How to Create More Storage Space in Your Home

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Most of us would like more storage space in our homes. Unless you are a minimalist, chances are you have a lot of stuff that you love and want to keep, but too little storage to tidy it away.

If that is the case, here are some of the best ways to create more storage space in your home right now:

Build it in

One of the best ways to create more storage space while also maximising the available space to your and your family is to build in storage. For example, built in wardrobes will fit into those recesses where you could not otherwise place a wardrobe, and take advantage of space that is otherwise lost to you in order to create storage space that is as efficient and effective as possible.

As well as built in wardrobes, you can build in drawers and cupboards in the recess under the stairs, turn your stair steps into hidden drawers, and build a cupboard around the bathroom sink, amongst other things. Anywhere there is unused space that you can’t use for living in, you can build clever storage spaces instead! 

Use storage furniture

From beds that have a huge amount of storage space under the mattress to ottomans that you can use as both a eat and a place to store linens, or blankets or magazines, or whatever, storage furniture is a great way of maximising your available storage without taking up any additional space.

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Use the wall space

If you have high ceilings, chances are there is a lot of wall space not being used. By putting up shelves, you can very effectively increase our storage without impacting your family’s ability to live and move around effectively in your home, just make sure you use high wall space to store stuff you won’t need to access often because you will obviously need a ladder to reach it.

Hang hooks

Hanging hooks on the walls in any recess spaces you have is another good way to create more storage space for your home, Most of us have alcoves or recesses that we can’t really use for anything, but by placing hooks above them, we can use them to store coats, bags and other garments very effectively out of the way.

Garden storage benches

If you need more storage in the garden, but you don’t have space for a shed, you could try building a bench that has a deep seat with a lid. This will enable you to hide away garden sheers, pruning tools, and things like that while also giving you a nice place to sit and enjoy nature, all without taking up too much of your valuable yard space. If you don’t have room for a bench, a garden chair will work well too!

No matter how small your home is, there are always things you can do to increase the amount of storage space you have access to, and doing so will help you to keep a much tidier, more organised home, so it is definitely worth the effort.

4 Ways To Increase The Longevity Of Your Home

There are many things you might want to get out of your home, but one thing which you might want to get in particular is a lot of time out of it. Having a lot of longevity from your home is great for a number of reasons, most importantly because it means you are not wasting as much money and you can be sure that you will be able to avoid moving home. In this post, we are going to take a look at just four great ways to increase the longevity of your home considerably. You’ll find the following are all worth considering.

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Keep It Dry

One of the most important of all is that you are doing everything you can to keep your home as dry as possible. As long as it is kept dry, it is going to avoid having mold and damp, which are two of the quickest ways to cause huge problems for your home in general. Keeping it dry comes down to a few essentials: having decent basement waterproofing done, keeping the windows and doors properly sealed, and keeping on top of any damp that might occur as best as you can. If you do all that, it will stay dry, and it will last so much longer.

Perform Scheduled Maintenance

There are many kinds of maintenance that will need to take place regularly in order to keep your home at its best possible state. In order to do that, you might want to think about drawing up a schedule for all the various kinds of maintenance that you might be considering doing. Having a schedule is a powerful way to ensure that it actually takes place when it needs to and keeping yourself on track, so that is something that everyone can benefit from remembering in their home.

Repair The Roof

The roof is always going to be one of the most important parts of the entire home, so you need to make sure that you are focused on keeping it repaired and in as good condition as you possibly can. Repairing the roof is something you might want to get help with, or you might simply decide that you are going to do it yourself, if you feel up to it. Either way, this is something that you should be careful not to overlook, as it helps to ensure the longevity of the building in a strong way.

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Keep It Clean

Cleanliness is also very important – more important than people tend to think, in fact. If you are keen to make sure that you are keeping your home in a good condition, keeping it clean is one of the most vital things to focus on. It means that you are going to have a much nicer time in your home too, which is another very important consideration as well. All in all, you’ll find that a cleaner home is a much better one, and one which stands the test of time too.

Making The Most of What You Own

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In recent years, minimalism has become very popular, and all sorts of different people from all sorts of different walks of life have been looking into paring down the number of possessions they own — while simultaneously going for a more spacing feel within their homes.

Everyday life naturally throws complex and tough decisions our way from time to time, and you may find yourself in a situation where you have to compare credit options to finance important expenses, or need to be in a position to move homes on a regular basis with little notice.

