Insects In The Garden: How To Attract The Good Ones And Get Rid Of The Pests

Bugs. They can be a gardener’s best friend or worst enemy, depending on which ones are hanging around. Some bugs are necessary for a healthy garden, but others can do serious damage. This article will teach you how to create the right environment for the good bugs and how to keep the pests out.

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Which Bugs Do You Want In Your Garden?

The first step in getting the bugs out of your garden is to figure out which ones you want there. Not all bugs are created equal, and some are more beneficial than others. Here are a few of the most common types of good bugs:

-Ladybugs eat aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and other small pests.

-Ground beetles eat grubs, caterpillars, and other soft-bodied pests.

-Dragonflies eat mosquitoes and other small flying insects.

-Hoverflies eat aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and other small pests.

Not only are these bugs good for your garden, but they’re also beneficial to the environment. Ladybugs, for example, can help to reduce the population of aphids, which can damage crops.

Having a healthy population of insects in your garden can help you create an ecosystem that sustains itself, so you don’t need to use as many pesticides on your plants. You can encourage them by providing food and shelter in the form of plants, mulch, and compost. Building a small bug hotel out of wood is another simple way to encourage more bugs.

Ponds are excellent for attracting wildlife too, especially things like dragonflies. If you have space to dig out a pond, this is one of the most effective ways to introduce a healthy insect population into your garden.

What About The Bugs You Don’t Want In Your Garden?

While you want to encourage some bugs, there are others that you’ll want to keep out of your garden. Some of the most common pests are:



-Spider mites





These pests can do serious damage to your plants, and in some cases they can be harmful to your health. It’s important to know how to identify these pests and how to get rid of them.

How To Get Rid Of Pests

There are a number of ways to get rid of pests, but the most effective methods vary depending on the pest you’re trying to eliminate. Here are a few common methods:

Pest control

In some cases, if you have a mosquito infestation, for example, you need to call professional help. Find a pest control specialist (like this one at and get them to take a look. They will be able to get rid of any pests in the garden and then put measures in place to stop them from coming back. Most importantly, they can stop pest problems in the garden spilling over into the house.

Control weeds

Weeds can provide a home for pests, so getting rid of them is a good way to discourage them from staying in your garden. Pulling weeds by hand is the most effective way to do this, but you can also use weed killer or herbicides if necessary.

Remove food

If there’s no food for the pests, they’ll go somewhere else. Remove any fallen fruit from the garden, keep compost heaps tightly covered, and don’t leave food scraps lying around. This can be tricky if you are trying to encourage good insects at the same time. Overall, it’s best to remove all food sources if you have a big problem with pests.

Attract birds

Birds are natural predators of many pests, so attracting them to your garden can help to get rid of some of the bugs. You can do this by putting up a bird feeder or nesting box, or by planting trees and shrubs that they like to eat. Birds are particularly good at dealing with pests like caterpillars, which can play havoc with your plants.

Handpick insects

If you only have a small number of pests, you may be able to get rid of them by handpicking them. This is most effective for things like aphids and spider mites, which are easy to see and remove. You can’t always prevent pests completely, so you should check all of your plants from time to time and pick off any bugs that you see.

There are a number of ways to get rid of pests in your garden, and the most effective method will vary depending on the pest you’re trying to eliminate. You can use professional pest control services, weed killer or herbicides, remove food sources, or attract birds to your garden. You can also handpick insects if there are only a few. By using a combination of these methods, you can keep your garden free from pests and maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Spending Money to Save Money

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For many of us, new years resolutions for 2022 revolved around finances. The past couple of years have been financially difficult for many of us. The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic spread across the world, seeing huge changes implemented that impacted every area of our lives – for many of us, this included our finances. Government stay at home orders, lockdowns, social distancing orders and social isolation guidelines helped save lives through reducing the spread of the virus, but they also caused many companies to collapse, resulting in unemployment. Redundancies increased. Many of us found ourselves struggling with money. Now, whatever your reason for wanting to save money and reduce spending this year – to clear debt, to create savings or anything else – you need to come up with a plan to experience success. All too many people completely cut everything out in a bid to save. But in some cases, you will find that you need to spend money in order to save more money later down the line. Here are some examples that could help.

Online Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is something that we all need to do. You can’t simply decide that you’re not buying groceries in order to save money anymore. But there are steps you can take to reduce the cost of your grocery shop. There are the well-known ones, such as buying own brand or unbranded products instead of branded products. But one option people don’t consider is using a grocery delivery service. Sure, some people would consider spending money on delivery a waste when they can go to the store and collect groceries themselves. But first, consider that going to the store to collect groceries might be the norm, but it’s almost definitely not free. Unless you live within walking distance of the store and are willing to do a small shop to be able to carry your shopping home on foot, you’re going to pay fuel or public transport fare to get there. Secondly, when you shop online and use a delivery service, you are less likely to get roped into buying things you don’t need or that aren’t on your list.


