Cash Savvy: Making The Most Of Your Income

The cost of everything seems to be increasing at a rapid pace, and it’s no secret that most people’s income is just not keeping up. It can be a challenge to budget, and understand how to make the most of your money, especially when you’re busy at work trying to earn it! Therefore, it’s worth taking a little time out to think about your spending habits, and where you could make some changes so that the future looks a little financially brighter.

The following are some tips and ideas for those who want to reassess their finances and where they put their money moving forward. So, sit down, grab a coffee, notebook, and pen, and start planning your next moves regarding your cash.


Investment Pieces

Being wise with your money doesn’t always mean not spending or investing it. There are plenty of smart spending choices to be made, and they can give you long-term peace of mind. For example, sometimes it’s worth spending a little more on items so that you’re investing in quality. These things are far more likely to last longer so you won’t be replacing them as often.

Maybe it’s new electrical items, pieces of furniture, or certain items of clothing; get in the mindset of quality over quantity. For larger household items, there are often repayment plans, so do a little research and spend a touch more if you decide it’s a wise choice.

Protect What You Have

Again, this is where you may have to spend money, to save a lot in the future. There’s no better time to get your insurance sorted out; this applies to all aspects of your life and home. Whether it’s your precious salt n pepper diamond, your new T.V, or your dogs; make sure they’re covered by insurance.

A bit of time to research the best deals, and some admin, could save you thousands in the future. If something gets lost and needs replacing, if an item needs repair, or if those vets’ bills are sky high; you’ll be so thankful you took the time to invest in the right cover.

Be Savvy And Save

Okay, so you’ve made some great choices with your spending; now it’s time to look at the areas you can save some money. The best approach here is to save a little, but often, because it all adds up! It can be as simple as switching to more affordable brands during your weekly shopping trip, collecting and utilizing those coupons you normally ignore, or checking out every buying option for an item online; there’s often a deal somewhere.

If you need a new outfit for one event, it’s worth buying something secondhand; you can get items in excellent condition at a fraction of the price. Think about reclaimed furniture and upcycling pieces instead of brand-new items from the store. Second-hand furniture is often great quality, and built to last; it may just need some TLC.

The more you save, the more you’ll want to save; grabbing a bargain or great deal feels so good! 

Advertising, Is It Worth The Cost

Via Pexels

As businesses, we are always looking for ways to improve and grow. And sometimes, we look to advertising as a way to do that. But is advertising worth all the costs? In this blog post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of advertising and help you decide if it’s right for your business. 

The Different Types Of Advertising

Advertising is one of the most common and effective ways to promote any product or service. There are many kinds of advertising, each of which works in its unique way to convey information about a product or company. 

The most basic form of advertising is direct advertising, which typically takes the form of print, radio, or television ads. These ads are designed to catch the viewer’s attention by using bright colors and eye-catching images and convey key messages about the advertised product or company. 

Next up is word-of-mouth advertising, which relies on personal recommendations from friends and family members. This type of advertising can be particularly effective in building trust and credibility for a product or company, as it involves an endorsement from someone the customer knows and trusts. 

Other popular forms of advertising include digital marketing, social media marketing, and guerrilla marketing; these use different techniques to reach potential customers in innovative ways. Regardless of the type, however, all forms of advertising aim to inform current and potential customers about their products or services.

The Costs Of Advertising

When it comes to advertising, businesses often face a variety of costs. These can include everything from website design and social media marketing to traditional print and broadcast ads. Yet while the specifics of these costs will vary depending on the type of advertising being used and the various factors involved, there are some general guidelines businesses should keep in mind when thinking about their advertising dollars.

One important thing to consider is that even small businesses need to invest in some level of marketing if they want to succeed in today’s crowded marketplace. That means that any expenses associated with advertising should be viewed as an investment in the future growth of the business rather than just another expense on an already packed budget sheet. And speaking of budgets, smaller companies may need to set aside a fixed percentage of their overall spending for marketing. In comparison, larger companies may be able to devote more specific funds toward consistent ad campaigns.

Whatever the size or resources of a particular business, it is also crucial to analyze each ad campaign before operations begin in earnest. Is there enough creative freedom available within the given budget? How will competitors’ efforts affect your efforts? What kind of return on investment can you realistically expect from this campaign? 

These are just some essential questions that all businesses must answer when planning their advertising strategy. By considering these considerations, companies can ensure that their marketing expenses will pay off over time as they grow their customer base and increase sales figures across all channels.

