How To Prevent Erosion In Your Yard

Having a spacious yard presents many benefits, including your kids having a big area to play in and you having an opportunity for future expansion. However, erosion can affect this area by messing with your drainage and soil and potentially turning your place into a mini flood zone. Considering that many homeowners are investing in backyard additions to boost their property value, you want to take steps to prevent erosion in your yard. Below are four ways you can achieve that. 

  1. Add some grass 

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If you have a gentle slope, making your yard a bit too bare for comfort, it’s time to bring in some grass. Planting some grass seed or laying down sod isn’t just about aesthetics but a terrific way to fight against soil erosion. Those grassroots hold the top layer of soil in a firm embrace. When storms roll in, the grass slows down the runoff, absorbing excess water. It’s best to go for the deep-rooted turf types tailored to your climate for maximum erosion-fighting power. As a pro tip, ensure you consult professionals for the right sod installation to ensure you have grass that stays strong all year long. 

  1. Build a retaining wall 

How do you keep your soil in check if you have a slope or raised area in your yard? A retaining wall can be the solution for most homeowners facing erosion trouble, serving as a solid support system for the soil behind it. Now, you can go all in with concrete blocks, bricks, stones, or even wood. These walls not only add a cool tiered garden vibe but also serve as the backbone for that raised garden bed you’ve been dreaming of. A retaining wall is useful for leveling up and dealing with the slope. 

  1. Riprap 

You’re probably familiar with the never-ending battle with erosions if you have a beautiful pond or lake in your home. Fortunately, a riprap can offer the solution you need to prevent erosion from cramping your waterfront style. A riprap is basically a protective layer of large, angular stones, creating a rock-solid defense against the relentless forces of erosion. No matter how harsh the weather conditions, a riprap stands strong, stabilizing streambanks and areas that aren’t usually conducive for vegetation. Think of riprap as a stylish protection for your waterfront, keeping soil erosion at bay. 

  1. Grow a rain garden 

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Imagine a charming garden nestled in a small dip, catching stormwater runoff. Filled with native plants and stylish river rocks, it’s not just eye candy. Those rocks also slow down the runoff while the garden’s basin catches the water. The native plants boast deep roots that filter out pollutants, giving you a cleaner, greener space. By putting the brakes on rushing rainwater, your rain garden becomes both aesthetic and functional, absorbing the water before it makes a speedy escape into nearby waterways or streams. 

These simple tips can go a long way in helping you prevent erosion in your yard and ensure you get the most benefits from your outdoor space.