All of our homes need repair work carried out at some point or another. It’s important that you pay for repairs on your house as soon as you notice an issue. Calling a professional means they can troubleshoot electrical issues and other problems before they escalate. All too many people notice problems and choose to ignore them because they don’t want to fork out the money. But all that happens here is that the issue worsens and you end up spending more to repair it later down the line. On top of this, problems left to worsen can cause damage to other elements of your home. For example, a leak in the roof can cause structural and electrical damage which come with much bigger repair bills than getting the leak resolved in the first place. Call relevant professionals as soon as problems arise – there’s no point in waiting.

Hopefully, these suggestions will give you an idea of how, sometimes, you need to spend money to save money. Each can help and, hopefully, one can fit into your lifestyle well.

Investment Tips for a Better Future

Living frugally and saving money is great. However, if you want to make the most of the money that you have saved through frugal living, then you need to learn how to invest. Being clever and investing in the right way means that the potential earring on your money will far exceed the amount that you will gain from any interest in a savings account. In fact, interest rates are generally so poor that inflation greatly outpaces it. Meaning the money you have now will be worth far less when you come to actually use it. That means investing is your only real viable option. So let’s take a look at some investment opportunities.   

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Side Hustle

One of the greatest investments you can make is in yourself. One way to do this is to build up a side hustle. A side hustle is, in effect, a small business that you set up to run concurrently with your current job. That way, you are mitigating the danger of it not taking off. A side hustle, no matter what it is, can help you enter the business world, develop an understanding of how to conduct business, how to develop a website, promote, and so on. Popular side hustles are things like buying and selling. This can be particularly effective if you have any specialist knowledge. Putting a spare room on Airbnb, creating a blog site, etc. All these things get you used to managing a business yourself. If your side hustle really kicks off, you may well be able to turn it into a small business. Then you can get really creative and develop great marketing techniques such as using custom flags and getting your name out there in the community.

The Stock Market 

The stock market may appear to be all about graphs and figures, and although that is true to an extent, it is actually about businesses. That means if you want to invest wisely, you need to do a lot of background research. If you are at all interested in business, then this could be a great way to learn more about how they operate. Essentially, plans that a company creates will have a profound effect on the value of the stock. So, when you hear something or find a company that interests you, ensure that you read as much as you can about them. You can read their press releases, other reviews from trusted sources, look at their website, annual reviews, etc. What you thought maybe a great long-term investment may well be only suitable in the short term. Also, consider things like dividend payouts. A long-term investment may be made much sweet by a great dividend which you can reinvest or spend as you see fit. Remember, the stock market is just a way to see what is popular in the real world. If you get good at spotting trends, then you may well be able to pick out small companies that have great potential future in the business world.

Managing Your Mental Health

The start of a new year is always a time of reflection and looking forward. Many of us like to set goals and targets for the year ahead, and often they involve improving our health. We tend to associate better health with fitter bodies, but it’s essential to understand the importance of mental health. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective ways to manage and nourish your mental wellbeing. 

Taking control of your schedule

A lack of time is one of the most common causes of stress and anxiety. If you feel like you are always rushing, you never have time to stand still or relax, you struggle to switch off, or you constantly feel like you’re under pressure to get through a to-do list, taking control of your schedule is critical. Start blocking out periods for rest and recovery, learn to say no and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Nobody is superhuman and we all need time to unwind and have fun. Make time in your diary for exercise, socializing, relaxation and indulging in hobbies and interests. 

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Recognizing that you might need help

Most of us wouldn’t think twice about contacting the doctor if we had a physical injury or we felt unwell, but the story is very different when people experience symptoms that affect their minds, rather than their bodies. Many will soldier on in silence and keep their thoughts, feelings and worries to themselves. 

It can be challenging to talk about mental health, but it’s so important to talk about how you feel and to seek advice if you think you need help. It’s perfectly natural to feel anxious or sad from time to time, especially if you’re going through a tough time, but it’s not natural to experience symptoms that last for weeks or months. If you’re turning to drugs or alcohol to numb pain or get through the day, you feel like you can’t get up in the morning, you’re questioning whether you want to be around anymore, or you have no enthusiasm for things that normally make you feel happy or excited, it’s important to understand that help is available. There are many solutions, therapies and treatments that can make a difference, including rehab facility programs, talking therapies, counseling, group support and medication. Making the first call, scheduling an appointment or starting a conversation online is often the hardest step, but it will make you feel better. 