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Advertising 

Advertising is a critical component of many businesses. Whether through online, TV, or print media, companies rely on advertising to promote their products and services and reach potential customers. One of the challenges advertisers face is that it can be difficult to determine how many people saw their ads and were influenced by them. Furthermore, it can be challenging to measure how consumers’ attitudes and behaviors change in response to different types of ads. Despite these limitations, research suggests that advertising can effectively reach consumers and increase profits. 

Get Your Branding Right

When advertising your business, there is no more important step than establishing your branding. A solid and consistent brand can help you capture potential customers’ attention, build credibility for your company, and establish a meaningful connection with your target audience. And without a cohesive brand identity, it can be much more challenging to effectively promote yourself in a crowded marketplace. 

Start by developing a strong logo that conveys the essence of your business, along with taglines and other visual elements consistent across all marketing materials. You should also consider what values you want to communicate through your brand and develop messaging that reflects those values. In addition, it is critical to consider the different channels where you will advertise – whether online or offline – and tailor your brand accordingly. If all this seems overwhelming to you, then you will need a branding agency to help you with this aspect of your business. By calling in the experts, you will have one less thing to worry about. 

In Conclusion

Overall, advertising is very effective and worth the money companies invest in it. It’s a necessary tool to keep up with competitors and maintain current customers Advertising attracts new potential customers, keeps businesses relevant and can help increase sales significantly if done correctly. There are many advantages that advertising provides for companies, small and large. If you’re thinking about investing in advertising or already do, consider these points – they may convince you that advertising is worth every penny.

How To Inject So Much Positivity Into Your Home Sooner Rather Than Later

We all want to live in a place that makes us feel comfortable, safe, and positive. The idea of a home is simply to have somewhere to be at night – but it’s so much more than that. A home is an extension of our personality and is something we hold dear to us. If we’re not feeling too good about our home, it’ll make things very difficult in the long run.

The good thing is that we can all do little tasks in order to inject positivity into our home and our domestic life as a whole. Here are a few ideas:

Work On The Exterior And First Impressions

You have to make sure you’re setting the right tone for yourself and anyone else who enters your home. If your home has wonderful curb appeal, then it’s going to make life a lot easier in terms of perceiving your home and doing anything to it in the way of improvements. The driveway and welcoming areas will really play a big part in how you feel about the home and how things look going forward. If you have an ugly and awkward first impression, then it’s going to probably be awkward further down the line – even if things pick up and improve. 

Keep Everything As Neat As Possible 

It’s so easy to think about this, but not everyone sticks to it. If you are out of the habit, then you can become a little lazy and leave a few things lying around for too long. Do your best to get into the habit of working on the likes of the living room, the dining room furniture, the bathrooms, and most of the important areas. Knowing you have a neat, tidy place will make you feel so much better about your environment. 

Do Something About The Scent And Feel Of The Whole Place 

It’s amazing how much of an impact the atmosphere can have. If the place has an awkward scent and is a little too cold, your entire perception of the place can go south quickly. Make sure you’re not neglecting this and making the home feel like a damp place that has been left behind.

Create A Consistent Design And Color Scheme 

Being consistent with the design and décor will lead to positive vibes. Knowing that you have a solid and mature-looking home will ensure that everyone enjoys what they see. Finding the right paint colors and styles might take a while, but the work would be worth it. 

Convert A Room Into Something That You Can Relax Inside 

If your home is just a place that serves a basic purpose, you’ll be content for only so long. Your home needs to have all kinds of personal elements attached to it. Finishing touches and decorations will play a big part, but there might need to be something a little more significant. For instance, if you have a spare room, it would be wise to turn it into something that is perfect for what you want. A game room, a meditation area, and gym, or anything that makes you feel good would add so much positivity to the entire home. 

Preventing Home Emergencies: 6 Essential Foundations We All Need

Source – CC0 License

We’ve got it all wrong when it comes to emergencies. Rather than being reactive, we’ve got to be preventative. Home emergencies can strike at any time, but with careful planning, this doesn’t need to be the case. We should anticipate potential home emergencies, and here are a few tips that can make a massive difference. 

Insulating Your Pipes

While there are 24/7 emergency plumbing services available, if you find that your pipes are vulnerable in specific weather, for example, during the winter, you would need to insulate them so water doesn’t freeze inside them. 

Keeping the Drains Clean

It’s a very common concern in modern homes. Drains get blocked for a number of different reasons, from grease to excessive hair. The best approach is to keep the drains clean by regularly placing drain unblocker down it, and avoiding throwing anything down there. We can think that anything out of sight is out of mind, which is a very dangerous mindset, especially if you’re putting oil or anything with saturated fat down the drain. Saturated fats such as coconut oil will resolidify in the drain, creating a massive blockage. 

