Happy Friday. This week’s finds, $50 or less.

These wall decals take you from zero to mid-century with minimal effort.

Mid-Century Stars Wall Decal, $42




Darling vases from ZGallerie have that 50’s appeal to complement your new decals. Very Jonathan Adler.

Jacquard Vases, $49.95


Make your own art with a diy Pinhole Camera Kit! FM recommended summer activity.

STD35e Pinhole Camera Kit, $24.95




Something about this Key Holder speaks to me.

Wrought Iron Western Star Key Holder, $20.99


I first discovered this clock hanging over the doorway at a friend’s apartment and have been coveting it ever since. Now on sale from ThinkGeek. We recommend the silver.

TIX Led clock, $32.99 on sale



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