be an expensive part of any renovation or refurbishment process. So you want to ensure that they are well thought out before committing yourself financially. However, some pretty simple solutions don’t cost much money but will still help give your home a modern feel. Do some research on Pinterest or other interior design websites and put your own spin on it.

New Faucets

Consider replacing outdated faucets in bathrooms and kitchens. Whether you go for a standard design or an upscale one, you can purchase them for a steal. Remember to check the sales aisle at the store. 

Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels

Fresh Coat Of Paint 

Another great way is by painting walls brighter colors. It’s almost inevitable that eventually, every room will get dirty over time, so why not break down such a big job by doing it a room at a time. A color change doesn’t have to cost much either. It can be worth it if you plan on selling your home in the near future, not to mention an easy way to modernize without spending too much money.

4 Ways to Make Your Gift Look Expensive

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Wealth is all but an image. Are people really that rich, or do they want to appear rich? Most are probably in debt up to their ears. You can learn from this by looking rich while not actually spending a lot of money. This mentality works well when it comes to gift giving. Gifts come from the heart and the sentiment is all that matters. Part of showing that you care is showing that the person receiving the gift is worth every penny spent even if only a few pennies exchanged hands. Here are a few ways you make an ordinary gift look expensive in order to make the recipient feel the love you feel for them.

Put It In Something They Can Use

Put the gift in a dish, cup, mason jar, or bowl that accentuates the gift while giving the recipient two gifts in one. The main gift is what you put in the bowl, but once it is unwrapped and your loved one sees the heartfelt gift you bought for them, they will have a second gift in the container in which it comes. Choose a container that is affordable but also looks chic. Color coordinating adds to the impression of a high price, and makes sure it truly is something they can continue to use around the home.

Add a Personalized Tag

Adding custom labels to a gift makes it personalized and makes it seem as if you spent a couple of extra dollars to go the extra mile. A label that has their name on it and maybe a funny saying that goes along with their personality or an inside joke will go over well. It’s no secret that customizing anything costs a fortune, but if you can find the businesses that do affordable customization of certain aspects of your gift, then no one will know your secret and your gift will make you look like you spent a good deal of money, which always makes the gift recipient feel special. 

Choose a Fancy Bag or Box

Sometimes the most expensive looking bags and boxes are extremely affordable. Cigar boxes are usually beautifully decorated, and you can get them from a cigar store for a low price especially if the store is simply going to throw the box away. You can also go to a thrift store or dollar store and find bags that are beautifully adorned with affordable embellishments keeping the cost down. Place your gift in its beautiful container with its beautiful tag in a beautiful box or bag and it will stand out from the rest and look like a million bucks. 


Add a ribbon to your gift to give it that final touch. Ribbons are always reminiscent of going to expensive department stores and having your packages wrapped for you. That same feeling gets put into the gift even if you apply the ribbon yourself. Wrap the gift in some textured wrapping as well to add to the luxurious look. 

Add Some Serious Curb Appeal To Your Home With These Clever Tactics

Even if your home is fit for a king inside, if the outside doesn’t reflect this then it won’t be valued at top dollar. The good news is there are many things you can do to make your home look more appealing, keep reading to find out what they are. 

Get gardening 

The thing that many people see when visiting your home for the first time is your front garden. That means a few wilting potted plants are just not going to cut it! Instead, you can boost the value of your home by making your front garden bright, manicured, and low-maintenance. After all, buyers don’t want to be intimidated by all the work they will have to do to keep up with this space. 

With that in mind, a simple garden, with seasonal flowers in the beds is perfect. Don’t forget to use fencing to define the space you have either, as this can neaten things up and help potential buyers see exactly what would be theirs if they put in an offer. 

Update your garage door 

Garage doors can easily date your home, or even worse, they can bring the entire look of your front facade down if they are not well maintained. The good news is that replacing an old garage door is a great way to help your home increase its curb appeal. 

Just remember to choose one that fits in with the style of your home. You can find garage doors that offer automation and extra security too, which can make your property even more attractive to potential buyers.  

