8 Backyard Additions To Increase The Value Of Your Home

Investing in your home is a great way to add value, and there are a number of different ways to do it. You might choose to renovate an existing room or add an entirely new one. Or, you might opt for a more major project, such as an extension.

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There are also a number of smaller projects that can have a big impact on the value of your home. Here are eight backyard additions that will increase the value of your home:

1. A Deck or Patio

Adding a deck or patio is a great way to create additional outdoor living space. It’s the perfect spot for entertaining guests or relaxing with family. Plus, it can add value to your home by increasing its curb appeal.

2. A Pool

A pool is a great addition to any home, and it can also add value. A pool can be a great selling point if you ever decide to put your home on the market. Remember to invest in Cool Pool Deck Coating and proper maintenance to keep your pool looking its best.

3. A Workshop

A workshop is the perfect place to take up all kinds of hobbies, from wood and metalwork to brewing beer. It can also be a handy place to store tools and other items outside of the home. A workshop could be anything from a simple garden shed to an outbuilding fitted with metal roofing. It could be a summer house, a garden room- whatever you need to create the space for the specific hobbies or tasks you plan on doing in there. 

4. A Greenhouse

A greenhouse is another great addition to any backyard. It’s perfect for avid gardeners who want to extend their growing season. Growing your own greens can be extremely rewarding, and it can also save you money on your grocery bill.

5. A Fire Pit

A fire pit is a great way to create an outdoor living space. It’s the perfect spot for entertaining guests or relaxing with family. Plus, it’s a great place for a barbecue which helps you save on electricity bills.

6. Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is a great way to improve the look of your home and make it safer. It can also make your home more inviting and you can look at using LED or solar lights to save on energy costs.

7. A Fence

A fence is a great way to improve the privacy and security of your home. A wooden fence or a wrought iron fence can also add value and work well with the look and design of the main building. It can also be a boundary wall that can be used to increase the value of your home.

8. Landscaping

Landscaping is a great way to improve the look of your home and increase its value. Invest in high-quality plants and materials, and be sure to choose plants that are appropriate for your climate. It helps to create a habitat for local birds and animals which can be a bonus for any potential buyer.

There You Have It

These are just a few of the many ways you can increase the value of your home. By making some simple additions to your backyard, you can make your home more enjoyable and increase its resale value.

Tips on Increasing the Curb Appeal of Your Home

If you are looking to sell your property anytime in the near future or simply want a home that stands out from the crowd, then you need to work on its curb appeal. First impressions are so important. Curb appeal is all about making your house look attractive from the outside. Sometimes when we are in the hustle and bristle of sorting out the home decor, the exterior plays second fiddle, but this is a mistake. The first thing anyone sees is the front exterior, and if you want to wow, then that is where you need to start. So, let’s look at a few ways you can increase your home’s curb appeal.

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The front door and the garage door say a lot about the home and its owner. If you are looking for a speedy way to jazz up the outside, a brand-new front door could work for you. Even painting the existing one could be an option if it is in good condition. If your garage door has seen better days, then why not get a local garage door service. Remember, these are two of the first things any potential buyer will see, so it helps if they look up to scratch. 

Plant Pots

One quick and easy way to give the exterior a bit of luster is to buy some potted plants. Have these placed on either side of the door and down the steps, if you have any, in a symmetrical two-by-two pattern. Or if symmetry isn’t for you, why not try pots on one side or odd-sized pots? Potted plants can also be used down any paths or along borders. You can go a bright and bold as you like. Whatever suits your tastes. The beauty of pattern plants is that they are pretty easy to take care of. Just remember to water them when summer comes around.

Paving and Paths

You have to ensure that any paths and paving is up to scratch. Maybe all you need is a good clean with a pressure washer along with a lot of weed killer to sort it out. Or maybe you need to replace broken brickwork or patio slabs. Take an honest look and work out exactly what needs to be done. If you have a large front garden and no real path to speak of, perhaps this is a worthwhile investment. 


Beautiful, well-kept grass outside someone’s house always looks great. All the borders cut to perfection with a uniform green throughout makes anyone think that this is a person who cares. It shows dedication which you can only assume is mirrored in eh interior. All greatest pluses, however, grass can make or break the exterior. It takes work. You may need to returf, weed often, and buy a lot of grass seed, as well as trim and mow as often as it needs it. But if you can pull it off, a front garden can really work in your favor.  


Over time gravel areas tend to dwindle away, becoming more and more sparse and sorry for themselves. If you have any grave areas, then you need to invest in rehashing them. If you can’t find the same stone, then you can go with a similar-looking stone and ensure you mix it in uniformly. 


Cleaning your windows seems pretty obvious, but when was the last time you did it? You’d be amazed how much dirt and grime windows attract, especially if you are close to a road. Cleaning the windows can bring that sparkle back. You may want to place things on the windowsills inside so they can be seen from the curb. This can be a nice touch if done well. 


