Easy Steps to Help You Fall In Love With Your Home Again

Your home environment can play a massive part in how you feel mentally. If you are stressed when you are at home for any reason, it won’t translate well to your attitude, and it can leave you feeling stressed or deflated.

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The thing is, your home needn’t be a place you dread to go. It shouldn’t be. It should be your haven. The trick is to identify what you don’t like and how you can change it to change how you feel at home.

What Is The Issue? 

Knowing what it is you do not like can give you a place to start when it comes to improving the feel and vibe of your home. It could be that you need a serious declutter. Or the decor isn’t to your taste. Take in each room carefully, look at what you do not like, and write it down to make a plan.

Ask family members what they would want to change to create a home that works for everyone.

Make A Plan

Once you have identified what you want to change, you need to make a realistic plan. If you are decluttering, plan to go room by room and then look at how to clear the clutter. The trick is to remove it the same day, so you aren’t moving the problem from one room to another. Book in for Junk removal, donate to goodwill, family or friends or dispose of non-reusable goods responsibly. If you want to decorate, look at how much time you have to do it and when and what room is more urgent etc. this will give you something to follow when you get started.

Make The Time

For many people, finding the time is a problem. You are simply too busy to make the changes. But if something is worth doing and not doing it makes you unhappy, can you afford not to find the time? Even if you have to find childcare arrangements or book professional services such as a painter or decorator or a cleaning service to deep clean your bathroom.

Maybe you can rearrange the furniture of an evening when the kids are playing, or you can rope them in to help you make the changes. Even if you can only block off one day a month, commit to making the changes and put them in your schedule.

Add Something You Enjoy

If nothing sparks your joy when you arrive home, find something that does. That lamp you have been coveting or something else you have had your eye on. Be it a piece of statement art via adding prints to your walls. Once you have made the changes look to add those finishing touches that make you smile. 

Create a space that you love to come home to by committing to making changes to change how you feel about spending time at home, whether it is baby steps every few weeks or going in all at once and changing as much as possible as quickly as possible.