Finch & Ada, the amazing duo behind The Pleasure Is All Mine Art Show in Chelsea, present their latest offer…SEVEN. If you’re an emerging art collector, or craving a fresh change from the same old same old, here’s a chance to buy some exclusive, limited edition artworks by SEVEN emerging artists at a great price. Display a gorgeous artwork by a photographer who has a story to tell, $350.

Justin Walker, Pink Legs and Ribs, 2010

Dolly Faibyshev, 1976 Chandelier Staircase, 2009

Aline Smithson, Fur, 2007

Special discounts apply for bulk purchases.

Repairs And Maintenance: 5 Things You Must Do

You live in a home. It’s your castle, where you can relax and enjoy life. You should take care of it like the treasure that it is! If you are not following any maintenance regimen for your home, then this blog post is for you! We will be discussing five things that everyone should do to keep their house in tip-top shape all year round.

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Scan The Roof 

The most important part of your home is the roof. You should inspect it twice a year for any signs of wear and tear, such as missing shingles, moss build-up, or water stains. You can get a good look at the roof by stepping back and inspecting it visually, but you may need to use a ladder to get a closer look. In this situation, make sure that you use the ladder safely and with someone else with you.  

If you notice anything wrong, contact a professional roof contractor to repair it right away. Water damage can be very costly to repair, so it’s best to take care of any problems as soon as they are detected. Even what seems to be a small issue can turn into a huge concern if ignored. A little bit of maintenance now will save you a lot of money and hassle in the future!

Check The Water Pressure

A weak water pressure can signify a bigger problem, such as a leaky pipe or build-up within the pipes. You should have your water pressure checked at least once a year to ensure everything is in order. If you do find that your water pressure is low, contact your nearest house repiping services to get it fixed right away. Additionally, you can conserve water by fixing any leaks in your home and installing low-flow showerheads.

Examine The Walls

Minor cracks in the walls are not a big deal, but you should monitor them to make sure they don’t get bigger. If you notice any significant cracks, you will need to have them checked out by a professional as your house may be on the edge of a structural collapse. However, if they are minor cracks, you can fix them yourself and give the house a new fresh coat of paint while you’re at it!

Change The Air Filters

Dirty air filters can cause all sorts of problems in your home, such as decreased airflow, poor indoor air quality, and even increased energy costs. You should change your air filters at least once a month (or more if you have pets or allergies). This is an easy task that can be done yourself, or you can hire a professional to do it for you. In addition, you should have your air conditioning unit serviced at least once a year to ensure that it is running efficiently and that it is not releasing any dirty particles into your home.

Inspect The Hinges 

Loose hinges can be a major safety hazard, as they can easily lead to a door falling off its hinges. Therefore, you should check all the hinges in your house every few months to ensure they are still in good condition. If you find any that are loose, you can tighten them yourself or contact a professional to repair them for you.

By following these simple maintenance tips, you can keep your home in excellent condition all year round! Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also help you to avoid any major repairs down the road.

5 Tips For Buying A Watch As A Gift

One of the most popular gifts to give people is a watch. Watches are often given as graduation presents, birthday presents, and even Christmas presents. There are so many different kinds of watches to choose from that it can be hard to pick just one! This post will discuss five tips for buying a watch as a gift. This article will help you make an informed decision when purchasing your next watch.

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Consider The Recipient’s Taste

One of the most important things to consider when buying a watch as a gift is the taste of the recipient. If you are not sure what type of watch the person would like, ask them! Many people have a specific style or brand that they prefer. If you are unable to ask the recipient directly, do some research on their personal style. Do they tend to wear flashy clothes that make a statement? In that case, they would love a diamond-encrusted statement piece from somewhere like Harlem Bling, but that style isn’t for everybody. If they are quite a plain dresser, maybe something more classic with a simple strap and basic watch face would work.

Look At The Watch’s Features

Another thing to consider when buying a watch as a gift is the features of the watch. Some watches tell the time in two different time zones, some have alarms, and others even have calculators! The watch is a must-have accessory for professionals, so think about whether the recipient would use this day-to-day at work, for example. Finding something practical means that they will get more use out of the gift.

Consider Your Budget

When buying a watch as a gift, it is important to consider your budget. Watches can be quite expensive, so make sure you know how much you want to spend before heading out to the store or browsing online. There are plenty of great watches at different price points, so don’t feel like you have to break the bank in order to find something that they will love.

Check The Warranty And Returns Policy

When buying a watch as a gift, consider whether the store has a good warranty and returns policy. If it doesn’t, this can be very disappointing if there is an issue with the item after purchase or the recipient wants to change it. Make sure that you know what to do in these circumstances before making your decision.

Watch For Deals

Finally, when buying a watch as a gift, be sure to keep an eye out for deals! Watches go on sale frequently, so it’s worth checking online and in-store before making your purchase. You may be able to find a great deal on the perfect watch for the person you’re buying for. If you start looking plenty of time in advance, you can even track the prices using a tracker website, so when it goes on sale, you can snap it up at a lower price. 

As long as you follow these steps, you can find the perfect watch to buy as a gift.

How To Practice Self-Care On A Budget

The importance of self-care is well known and greatly appreciated, more so now than ever.  By practicing a bit of self-care you can help stave off feelings of low mood and even help to prevent the onset of depression. What is more, contrary to popular belief self-care does not have to come at a hefty financial cost. Here are some ways that that you can help practice self-care without affecting your financial health.

Photo credit Daniel Reche from Pexels

Drink well. Eat well.

Believe it or not being dehydrated can have a negative impact on your mood and your energy levels. To avoid an afternoon slump or heavy head be sure to drink up. Remember to stick to water and to avoid too many caffeinated or sugary drinks. 