Add copper edging to your roof 

Copper edging is a wonderful way to trim your roof so it looks its best at all times. You can choose from a range of finishes, and be safe in the knowledge that it’s a great investment for the long term too, as copper edging just gets better as it ages. Click here to find out more about copper roof edging and how it can enhance the look of your home.

Get your stone or brick professionally cleaned 

Dirty stone or brickwork won’t add value to your home, but getting the outside of your property professionally cleaned will. Of course, there are different types of professional cleaning on offer including sandblasting for older stone properties. Alternatively, you may want to find a firm that will powerwash your house for you, as this can be a gentler process, and so avoid any unwanted damage that could lower the price. 

Clean those windows 

OK, so cleaning your windows may not be the first thing that you want to do with your weekend! However, as you can add significant curb appeal and value to your home, by rolling your sleeves up and getting busy, it is well worth the time and effort. 

Effective window cleaning is all about having the right supplies and tools. This means a safety ladder, as well as microfiber cloths, and a vinegar-water solution. Some small brushes that will let you get into the gaps of any frames can be very helpful too, as this is where mold tends to gather. 

Must Have Accessories for Young Working Professionals

Have you ever been to a networking event and looked around, feeling out of place? You might have felt like the only one who doesn’t know what pocket square is. Or maybe your suit was too old-fashioned. Before you start panicking about how unprepared you are for the professional world, take a deep breath and read this article on must-have accessories for young working professionals!

Image by Royal Anwar from Pixabay 

1 Boots

Boots are an excellent investment for young working professionals. They add some variety to your wardrobe and can be worn with just about any outfit. When you’re looking into getting new boots, buy something versatile enough for both casual and formal outfits! It will save you money in the long run (and space in your closet). Since they come up higher than shoes, it’s essential to make sure you purchase ones that match well with what pants/shoes you plan on wearing them with most often. Otherwise, if the two don’t match perfectly, it might look odd – like one of those “too short” jeans people get at department stores only once, thinking it’ll fit better after a few washes.

2 Timepiece

 If you want to look like a real professional – get yourself a nice watch. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does need to be accurate because if the time on your phone is always off by even one minute. People will notice! If you’re looking for something classic and straightforward, there are tons of options out there that won’t break the bank. You can find genuine timepieces from a Rolex Authorized Dealer and impress at your next appointment. You can find them at any department store or online (but make sure they come with certificates, so it’s guaranteed authentic).

3 Suits 

When it comes to suits, fit is everything. You want something that hugs your body and accentuates the positive parts while making other areas look slimmer. Always try on a suit before you buy it because no matter how nice they are, sometimes certain brands just don’t cut right for some people’s bodies – but this doesn’t mean all hope is lost! If one brand isn’t fitting well, go to another store/website and find out why it didn’t work there either (the material seems weird? The color clashes with your skin tone?). And make sure when you’re trying them on in the dressing room mirror, not only do you see yourself from straight ahead, turn around too so you can get a full view of what others would see when they’re looking at you! This will help you avoid having to take awkward selfies in the store.

4 White Collar Shirts 

A white-collar shirt is a staple for any young professional’s wardrobe. It’s versatile and goes with just about anything, so it’s easy to incorporate into your daily style! Most people think that since they’re meant to go under other clothing, you have to be uncomfortable wearing them if the weather ever gets warmer, but this isn’t true at all – make sure you’re wearing the right undergarments!

Having a wardrobe that can do it all is excellent, but if you’re not comfortable wearing what you have, no one else will be either. Remember, everyone wants to see the real you, so don’t stress about impressing others!

Let’s Work On Fixing Up Your Home On A Tight Budget

Is your home in need of fixing up? If the answer is yes, but you’re worried because you are on quite a tight budget, you don’t need to be. There are plenty of things that you can do to make this a more budget friendly option, and we’re going to be looking at some of them in this article. If you would like to find out more about this, then keep reading down below.

