The Best Living Room Arrangement Rules

The living room is very much the biggest and best room in the home. It’s comfortable and cozy, the TV is in there, and you definitely spend most of your day just lounging on those sofas! Because of this fact, it might be the case that your living room needs a bit of work… 

If you want to make sure you’ve got the best living arrangement this summer, because friends and family might be able to finally come round, we’ve got some tips for you! Because there’s a real knack to setting up a living room right, and we’ve listed the most important rules below for you to take note of. 

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Where’s the Focal Point?

This is the number one thing to decide first. What part of your living room draws the eye the most? Maybe it’s a feature wall? Maybe it’s a fireplace? Maybe there’s no obvious point? No matter what, you need a focal point to draw your entire design together! 

Seeing as most people use the TV to draw the eye, this is probably the route you’ll want to go too. Either move the TV stand you’re using, or get some new hanging brackets. Similarly, if you’ve got a TV hanging on a wall that you feel is completely wrong, get in touch with a Master Electrician to move the wiring for you, and then hang your TV up in the place it should rightfully be. 

Size and Shape

Then you’ll need to work out what’s the most accurate and fitting shape and size for your furniture to be. Because a lot of homeowners get the biggest sofa or the biggest coffee table they can and be done with it, but not you! You’re going to get some pieces that perfectly compliment the area you’re living in. 

To do that, take measurements of the room itself, and make a floor plan. Once you’ve got one of these, you can use furniture measurements to play around with arrangements, and work out (to scale) what size and shape best fits. Everyones different! 

Stop Wasting Space!

Then, you’re going to need to keep your furniture away from the walls, as a room that has everything pushed to the extreme just doesn’t look or feel good. You need to create a cozy and intimate space here, and to do that, you’ll need to keep things closer together. 

Try to have all furniture within ‘talking’ distance of each other – make it so you won’t have to raise your voice at all! This will also ensure you’ve got a good traffic flow in your living room as well. You won’t have to squeeze in anywhere, nor move things back and forth. 

The living room is a pretty important room in your home, and you should treat it as such. So, why not rearrange your furniture a little, or make sure that focal point really does make sense? You’ve got some time before summer comes, so make a start now!