These days, wallcovering is not only coming back into trend but people are breaking all the rules and installing it wherever, however they please. Gone are the days of a single pattern installed on each wall in you space. Put it anywhere and make it yours! Check out these tricks to get the most out of less yardage!

Is your staircase a snoozefest? Add decorative touches with some fresh wallcovering applied to the riser (the front of the step) to get just the right amount of pop you’re looking for and add pattern and pizazz to an often-ignored place.
Wallpaper Staircase from www.marvinblog.com
Or turn those boring, white doors into a special stop on the tour of your home with this genius idea. With the framing already in place, this project is so easy it should be illegal.
Wallpaper doors from homedecorbyme.com
Only have enough pocket change to afford wallpaper scraps? You can apply small pieces to your furniture or accessories for a thoughtful, coordinated touch. Most neighborhood design shops will let you purchase samples for under $5.00.
Wallpaper borders can be used for more than trimming walls. You can make unique furniture accents like the treatment on this chest. (Martha Stewart Living, April 2006) Here is another way to utilize a wallpaper border. It looks like this border was made for this lamp! (Martha Stewart Living, April 2006)
Finally – Install your favorite pattern above a chair rail! This will also help you save, save, save on yardage and installation and, when you get tired of your paint colors, its a simple change helping you update your whole space.
And don’t forget to always use your imagination. You can cover anything with wallcovering, including storage boxes, that ugly tack board in your kitchen, that scuzzy old clipboard you use at work, even your kids’ text books for school!
Bonus inspiration! We searched for “vintage wallpaper” on Etsy and found these gems…

Vintage Metalic Mod Disco Wallpaper, $15

Vintage Metalic Mod Disco Wallpaper from vintagebaron, $15

 1970's french wallpaper with geometric flower design in greens, browns and orange, full roll

1970’s French wallpaper from FrenchAtticFinds, $24

Happy decorating!


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