Paint is a marvel and can really brighten up the exterior of any home. Perhaps you need to repaint the entire walls due to peeling paintwork, as well as repainting the window sills, steps, borders, and anything else that you have out there. You could choose the paint your home in the same colors as you had previously, or you could experiment with something else. The best advice is to look at homes similar to yours and find something that you would like to try. Remember, you will need different types of pain for different surfaces. If you are painting on brickwork or rendering, for example, then you will need some sort of masonry paint. You’ll also want a good exterior wood paint. The last thing you need is anything that will run when it rains.

Vital Things to Look For In Your Next Home

Moving home is one of those experiences that is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. After all, it’s so filled with potential! The good news is you can make the transition to a new property a little easier by making sure you maximize your chances of choosing the right place. Indeed, there are some things you should always look for when choosing a new home, read on to find out what they are. 

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Convenient location 

Location is always the first thing you should consider when looking for a new home. Indeed, it will help you narrow down your search criteria, and help set your budget. 

Of course, different families want different things from the location they choose. For instance, a family with a young child may look for an apartment that is close to all the amenities they need like shops, and a gym, and that has elevators for pushchairs as all these things will make their busy lives easier. 

Personal style 

Most real estate guides will tell you to try and ignore the style in which a property is decorated because you can always change the decor to suit your own personal style once you have moved in. 

However, there are two important exceptions to this rule. The first is if you plan to rent a home, rather than buy it as you may not have permission to decorate. While the second is that it does make sense to consider the outside style of the home because if you love to live in old historical buildings, a brand new apartment just isn’t going to cut it. 

That it’s big enough 

One of the biggest concerns in any property is space. This is because you need to choose a home that is big enough for the way your family lives their lives, otherwise you just won’t be comfortable. 

Of course, as space also comes at a premium it’s usually a delicate balance between making sure you have enough, but not too much. As the latter means, you will be wasting precious money. 

A good rule of thumb in determining whether a property has enough space for your family is to look for bedrooms equally the number of family members plus one. Then you will have an extra room for guests, or to use as an office or hobby space. 

That it doesn’t need any major work 

Unless you are choosing a property for renovation it’s pretty important to make sure that the house you pick does not need any significant work done to it. This is because it can take up a lot of valuable time and money, and be a major inconvenience while the work is being done. 

The best way to make sure that your property is in great condition before you make the decisions is to get a thorough survey. This is where a professional will inspect the building in detail and give specialist advice on any prominent or potential problems, something that will allow you to make a fully informed decision. 

Gardening Shortcuts You Never Thought Of Before

Gardening can take up a lot of your time. In fact, it’s all too easy to dedicate your entire weekend to it and have no time left over to do anything else. 

In this post, we take a look at some gardening hacks that help you get more done in less time. The results are spectacular, but the inputs are simple. Here’s what you need to know: 

Take The Labor Out Of Hydration

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Going around watering all your plants requires a lot of time. But, thanks to new technology, you no longer have to rely on watering cans. There are systems today that are much more effective and will work even if you go away at the weekend. 

But what are we talking about?

Well, there are two options. The first is to set up a sprinkler so that it covers your beds as well as your lawn. This is the rough and ready approach and works best for people with a lot of similar species in their gardens. 

Then there is the more high-tech approach. Today, you can buy solar-powered systems that water nearby plants when they detect low soil moisture levels. Water turns on when plants need it. 

Get Starter Trees

Today, you can buy trees online that already have a couple of years of growth in them. This means that you can avoid all of the risks that come with fostering young trees (such as hot weather or soil saturation) that can kill them off. You simply plant them in the ground and then they grow rapidly over the coming years without you having to worry about them too much. The older the trees you buy, the more expensive they will be, similar to ducklings or chicks. 

Make A Hummingbird Enticement

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Having hummingbirds in your garden is one of the most wonderful experiences. But, unfortunately, these creatures tend to be quite rare. 

That, though, shouldn’t be a problem if you use the right recipe. There are plenty of hummingbird formulations out there. Just find the right one and then wait patiently to see whether any arrive in your backyard. 

Get Greener Foliage

Everyone is trying to get greener foliage by repositioning plants or swapping out old species for new ones. 

But the key to green foliage is actually to get their nutrition right. All plants will grow green if they have the right minerals. 

The top mineral for the job is magnesium. It is responsible for making chlorophyll, the part of plants that makes them green. Just sprinkle garden-grade magnesium around the plants that you want to make green and then mix it in with the soil and see what a difference it makes. It works on everything, from veggies to flowers. 

Place Buried Paper Bags Of Garden Waste In The Ground

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Lastly, if your composter is taking forever, try burying paper bags of garden waste instead. Over time, microbes and worms in the soil will break all the waste down and then plants will feed on it to grow big and strong. 

