Living Room Space You Never Thought You Had


The living room is perhaps the most complex room in the entire home. It’s the place we sit to relax, where we talk with friends, where we snack and where we often like to relax with a good book and cup of coffee. However, it also means that it’s the busiest room in the home and that can then infer that it will be cramped, cluttered and messy. That is so often the case for many family homes, which is why we thought it would be a good idea to show you how to make your living room more spacious and more stylish. You don’t have to engage in the same old same, open plan, minimalism and neutral palette. These things work but almost too well as they have been done over and over. Let’s look at the new way, maximalism and space convening together.

The window out

When you think of the classic or traditional living room, you cannot help but think of the windows and the windowsill. In other words, you think of bay windows. This is where you can actually sit and watch the outside, and enjoy a cup of your favorite drink. You may find that these Renewal by Andersen bay windows are just the ticket. They have a brilliant design with two swing open windows and the main window being in the center. The two side windows are slightly smaller and the central window is going to be the main window which you see out of. The design is such that it’s strong and can hold a decent amount of weight. So place a throw and a sofa cushion on top and sit back on it. It’s where you may find your dog and cat sitting, watching cars drive by and noticing whether the postman has come or gone.

It’s all about proportion

Time and time again, the main reason for a stuffy living room is the lack of proportion control. Why is a seat the same size as the sofa in comparison to the overall size? Seating should be a little smaller, more intimate and something you can use to read a book. A winged chair is a good accompaniment to the living room sofa, but it should be able to seat two people or even 1 ½. You must always look at the proportion of each item in a room and ask, does it need to be as large as it currently is? 

For example, you like to put a bookcase in the room, okay that’s fine. But make sure the bookcase is being used fully. Empty spaces that are not being used are just wasted space. You could get a smaller bookcase if you just want it to be a vanity piece in the room. You may have your real books upstairs in your office or bedroom, but you may want to have trendy magazines and books in the living room as a cultural hub. Then just buy a small bookcase and enjoy the extra room.

Lighting the room

No, you do not need to paint the room white to make it feel spacious. What you can do is focus on the lighting. It’s the dark patches, spots and corners that make a room feel small. Usable space as they say, is something to focus on. Space that can be seen and entered, is space that you can utilize for your own comfort and style. A dark corner that isn’t being used by anything, will present itself with an opportunity. You can place lamps and side tables in the corners to build a foundation. Placing magazines, items and interesting objects on the side table will draw people to the corners. Using this space will immediately make the room feel larger. Because, if there is room you never venture into, then in your mind you will think the room is smaller than it actually is.

Place some figures, ceramic dolls, some photos or perhaps some kind of moving artwork that can draw people to the table. This is often called bric-a-brac of tchotchkes. This seemingly random style is actually very deliberate and gives you a chance to explore your style.

These are some great ways for you to make your living room spacious. The bay window is a superb addition. Giving you a ledge to sit on, enjoy the outside view and let in as much natural light as possible. Light the room effectively so this feeling of space and light carries on into the evening.