Everything You Need To Create A Garden That Complements Your Home


There is no denying the massive impact a beautiful garden can have on the rest of your home. After all, your exterior space is likely to be visible to everyone who walks or drives past your house. It is the first point of contact people have with your property. Therefore, if you landscape effectively, you have the ideal opportunity to make an incredible impression on everyone who passes by your home. This post is here to help you achieve that. You will discover the main products you require to keep your garden looking lush. Moreover, you will unearth the hottest landscaping trends for 2021, so that you can ensure your garden stands out for all of the right reasons.

First and foremost, achieving a stunning garden all begins with having the right tools to do so. After all, once your landscaping plans have been put into action the job is never complete. Your outdoor area is a space that needs constant attention. If you don’t have the tools to upkeep your garden it will soon deteriorate. So, let’s take a look at the top five tools every homeowner needs if they want to ensure their garden looks stunning for years and years to come…

  • Shovel – There is only one place to begin and this is with a garden shovel. If you take a look on the internet you will see that there is a wealth of different shovels to choose from. They differ in terms of size and handle shape as well. It is all about finding one that you can comfortably manage. When it comes to the handle you can choose between a ‘T’ shape and a ‘D’ shape. In fact, there are shovels with no handles at all. 
  • Wheelbarrow – It is also advisable to purchase a wheelbarrow. Many people view this as an unnecessary expense. However, your back will quickly begin to ache if you carry everything. Instead, make your life a lot easier and gardening a lot more enjoyable by buying this essential piece of equipment. 
  • Hoe – There is no way you will achieve a stunning garden to complement your property if it is covered in weeds. Therefore, this is why you need to buy a hoe. A hoe is a tool that is used to get rid of all gardeners’ worst enemies – those irritating, pesky weeds! 
  • Rake – Another tool you should consider purchasing is a rake. This is a product that boasts a variety of uses. It is ideal for collecting leaves. Yet it can also be used for removing dead grass from your lawn, light weeding, levelling, and the loosening of the soil. This is a great all-rounder.
  • Trowel – Last but not least, the fifth and final tool you need to consider using is a trowel. What garden is going to look beautiful if it has no pretty flowers and consequently no colour? A trowel is essential to help you with the planting of flowers and trees. With this tool by your side, there is no way your garden won’t flourish. 

So, you now know the five main tools you need to purchase if you want your garden to look stunning all year round. However, having the correct tools is not enough, you need to have a great idea as well. After all, if you just randomly place flowers and trees around the garden with little consideration for what they look like, your outdoor space is never going to achieve the optimum levels of style and beauty you desire. Instead of attracting people to your property for the right reasons, you will be doing so for all of the wrong ones. Keeping that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the top gardening trends for 2021…

Splashes of colour

2021 is all about vibrancy and energy, and what better place to bring these qualities to the fore than in your garden? After all, you want to create a place of fun – somewhere for adults to throw barbecues and gatherings, and an area for children to enjoy playing with their friends. Colour is a brilliant way to achieve the perfect atmosphere for these instances, as vivid shades can instantly uplift the vibe. From purple, to lime green, to yellow, to blue, to pink – the choices are well and truly endless. Not only are you free to select the colours as you wish, but there is also a variety of ways to incorporate bright colours. From flowers to paint, get creative! 

Vegetable gardens

The second trend you should consider for the coming year is a vegetable garden. There are various different reasons why vegetable gardens are increasing in popularity. In terms of style, they help to emulate a rustic and traditional British theme. This is something that is very much in fashion at the moment. You can even get your hands on some vintage farming posters to finish off the look. Moreover, another reason why vegetable gardens are well-liked is that more and more people are embracing the opportunity to grow their own fruit and vegetables. This is because grocery prices seem to be rising by the day. Homeowners can cut their shopping bill and have complete control over the way in which their fruit and vegetables are grown if they go down this route.

Homeowners can cut their shopping bill and have complete control over the way in which their fruit and vegetables are grown if they go down this route. Unsurprisingly, over one-third of people in the UK grow their food for this particular reason. This practice is a beneficial aspect of frugal living, and it would be a great idea if more people bought into the concept. Having fruit trees and vegetables in your garden is a great place to start. Others have done it, and so can you, but you need more background information on creating a garden like that.

Simplistic garden designs

Aside from the points that have already been mentioned, another trend that is set to make a big impression throughout 2021 is simplistic landscape designs. Why? Well, there are two reasons why this is the case. The first reason is that minimalism is truly taking off at the moment. There is definitely a shift towards clean lines, no clutter, and focus on a few elements rather than lots of elements. This helps to create a more striking garden. In addition to this, simplistic designs tend to require less maintenance. This is important because more and more homeowners are looking for a low maintenance landscape. This is understanding. After all, the modern world is one that is extremely fast-paced and people rarely seem to have time to themselves. Therefore, finding the time for gardening is not a luxury everybody has.

Bring the outdoors in

Connecting your indoor environment to your patio for a seamless living is a big trend this year. Your choice of doors makes a massive difference here, opening up the space beautifully. Companies like SA Windows Doors can help with this. 

Natural landscaping

Last but not least, a final trend you may want to embrace is that of natural landscaping. This trend came to the fore at the end of 2020 and it is certainly set to grow in popularity throughout the rest of the year. In simple terms, natural landscaping involves the use of native plants. This option is popular because not only are indigenous plant species aesthetically beautiful, but they are practical as well. After all, they are already very well suited to the growing conditions of your location, and thus your plants will survive for a lot longer. 

Hopefully, you now have all of the information you need in regards to creating a stunning and luscious garden to complement your property. With the right tools and the right ideas, you simply cannot go wrong. Moreover, don’t underestimate just how important your outdoor area is. After all, this is the introduction to your home. It is the part of your land that people are likely to notice first, and therefore it certainly creates a lasting impression.