How To Extend The Life Of Your Home’s Heating System

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All heating systems – including furnaces, boilers and heat pumps – need to eventually be replaced. However, you can extend their life by maintaining them properly. By not having to replace your heating system as regularly, you could save money in the long run. Below are a few tips to help you extend the life of your home’s heating system. 

Service your heating annually

A service involves doing a number of checks to make sure that your heating system is working properly. On top of making sure that your heating system is safe, a service can check that there are no hidden faults that need fixing. Finding faults early can help you to get them fixed early. This can prevent small problems from getting big and causing knock-on damage – overall, extending the life of your heating system.

Know when to repair instead of replacing

You shouldn’t replace your boiler or furnace after a single fault. This is particularly important if your heating system is less than 5 years old. Be prepared to carry out repairs first – you could still have many years left of use before needing to consider a replacement. You should think about replacing your heating system if it is continuously breaking down or constantly leaking and losing pressure – at this point, the cost and hassle of getting your heating continuously repaired isn’t worth it. 

Clean out filters

Different heating systems have different types of filters, which all essentially do the same thing – they help to collect contaminants and stop them getting circulated into the air/back through your heating system. A magnetic boiler filter stops unwanted waste from entering your boiler and should ideally be cleaned once per year. HVAC filters are meanwhile found over air vents in air vent systems, and should be cleaned every 3 months to both keep your home’s air clean and reduce demand on your furnace.

Know when to use professionals

While you may be able to clean your air vents yourself or bleed radiators, most other heating system jobs require hiring a professional. The likes of boiler repair or water heater repair can require specialist knowledge involving plumbing and electrics. Attempting to carry out repairs yourself could be dangerous if you make a mistake. You could also cause unwanted damage to your heating system if you don’t know what you’re doing, which could speed up the need for a replacement.

Don’t overwork it

Most regular home heating systems are not designed to constantly be roaring on the highest temperature setting. This can wear out parts more quickly and lead to an earlier replacement. Try to be more economical with your heating so that you’re not overworking it. A replacement may be necessary if you live in a big home or very cold climate and are using a boiler or furnace designed for a smaller home or temperate climate – there are heavy duty heating systems that are much better taking on the demands of a large home or cold climate, where more energy is required to reach the desired temperature.