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Do Most Of It Yourself

One of the things that we are going to suggest is that you do most of it yourself. If there are a lot of things that need doing, then go around and decide what you will and won’t be able to do. Anything that involves electricals or plumbing should always be handled by a professional as you are at risk of making the issue worse, so when you do have to call out a professional anyway, it’s going to be more expensive. This is the same for air conditioning and heating, which is why if this is broken, you need to call an air conditioning repair service, installation and maintenance to deal with the issue.

Something that you need to do is make a list. This will help keep everything organzied and you can work out how much it’s going to cost in professionals. 


Have you thought about prioritizing which work needs to be done first? For example, if there is an issue with the roof, this should be one of the priorities. You will be vulnerable as will your home if there is a continuous problem with the roof, so make sure that this gets sorted. Anything that looks like it could be a fire hazard should also be treated as an emergency, which includes fraying wires and others like this. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so anything that needs fixing to avoid being dangerous should be top priority. Things that should be fixed in order to enhance the look of the place can wait.

Cost Everything First

Before you start doing things, go through and work out how much it is going to cost. You’ve made a list of the things that you should be doing, and if you make a list of materials you will be able to work out roughly how much the DIY section is going to cost. You’ve already costed the professional help, so add them together and that should give you your total. You will then know if you can afford it now, or if you’re going to start a bit now and do some more later, or whatever you want to do.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do when it comes to fixing up your home on a tight budget. We’re not saying that it’s going to be an easy thing to do, but it’s going to be possible. Make sure that you follow the advice above in order to stick to your original goal as much as possible. We wish you the very best of luck.

Tips to Keep Your Home Pest-Free This Autumn

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Home pests are not only an issue in the summer when the garden is bursting with gnawing bugs and flying insects, but it’s also a problem when the air starts to cool, and some of these animals make their way indoors for warmth and refuge. So now is the best time to prepare your home so that it’s unappealing to the fall and winter pests that can be hard to remove otherwise.   

Keep the Yard Clean 

Mulch and compost are excellent for your garden and the environment, but they can attract bugs and insects, especially in the fall. At this time of year, there is more mulch and wet leaves in the garden than usual. 

To prevent bug infestations and the need for a cockroach exterminator, clean up all the wet leaves and common fall debris that lands in your garden. The idea is to limit the places where bugs and insects can settle and turn your house into their home.      

Trim Trees and Bushes

It’s easy to forget about trees and bushes around your home. They can be awkward to trim and maintain, and since they don’t usually cause issues, people tend to miss the best opportunities to trim them back – but trees and bushes can cause pest issues. 

Branches that are close to your home or roof make it easiest for small rodents to leap onto our roof and find their way into your attic for the winter. These branches can also cause storm damage when the weather starts to change.   

Inspect the Basement 

Fall is a transitional time between summer and winter, the air starts to cool, and winds pick up, forcing small rodents and insects to seek shelter. One of the best places for them to find refuge is in the basement and crawlspaces of your home. 

At this time of year, it’s a good idea to take a flashlight and make your way into the basement and crawlspace of your home; you’re looking for signs of nesting and small lines of ants or cockroaches.  

Keep Food in Storage 

One of the reasons bugs, insects, and rodents are attracted to your home is the warmth and security of the basements or attic – the other reason is the food. Unfortunately, unwanted intruders are very good at gnawing through plastic bags and unsecured containers. 

To narrow the chances of intruders finding food in your home, use plastic containers to store grains, cereals, and pet foods. Ensure the lids are also well sealed so that pests are not attracted to any smells and can’t gain access. 

Repair Your Home 

Many bugs and fall pests, like silverfish, love moisture-rich environments. They revel in the moisture and humidity of your bathroom or kitchen, so it’s a good idea to clean up any moisture and repair any leaks and pipes. 

It’s a good idea to repair your home in this way during the fall because it protects your home from insects and bugs while also preparing your home for winter. In the winter, these water leaks can freeze, causing more damage to pipes and water supplies.