Girl’s Night In Ideas

Time with the girls can be just what the doctor ordered and can be a wild night or a relaxed one. After a tough year when we haven’t been able to see our loved ones much, a girls’ night in could be the perfect way to get your girls together for some quality time together. Here are some of the best ideas for a great girls’ night in. 

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Keep It Casual

There are plenty of excuses for you to dress up posh, but a girls’ night at home is usually better as a casual, comfy affair. Save your cocktails dresses for a bigger party. Instead, invite everyone to come over in their comfy clothes or even change into their pajamas when they arrive for an old-school sleepover, with snacks, movies, and games like cribbage

Add Special Details

Just because you’re wearing your comfy clothes, doesn’t mean you can’t make the house look good. Choose a color scheme and use these colors for things like flowers, napkins, or other decorative details. Get out your best glassware or dishes so you have a good excuse to use them. 

Don’t Panic About The Food

Don’t try to cook a huge feast if that will make you feel stressed. Only cook what you feel comfortable with. Finger foods or platters that can be snacked on throughout the evening can be a good option. Don’t feel guilty about buying some pre-made snacks or dishes as well to save yourself some time and stress. Another good way to make things easy is to make your evening a potluck night and ask everyone to bring a dish with them. 

Choose some drinks for the evening. Ask everyone to bring a bottle of wine, mix cocktails, or make something seasonal, like a mulled wine in the winter. 

Make It Cozy

Make sure everyone is comfortable, cozy, and relaxed. Make sure you have lots of places available for everyone to sit, even if you have to get some floor cushions or bean bags to add enough seats. Put out a few blankets for the girls to snuggle up under. This would be great for a movie night too. 

Relax and Have Fun

Even though you’re hosting the evening, make sure you relax and have fun too. When you’re the host, it’s normal to worry about whether or not everyone is enjoying themselves. Try to remember that it’s just a girls’ night and everyone has come because they want to spend time together. Everything else is just a bonus, so if the food doesn’t turn out well, you knock over the drinks, and the movie you chose is boring, everyone can still have a good time just because you’re all together. Try to relax and enjoy yourself too. 

A girls’ night in is a fun, low-pressure event to host to ease you back into hosting duties after a long time when you couldn’t have people over. Make some fun recipes, mix some cocktails, and get the girls over.