Things To Do Before You Propose

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Proposing. Posing the inquiry. kneeling on the floor. Finding the right way to propose to the love of your life is a pretty difficult undertaking, regardless of how you say it. From the ring to the setting, the special details to the photos, there are many things to think about beforehand, especially in this day of social media when proposals are becoming increasingly complicated to match Insta-worthy criteria. But only you will know how to propose in a way that’s ideal for your relationship, from a show-stopping public spectacle to something quiet and low-key.

Before you become too stressed out, we also want to remind you that this should be a wonderful event for you both as well. Just because you’re the one doing the preparations doesn’t mean you don’t get to enjoy the happiness of getting that crucial yes. Focus on the excitement that is waiting for you on the other side as you overcome your nerves. You can do this!

Chat It Out 

It’s a good idea to wait until you both are truly prepared for marriage before making any plans, even though we understand that you probably want to keep your proposal a surprise. While you don’t have to follow this precise timeline, it’s something to think about: why do you feel like you want to propose now, and are they on board? 

The best ways to start a conversation are with subtle segues, such as bringing up someone else’s engagement or future wedding, or viewing movies or TV series about weddings together (Don’t Tell The Bride is currently available on Netflix, FYI). Obtain a favorable reaction? It looks good… 

Consult with their family 

The idea of “asking permission” is becoming somewhat outmoded, largely because it comes from the perspective that women are dependent on their fathers or husbands and are not autonomous individuals with their own hearts and brains. However, including your other half’s family is still crucial and considerate; it all depends on how you go about it.

Even though their joy would certainly be obvious, if you know that your spouse has always wanted you to share that special occasion with their parents, you can still tell them about your plans. Make it clear that you want them to be a part of this special occasion and how delighted you are to join their family. Everyone should be content.

Make it your own 

So, you’re going to carry it out! Hooray! “Now what?” The most crucial component of a proposal is to make sure it is unique to you two as a pair and that it is personal. The devil is in the details; incorporate special dates, jewelry engraving and incorporating memories of your time together, and friends and relatives if they are significant to your relationship. Start making notes about the best experiences you’ve had together and how you met. Do you have a favorite eatery, vacation spot, or perhaps just a night in at home? Do you wish to celebrate an anniversary?