As well as drinking well, eating well is equally important. That is not to say you need to pack your diet with superfoods all day everyday but ensuring you get a good balance of nutrients and fresh food will help you look and feel better about yourself from the inside out. 

Priotize sleep

Ensuring you get sufficient sleep is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to self care. Low mood, anxiety and stress often comes hand in hand with poor sleep. What is more your ability to deal with challenging situations is made harder when you are not working at fill capacity on a good nights sleep. To help improve your sleep practice good sleep hygiene, such as no caffeine after 4pm, no screen time before bed and using your bedroom as a place to sleep. Not eat, work and chill. 

Spend your money wisely 

There will come a time when you may need to part with some cash to practice your self care but you can do this carefully and wisely to look after yourself effectively. It may be that a weekend away from daily routine will do you the world of good, or perhaps you need to buy a new pair of trainers so you can get out for the feel good run, or maybe your hard earned money is best spent funding a stay in a rehabilitation centre. Rehab centres such as Sunshine Behavioural Health can help those suffering with substance abuse problems to overcome their addictions and this can be the very best self care you practice. 

Get out and about

While getting out from under the duvet or up off of the sofa may be unappealing at times the benefits can be plentiful. Sunlight or exposure to vitamin D and fresh air are known to improve your mood as they help produce endorphins and melatonin, natural chemicals that are well known mood-boosters. So force yourself off the sofa and get out and about in the fresh air. Better yet go for a run or walk the dog as exercise is also known to help improve your mood and this way you getting heart racing and exposing yourself to natures natural mood-booster. 

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Travel Too Far From Home This Year

On our little section of the web, we’re all about saving money where we can and where possible. We think it’s fair to say that one of the biggest pressures on your bank balance is likely to be travel from vacations and family trips. The good news is that there are some great reasons why you should stay closer to home for your next trip and potentially for the next couple of years. Let’s explore this in a little more detail. 

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Travel Is Going To Become More Expensive

Traveling to places across the world is already expensive. Unfortunately this is only going to get worse through 2022 and 2023. You might assume that holiday companies and flight providers are going to drop their prices to encourage more people to travel. However, it doesn’t look like this will be the case. First, they don’t need to do this because stats suggest that people are anxious to get back out there and on planes as soon as possible. So instead, they’re going to look to raise their prices to new highs, making back the money they lost during the worst of the pandemic. This means that if you travel far, then you’re going to be able to afford a lower quality trip, even if your holiday budget hasn’t changed. 

Local Venues Are Going Through Reinventions 

Venues, activities and experiences close by know that they need to do more to encourage people to get back out there. They understand that they’re facing an uphill battle to pull people away from their Netflix binges. The good news is that they are rising to the challenge. For instance, according to experts like Frederica Wald, museums are preparing to provide more innovative and immersive experiences to people stopping by. So, you can get a high quality experience without traveling far and just by visiting your local city. 

The Situation Is Still In Flux 

The COVID pandemic is far from over and the omicron variant should be enough proof of that. It’s not outside the realms of possibility that there are more dangerous and worrying variants on the horizon either. So, until things settle, it’s probably not in your best interest to arrange big travel plans. It’s entirely possible that these plans will be scuppered before you manage to get on the flight and the situation keeps changing rapidly. Countries put new places and take places off their red lists on a monthly basis right now. You might think that insurance will protect you from a financial loss. But don’t be so sure. Insurance companies are quietly taking COVID-19 off their acceptable list of reasons for not being able to travel. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the reasons why you shouldn’t travel too far from home for your vacation this year. Staying closer to home could save you money while providing a fantastic experience and helping you avoid a significant financial loss if the COVID situation does change yet again just as you’re about to fly out. 

What’s Stopping You From Pursuing Your Passion?

The average individual will spend more than 30% of their lives at work. To put that in perspective this means – when taking into account sleep and traffic – you’ll spend more time at work than with your friends or family. If that thought frightens you, it should. Life is too short to be stuck working in a job that you don’t like or that doesn’t fulfil you. That’s why you should aim to pursue the passions that you have. We all have passions in life. We all have something that we love doing. Something that gives us drive and purpose. 

But, there might be roadblocks and barriers stopping you from pursuing your passion. Let’s explore these and see if we can break them down. 

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A Lack Of Inspiration 

It’s possible that you are struggling to pursue your passion because you don’t have the right level of inspiration. The good news is that inspiration can be found in countless places. For instance, you might love the idea of becoming an artist. If that’s the case, you should explore the work of some of the most influential artists listed by people such as Freddi Wald. Or, you could be keen to set up your own business. If you’re passionate about this, you’ll find there are countless young startup owners that you learn from. Once you find the right thing to inspire you, there’ll be nothing standing in your way. 


It can be risky to pursue your passion. This is particularly true if there are people other than you that depend on your income. It may not seem fair to pursue a passion if you have children that expect a certain quality of life. First, it’s important to note that you can pursue a passion and still have a safety net in place. There’s no shame or harm in having a backup. There will always be risk in pursuing anything new, but the risk is part of what makes the leap worth it. 


It’s possible that you are struggling to find the time to pursue your passion. This is once again understandable. Many people these days live lives that are far too hectic. The secret to finding more time to ensure that you aim to increase your level of productivity. Set a schedule for the day and work to ensure that you stick to it. Do be aware that this should include some downtime. There’s no point in pursuing your passion if it leaves you feeling exhausted. 


Finally, some passions will require investment and capital. You will need to bring your idea or plans to life with the right amount of funds. There are lots of options to take here including those that come with limited levels of risk. For instance, you can explore crowdfunding your idea. By crowdfunding, you can avoid issues with borrowing money. Pursuing your passion should not plunge you into debt.

We hope this helps you navigate around the roadblocks that are currently blocking you from pursuing your own dreams.