4 Ways to Make Your Gift Look Expensive

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Wealth is all but an image. Are people really that rich, or do they want to appear rich? Most are probably in debt up to their ears. You can learn from this by looking rich while not actually spending a lot of money. This mentality works well when it comes to gift giving. Gifts come from the heart and the sentiment is all that matters. Part of showing that you care is showing that the person receiving the gift is worth every penny spent even if only a few pennies exchanged hands. Here are a few ways you make an ordinary gift look expensive in order to make the recipient feel the love you feel for them.

Put It In Something They Can Use

Put the gift in a dish, cup, mason jar, or bowl that accentuates the gift while giving the recipient two gifts in one. The main gift is what you put in the bowl, but once it is unwrapped and your loved one sees the heartfelt gift you bought for them, they will have a second gift in the container in which it comes. Choose a container that is affordable but also looks chic. Color coordinating adds to the impression of a high price, and makes sure it truly is something they can continue to use around the home.

Add a Personalized Tag

Adding custom labels to a gift makes it personalized and makes it seem as if you spent a couple of extra dollars to go the extra mile. A label that has their name on it and maybe a funny saying that goes along with their personality or an inside joke will go over well. It’s no secret that customizing anything costs a fortune, but if you can find the businesses that do affordable customization of certain aspects of your gift, then no one will know your secret and your gift will make you look like you spent a good deal of money, which always makes the gift recipient feel special. 

Choose a Fancy Bag or Box

Sometimes the most expensive looking bags and boxes are extremely affordable. Cigar boxes are usually beautifully decorated, and you can get them from a cigar store for a low price especially if the store is simply going to throw the box away. You can also go to a thrift store or dollar store and find bags that are beautifully adorned with affordable embellishments keeping the cost down. Place your gift in its beautiful container with its beautiful tag in a beautiful box or bag and it will stand out from the rest and look like a million bucks. 


Add a ribbon to your gift to give it that final touch. Ribbons are always reminiscent of going to expensive department stores and having your packages wrapped for you. That same feeling gets put into the gift even if you apply the ribbon yourself. Wrap the gift in some textured wrapping as well to add to the luxurious look.