Getting Your Garden Summer Ready Without Breaking The Bank

The weather has started to heat up, which means all too soon summer will be here. In the warmer months, having an outdoor space to relax and spend time in is something that many consider a luxury. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden attached to your home and have the ability to spend time outside while at home, it’s important to make the most of that space. 

Being able to escape into the garden on those warm sunny days and sunbathe, read a book, or simply enjoy your morning coffee outside is a total luxury, so if you’re in a position to do so, then it’s important that you take advantage of that. After all, not everyone can sit in their gardens and soak up the sun, can they? 

Photo source: Pixabay

If your garden has got into a bit of a state over winter, then you might be wondering how you can get it back in order without having to spend a fortune on it. To make the process a little easier, we’ve put together a guide to how you can get your garden summer ready without breaking the bank – read on for everything that you need to know. 

Start by mowing and cutting back 

The first step to get your garden back into a useable state is to strim any overgrown areas using a strimmer, followed by mowing your lawn. You can also use a pair of sheers to cut back any areas of overgrown bushes, foliage and trees. This process might take a while to do, but by doing it yourself you can keep costs to a minimum. 

If you can’t manage it all yourself, do what you can and then call in a gardener to deal with the rest. But to keep costs low, do as much as you can yourself first. 

Deal with pests 

The chances are that if you’ve let your garden grow into a bit of a wild space, it’s most likely teaming with pests, from bug nests to rodents. So, before you can sit outside and soak up the sun, you need to deal with any pests that may have invaded your garden. 

When it comes to dealing with pest control, calling in a specialist exterminator may be your best bet. Surprisingly, it’s not as expensive as you might think to have pests dealt with, especially if you catch infestations early. However, if you want to keep costs low, opt to deal with any easy pests yourself and call out an exterminator to deal with anything more complex. 

Be a savvy shopper

When it comes to updating your outdoor space, the chances are that you need some furniture and outdoor accessories. A great way to keep the cost of these upgrades low is to be smart about how and where you shop. 

Buy from discount stores where possible. Opt to renovate old, unwanted pieces of furniture. Don’t be afraid to buy second hand items. Utilise accessories to give your garden the glow up it deserves. Upgrading your garden doesn’t have to cost a whole lot, it’s simply a case of being smart about how you go about it. 

There you have it, a guide to how you can pull your garden back into shape ahead of summer, and all without breaking the bank.