Embracing self-care

Self-care is all about looking after your body and mind. Practising self-care can help to enhance happiness and wellbeing, reduce the risk of stress, anxiety and depression and improve your work-life balance. Tips to get started include doing daily exercise, establishing a sleep routine to make sure you get enough rest, making time for hobbies, spending time with people who make you feel good, eating well and being kind to yourself. 

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Many of us are starting 2022 with aspirations to improve our health. If you’re setting goals for the year ahead, it’s hugely beneficial to prioritize your mental wellbeing, as well as your physical health. 

Saving Money On Your Car Is Easy When You Know How

If you are exploring the greatest costs that are eating away at your bank balance, then your car should be at the top of that list. A car can be a huge, crushing, financial weight. That’s why it’s worth exploring some of the steps that you can take to cut the costs out of this asset. Here are some of the possibilities that we recommend. 

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Consider Purchasing A Second Hand Vehicle

First, you should think about purchasing a vehicle second hand. This is immediately going to cut the cost right down. You might have heard that purchasing a used car is a false economy and this can be true but there are ways to avoid that trap. For instance, you need to make sure that you do find a supplier that you can trust like Edmunds. They have great reviews from previous clients. You might also want to think about taking an expert with you to check out a car before you buy it. That way, you can make sure that it doesn’t have any expensive or nasty issues. 

Think About Efficiency 

Next, you should consider the efficiency of your vehicle. One of the biggest costs of your vehicle is always going to be the fuel. If your car is a gas guzzler, then you are going to feel it each month. To deal with this we recommend that you think about choosing a car with a great MPG. If you already own a vehicle, then there are other steps that you can take which will help with the fuel costs. 

Explore Your Driving Style 

If you already own a car and you’re not looking to upgrade anytime soon, then there are other steps that you can take to limit the costs of fuel. For instance, you might want to think about how much you brake on journeys. The more you brake, the more fuel you use. It’s worth checking your tires too. If your tires are underinflated, then your car is always going to use more fuel. It’s also worth noting that it’s going to be more dangerous to drive on the road in this condition too. 

Keep It Well Maintained 

Finally, you should make sure that you are taking steps to keep the car well maintained and in the right condition overall. A few maintenance steps can guarantee that the car works well for years and help you avoid some common financial issues. This can be as simple as keeping the car clean. If you don’t keep the vehicle clean, dirt and grime will build up in key areas. Eventually, this will damage crucial systems. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to ensure that you are saving money on your vehicle. By exploring these steps, you can ensure that you have more money in your budget for other things in your life. It will also make it far easier to handle the bills each month and ensure that you are not caught off guard by any unexpected costs. 

How To Find Your Path In Life

Not everyone is lucky enough to find their own perfect path in life, but since searching for it is half of the joy of life, it should always be at the forefront of your mind to do. Sometimes, we just know what that path should be without having to search for it – there may be a particular career, for example, that has always been exactly right for you, and that you have always wanted to do, and that might be your path. 

For others, finding their way is a lot more difficult. However, there are some things you can do to help things become clearer, and hopefully, you will find what you are meant to do. Read on to find out more. 

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Go To College 

If you genuinely don’t know what to do with your life, don’t worry. There are so many options that it can feel incredibly overwhelming, but this shouldn’t stop you from searching anyway. College can be the ideal place to do this. You can find out more about yourself, and you can learn a lot about a particular subject or subjects too. You can even switch disciplines if you find that something else appeals more. 

Start by finding out about the college you are keen to attend. Then discover what you could learn there. Even if you don’t find your path at college itself, by having a degree to your name, your choices are opened up much wider when it comes to finding your dream job, so it’s still a good idea to go and study. 

Quit The Things That Harm You

We do all kinds of things that harm us daily. Some of those things harm us physically and include:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Illegal drugs
  • Prescription drugs (taken without a prescription or in the wrong way)
  • Poor diet

Other things can cause a problem too, and this time they can harm you mentally. Working in a job you hate, living with people you don’t get on with, not being able to do what you enjoy, being told what to do when you can see a better way, and so on, will all harm your mental health, and you should quit these just as you would a bad habit that was hurting you physically. If the issue isn’t something you are doing, but rather something someone else did, such as giving you medical advice that led to needing a medical malpractice attorney, for example, make sure you get the help you need. 

When you quit the things that are harming you – or find good ways out of the situation you find yourself in – you will see more clearly and work out where you should be going and what you should be doing. Although it can be frightening and could mean a complete change of life or lifestyle, it will always be worth it if you want to find your path in life. 

Be Curious 

It’s great to be curious in life and even better when searching for your correct path. When you are curious, you will always be asking questions and wondering why, and the more questions you ask, the more answers you will get – eventually, these answers will help you determine your path in life and show you which way to go. 

This might be something you start at college in a literal sense, but even after this, you should always question things and always be curious to learn more. It will help you become the person you should be.