For all sorts of reasons, it may be beneficial not to own too many things. But even if you do go in for a bit of minimalism, that is by no means to suggest that you shouldn’t make the most of what you own.

Here are just a few suggestions on how to make the most of what you currently own.

Opt for belongings with a bit of personality and artisanship behind them where possible

Among individuals who are committed to a relatively minimalistic approach to personal belongings, you will often nonetheless find an emphasis on quality over quantity, as well as a significant degree of respect for items that display a good level of craftsmanship.

When all is said and done, belongings which have a bit of personality to them — and a bit of artisanship behind them — are likely to not only last longer, but to also feel more “alive.”

Polishing an antique hardwood coffee table that’s been passed down in your family will naturally tend to feel more uplifting and enjoyable than polishing a flatpack coffee table that came off a production line somewhere.

Belongings that have a story, and some personality to them, can feel a lot more meaningful.

Keep your home tidy and well organised

No matter what sort of great stuff you own, you’re almost certainly not going to properly appreciate it as much as you’d like, if your home is a messy and chaotic place to be.

Not only can clutter literally obscure your more meaningful belongings from view, but it also tends to lead to a certain sense of complacency within the home.

By simply tidying up, decluttering, and organising your home — and making sure that the belongings you hold onto are well arranged — you can begin really making the most of those belongings, while also enjoying them significantly more.

Where possible, aim to repair things instead of having them replaced outright

Once upon a time, it was normal for just about everyone to repair just about everything, if at all possible. Today, simply replacing various belongings outright is a more common approach.

Wherever possible, striving to repair things instead of just having them replaced outright can help you to appreciate those belongings more — while simultaneously giving them a bit more character and personality.

Of course, it also helps that repairing various belongings is often cheaper than replacing them, and will extend the lifespan of those belongings, too.

Small Steps Towards Living Off-Grid

There are so many important reasons to want to live off-grid, and so many that you can hope to get out of. The off-grid lifestyle is not only more sustainable and eco-friendly on the whole, it is also a very satisfying lifestyle in many ways, and a lot of people really do swear by it as a way to live. If you are keen to start taking some small steps towards living off-grid, take a look at the following. Here are some of the best ways to ensure that you can make this kind of change in your own life.

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Go Debt-Free

One of the main things stopping people from living truly off-grid is debt. When you owe money to the bank, you are never truly off-grid and free, so this is something that you will want to focus on as soon as possible. Any debt you have should be paid off as soon as possible. Fortunately, this is easier to do than people often think, although it might take you some time to achieve. However, with the right approach and some patience, you too can go debt-free in no time, thus starting your journey to being off-grid.

Consider Your Home Options

There are many living options when you want to be off-grid. You’ll need to make sure that you are aware of the various kinds of home you can live in that are off-grid, so you can ensure you are making the right decision. For instance, do you want to live in a narrowboat on the canal, find some mobile homes for sale, or live in a commune? There are many options besides these too, such as living in a van, so it’s all about looking at your options and seeing what you might be happiest with.

Work Out A Water Source

It should come as no surprise that one of the most important elements in the off-grid lifestyle is water. You need to work out how you are going to get water into your home, and that can be a tricky thing to get right. Plan out your water usage and how much you think you might need, and then identify a water source, or multiple sources, that you may have nearby. You might get lucky and find a spring, or you could use yearly rainfall if you manage to catch it properly and filter it. It’s possible to get enough water without having to use the nation’s supply.

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Install Solar Or Wind Energy

In terms of your energy usage, you have two main options that you will probably want to consider: solar and wind. Having both is certainly a good way to go. With solar power, you have a (practically) limitless supply of energy for your home, so once you have paid for the installation it’s free energy forever. Similarly, wind energy can be very effective and could be a great addition too. With these, you have perfectly eco-friendly energy options, so they are definitely something to think about.

5 Interior Decorating Tips to Give Your Home a Modern Touch

Are you bored of your old home décor? Are you looking for a way to give your home a modern touch? If so, then you are in luck! This blog post will discuss five interior decorating tips to help you achieve the contemporary look you desire. So keep reading to learn more!

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Add a touch of color.

