Wardrobe Wars: Protecting The Clothing You Love

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People often spend many years and a lot of money building their clothing collection. It’s easy to feel great pride in the wardrobe you have at home, with this part of life being used to express the aspects of your personality that you want people to see when they first lay eyes on you. Of course, though, it can be all too easy to let your clothing fall apart if you don’t take the right care when storing it at home. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the key areas you need to consider when you’re choosing how you store your clothing to keep them fresh forever.


Mold is a horrible issue to find in your wardrobe, with this sort of life finding it easy to re-propagate once you have cleaned it all away. If you find mold in your wardrobe or chest of drawers, this could mean that you need to clean the whole space, working to get rid of any water sources in the area. You can get special chemicals that can be applied to your furniture to prevent mold from returning in the future.

Creepy Crawlies

Most people associate creepy crawlies in their home with food or drink, rather than clothing. Unfortunately, though, certain insects, like moths, love nothing more than chowing down on your favorite garments, and this means that you need protection against these invaders. Sites like Moth-Prevention.com offer a range of products that are designed to halt moths in their tracks, giving you an easy way to keep your home protected.


Next up, it’s time to think about sunlight. The light that comes from the sun is extremely powerful, with the UV spectrum being one of the most damaging to humans. UV light can also damage clothing, though, breaking down the dyes and pigments that give your favorite outfits that color, while also weakening the materials that make the clothing. This makes it well worth keeping your clothing out of direct sunlight when it is being stored.


There are a lot of chemicals in the world that can damage clothing, and some of these are used in normal homes. Bleach is a great example of this, having the power to remove almost all of the color from certain materials. Your clothing should always be stored away from strong chemicals, ensuring that they stay fresh for as long as possible. The chemicals you use to clean your clothing can also have an impact on their lifespan, and this is a key area to keep in mind.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of keeping your clothing in top shape when you store it at home. A lot of people struggle with work like this, finding it hard to know what steps they need to take when they are trying to improve the quality and lifespan of their clothing.