Six Tips To Nail Your Outdoor Dining Area

If you’re the sort of person who loves to dine al fresco, you probably spend a lot of time in your outdoor dining area. It’s somewhere you can watch the birds and the bees go by while you’re tucking into a delicious meal. 

But how do you make the area even better than it already is? Let’s take a look. 

Give Yourself Some Weather Protection

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Sticking a table and some chairs outside and hoping for the best is a high-risk strategy. If storms come, your evening meal could be rained off and you may have to rush indoors. 

Fortunately, if you have weather protection, you don’t have to worry about this. A canopy will protect you from the worst of the storm. 

The same goes for hot days. You want some sort of sun shade to keep the worst of the sun off your body and protect your skin 

Make Sure You Have Enough Seating

Do you have enough seating in your outdoor dining area? If not, you might want to consider adding extra. 

More seating makes it possible to entertain the whole family and guests. Having twelve chairs, for instance, instead of just four, totally changes the dynamic and makes dining with guests much more fun. You can have large garden parties instead of having to have the same conversations with family over and over again. 

Make Sure Your Patio Is Solid

Loose paving slabs and ugly designs can take some of the magic out of your patio. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get a patio installer to put down a new surface. You need something level to place tables and chairs, and to prevent you from tripping yourself up every time you walk over it. 

Get More Space

Cramped outdoor seating areas can wreck the atmosphere. That’s why it’s such a good idea to get more space. The more room you have, the freer and easier you’ll feel. 

Reduce Pests

You don’t want to eliminate pests completely in your outdoor dining spaces. But you certainly want to reduce them to the point where they are no longer a nuisance. 

To do this, start by always cleaning up any crumbs or food residues from your patio. Don’t allow any food to remain outside overnight, otherwise, critters might help themselves to it.

Next, look for ways to concrete or pave over areas where animals could form burrows. Make sure that wildlife can’t encroach on your dining space.  

Lastly, protect the area with plants that provide habitats to the creatures that you do want, crowding out those that you don’t. 

Buy A New Table And Chair Set

There’s nothing wrong with cast-iron outdoor furniture. It looks attractive. But it’s not the most comfortable while you’re eating a meal

Try getting a new table and chair set and see how it makes you feel. You should notice that it gives your outdoor spaces a totally different ambiance. Today, you can get outdoor seating that is nearly as comfortable as seating you’d find inside. 

How to Save Money on Business Property Maintenance

One of the most important aspects of running a business is making sure that your property is well-maintained. This can be challenging, especially if you’re on a tight budget. However, there are many things you can do to keep your facility maintained and save money in the process! 

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Keep your property clean and organized. 

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to keep your business premises clean and tidy at all times. A messy property is more likely to attract pests, which can be costly to remove. In addition, a cluttered space can make it more difficult to find things when needed, wasting valuable time and money. 

Take the time to regularly sweep and mop floors, dust surfaces, empty trash cans, and declutter common areas. You should also consider regularly investing in a professional cleaning service to deep clean your facility. A clean property will save you money in the long run and create a better impression on customers and clients. 

Keep your parking lot up to date.  

The condition of your parking lot says a lot about your business. If you have cracks, potholes, or other damage in your asphalt, it will look bad and be dangerous for customers and employees. In addition, winter weather can cause even more damage to an already weakened parking lot. 

To avoid these issues, it’s important to maintain your asphalt regularly. This includes filling cracks and holes as soon as they appear and repaving the entire lot every few years. You should also sealcoat your asphalt to protect it from the elements and extend its lifespan. While these maintenance tasks may seem costly upfront, they will save you money in the long run by preventing further damage. If you need asphalt milling services for your property, be sure to contact a reputable company. 

Inspect your roof regularly. 

Your roof is one of the most important components of your business property, so it’s essential to keep it in good condition. A leaking or damaged roof can cause serious problems, including water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. In addition, a poorly-maintained roof will likely need to be replaced much sooner than one that is regularly inspected and repaired. 

To avoid these costly problems, be sure to have your roof inspected at least once a year. If you notice any damage, be sure to repair it immediately. You should also consider cleaning your gutters regularly to prevent clogs and water damage. Regular maintenance will extend the life of your roof and save you money in the long run. 

Keep your HVAC system well-maintained. 

Your HVAC system is one of the most important components of your business property, so it’s essential to keep it running smoothly. A properly functioning HVAC system will keep your building comfortable year-round and can also help improve air quality. In addition, a well-maintained system will use less energy, saving you money on your utility bills. 

To ensure that your HVAC system is running correctly, be sure to have it serviced at least once a year. This includes changing the air filter, cleaning the coils, and checking for leaks. You should also make sure that all vents are clear of debris and dust.

Maintaining your business property can be daunting, but by following these tips, you can keep your facility running smoothly and save money in the process. Keep your property clean and organized, keep your parking lot up to date, inspect your roof regularly, and keep your HVAC system well-maintained. These simple steps will help you avoid costly repairs down the road.