One way to give your home a modern touch is by adding a splash of color. Bright colors are trendy right now, so consider adding bold shades to your décor. For example, you could add a colorful pink throw pillow to your living room or paint one wall in a vibrant shade of green. If you’re unsure which colors to choose, try looking at the latest fashion trends for inspiration. You can also take advantage of online tools like Pinterest and Houzz, which allow you to browse photos of real-world homes that feature modern décor.

Consider Using Blinds

Blinds and shades are a great way to give your home a modern touch. They can add texture, color, and pattern to any room in the house! You’ll find many different styles of blinds at most stores that sell window treatments or simply use Blind and Shutter Installation services– from simple roller shades with no frills (these work well for smaller windows) to more elaborate Roman-style ones with fabric panels as part of their design scheme. Just make sure you measure before buying, so you get exactly what will fit best on each window pane without worrying about having too much or too little space leftover on either side once they’re installed properly!

Use Minimalistic Design

One of the most popular trends in modern interior design is minimalism. This involves using simple, clean lines and avoiding clutter as much as possible. If you want to give your home a modern touch with this style, start by removing any unnecessary furniture or objects from each room. You can also replace heavy draperies with sheer curtains or blinds to let more light into the space. And don’t forget about accessories! Keep them minimalistic, too – think one vase with a few flowers or a couple of small sculptures on display instead of lots of knick knacks.

Think Outside the Box

When it comes to interior decorating, there are no set rules! So if you want to give your home a modern touch, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Maybe that means painting your walls black instead of white or using unconventional materials like concrete or metal for your furniture. Or perhaps it means adding unique features like a built-in fireplace or an indoor garden. As long as you stick to some basic principles – such as using simple lines and avoiding too much clutter – you can let your creativity run wild!

Create a Focal Point

Creating a focal point is another way to give your home an updated look. This can be done with artwork on the walls, furniture in one area of the room (like an accent chair), or even just some eye-catching accessories like pillows and rugs in different colors or patterns. Try out other ideas until you find something that works for you! You’ll know it when it feels right. There won’t be any doubt about whether this particular aspect has been successfully achieved because all eyes will automatically go straight toward whatever item has become your focal point as soon as they enter into whichever space contains such items (whether large or small).

There are many ways to give your home a modern touch. For example, try adding some color with bright accents or painting one wall in an unusual shade; consider using blinds instead of heavy draperies, and don’t forget about accessories.

Saving Money On Your Car Is Easy When You Know How

If you are exploring the greatest costs that are eating away at your bank balance, then your car should be at the top of that list. A car can be a huge, crushing, financial weight. That’s why it’s worth exploring some of the steps that you can take to cut the costs out of this asset. Here are some of the possibilities that we recommend. 

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Consider Purchasing A Second Hand Vehicle

First, you should think about purchasing a vehicle second hand. This is immediately going to cut the cost right down. You might have heard that purchasing a used car is a false economy and this can be true but there are ways to avoid that trap. You might want to think about taking an expert with you to check out a car before you buy it. That way, you can make sure that it doesn’t have any expensive or nasty issues. 

Think About Efficiency 

Next, you should consider the efficiency of your vehicle. One of the biggest costs of your vehicle is always going to be the fuel. If your car is a gas guzzler, then you are going to feel it each month. To deal with this we recommend that you think about choosing a car with a great MPG. You can find out about the different specs of cars available by checking out resources such as Edmunds. They can provide you with all the info you need to make an informed decision. If you already own a vehicle, then there are other steps that you can take which will help with the fuel costs. 

Explore Your Driving Style 

If you already own a car and you’re not looking to upgrade anytime soon, then there are other steps that you can take to limit the costs of fuel. For instance, you might want to think about how much you brake on journeys. The more you brake, the more fuel you use. It’s worth checking your tires too. If your tires are underinflated, then your car is always going to use more fuel. It’s also worth noting that it’s going to be more dangerous to drive on the road in this condition too. 

Keep It Well Maintained 

Finally, you should make sure that you are taking steps to keep the car well maintained and in the right condition overall. A few maintenance steps can guarantee that the car works well for years and help you avoid some common financial issues. This can be as simple as keeping the car clean. If you don’t keep the vehicle clean, dirt and grime will build up in key areas. Eventually, this will damage crucial systems. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to ensure that you are saving money on your vehicle. By exploring these steps, you can ensure that you have more money in your budget for other things in your life. It will also make it far easier to handle the bills each month and ensure that you are not caught off guard by any unexpected costs.