Be Careful With Electrical Appliances

One of the main reasons we get electricity problems in the home is because we either overload the circuits or we use faulty appliances. When we plug in multiple devices, we overload the circuits, which could cause a power cut. We need to get our fuse box checked on a regular basis, but we should also understand that any faulty electrical device could spell major danger, such as an electrical fire or electrocution. If you believe you’ve got a faulty appliance, you should get it checked by a qualified electrician. 

Testing Your Alarms

Your smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm, and burglar alarm all need to be tested on a regular basis. A very simple thing, but testing can help you to prevent numerous problems. 

Have First Aid Equipment

No matter how much you do to prevent problems in the home, there is still the likelihood of getting hurt. It’s vital to provide as much medical attention as possible. A first aid kit is going to help you, but you should also think about what situations could occur. You could learn first aid yourself, which means that you won’t need to sit back panicked in a major emergency.

Understand Your DIY Limits

If you start getting into home maintenance, you have to consider if you are going to benefit your property or if are you just going to cause more problems. Everybody wants to save money and therefore, before you do any DIY work you’ve got to make sure you know what you’re doing, inside and out, but also know your limits. If you are considering fixing a pipe, you can’t just start drilling and hammering; you need to have an understanding of the piping system inside your property. The best thing to do is to build up your confidence gradually by doing smaller tasks, but when it comes to major work, leave it to the professionals.

Saving for a House Deposit

It is not easy to save for a house deposit and we’re going to come out and say that now. If you have hopes and dreams of being a homeowner and getting your foot on the property ladder, then you have a long slog ahead of you. It is absolutely worth it, but if you’re wondering where you’re going to find all of that money to save, don’t panic too much.

Saving for a deposit doesn’t mean you have to go without any treats or any kind of life. Instead you just need to understand how to manage your money better so that you can be a part of the housing market. You need actionable tips and tricks to make sure that money savings are realistic and sustainable for you. You need to be able to watch those pennies pile up into their pounds although sentence into their dollars. The housing market may not be easy right now, and interest rates may be making you feel a bit hesitant about buying a house, but it’s always going to be worth it. Here is what you need to make sure that you can get that deposit saved.

Image source: Pexels

  • Set yourself a savings goal. When it comes to saving money, you need to do more than just mindlessly Chuck money into a pot. If you have the ability to Chuck money into a pot, go for it, but it’s easier to have a goal. Find out what your borrowing power is and then you can work out what kind of deposit you need for the house that you want. When you do this, you will be able to have a continuous reminder as to what you are working towards. You have one overall goal, and then break that goal into smaller mini savings goals. This way there is always something to strive for.
  • Create a rule to safer deposit. Allocate 50% of your income for what you need and your bills. You then need to allocate 30% of your income for what you want. And then allocate 20% of your income for savings. If you do this, then you will be able to have continuous savings moving into your account and that way you know what you must have and the things that you are being frivolous with. Doing this is going to help you to save your money, and it’s going to help you to get closer to that house.
  • Get involved in savings challenges. Making saving money fun has to be the answer. Saving money can feel like a chore especially when you are watching that figure grow and you just want to blow it on going traveling. If you make it fun with savings challenges, you’re going to be able to see your money grow and know that you are following the calendar.

Saving money doesn’t have to be a drag – in fact, knowing you are going to own your own house at the end of it should be everything that you need to drive you!

Get the Look: The French home of Isabelle Townsend

In the October 2010 issue of Vogue, I came across a romantic write-up about the new home of Isabelle Townsend (former model for Ralph Lauren) and her husband Patrick DeedesVincke. The cottage, Le Moulin de la Tuilerie in France, was a former weekend home of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. I’ve featured the living room from the story and how to get the look below.

The Living Room.

The glossy red cabinet adds the perfect juxtaposition to the natural feel of this room. It’s the perfect balance of color in my opinion, and you can get a similar version at Ikea for $99. Great for storage too:

Ikea PS Cabinet, $99

A rug from West Elm, very similar to the one pictured above increases coziness:

Jute Boucle Rug, $19.99-$159

And finally, the arc lamp modestly ties the room together without taking attention away from the decor. It reminds me of this lamp from IKEA:

Regolit Bow Floor Lamp, $49.99

A fuzzy sheepskin throw makes a casual butterfly chair luxurious and anything but cheap:

Buttefly Chair from, $64.95

Ikea Rens Sheepskin $24.99

For the coffee table, try putting two matching end tables side by side, or a simple elegant table that matches the theme:

Ikea PS Bruse Coffee Table, $149

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for my coverage of the other rooms!