10 Things You Should Always Do Before Buying Jewelry

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Jewelry is a luxury. It is not cheap to buy, even if you are able to get a great deal, and so you need to make sure that you get it right, right from the off. That being the case, below you will find some quick and simple tips to help you buy the right jewelry at the right price when you next decide to splash out.

1. Set a Budget: Keep Your Wallet Happy

First things first: set a budget. Trust me, nothing kills the joy of a new piece of jewelry faster than realizing you might have to live on instant noodles for the next month to afford it. Decide what you’re willing to spend and stick to it like glitter on your favorite party dress.

2. Research the Heck Out of It

Before you dive headfirst into the sparkly world of jewelry, do your homework. This means understanding different metals, stones, and their care. It’s like prepping for a big exam, except this time, you actually want to study.

3. Check Reviews: The Good, the Bad, and the Sparkly

Now, let’s talk reviews. Checking reviews, like this detailed Blue Nile Jewelry review, for example, is like getting advice from a bunch of friends who are oddly passionate about jewelry. They can give you the real scoop on quality, customer service, and if that necklace looks as shiny in person as it does online.

4. Know Your Style (or Theirs)

Make sure the piece fits your style (or the style of the person you’re buying for). You want something that’ll be worn, not something that’ll just sit in a drawer gathering dust like your collection of old cell phones.

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5. Think About the Occasion

Is this a “just because” piece or something for a special occasion? The context can help guide your choice. You don’t want to buy something that screams “red carpet glam” for a casual “just because” gift. Balance, people.

6. Check the Return Policy

Always, always check the return policy. Sometimes things just don’t work out – like that blind date with the guy who had a pet tarantula. You want to be able to return the jewelry if it’s not quite right, without a hassle.

7. Ask About Certifications

If you’re buying diamonds or other precious stones, ask about certifications. It’s like checking the credentials of your doctor – it gives you peace of mind knowing you’re getting the real deal.

8. Inspect the Craftsmanship

Look closely at the craftsmanship. The last thing you want is for your new bling to lose a stone or break because it was poorly made. It should be as sturdy as your love for Friday nights in with Netflix.

9. Consider the Care

Some jewelry requires more upkeep than others. Make sure you know how to care for it properly, so it doesn’t end up looking like it went through a garbage disposal.

10. Trust Your Gut

Last but not least, trust your instincts. If something feels off, or too good to be true, it probably is. Listen to that little voice in your head – it’s usually right (except for when it tells you to have that third piece of cake).

Now, you have your jewelry-shopping smarts, all that remains is to sit back and enjoy your bling.