4 Things Causing Damp in Your Home

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Nobody wants to live in a damp home. Not only can it be unpleasant, but it could also affect not only the safety and structure of your home but also your health. That’s why it’s important to deal with damp as swiftly as you can when you notice that it appearing. 

The problem is, it’s not always obvious what is causing your damp problem to rear its head, and if you don’t know what’s causing the damp in your home, it can be hard to get rid of it once and for all. With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of some of the most common causes of damp right now:

1. Leaks

If you have leaking pipes or guttering in and around your home, then there’s a very high chance that is what’s causing your damp problem. After all, leaks produce water, and that can lead to your walls becoming saturated with moisture that can cause a lot of trouble from rising damp to timber rot and even toxic mold. That’s why it’s so important that you deal with any leaks in your home as swiftly as you are able. Calling a plumber now will save you a lot of time, effort, and money in the future. It could even save you your health.

Identify any leaks coming from your roof by undertaking regular roof checks to look for signs of damage or missing tiles. Failing to repair your roof can lead to massive problems inside your home and cause costly damage to your walls, the structural integrity of the exterior of your home as well as your decor and belongings. Choose the right contractor for the job such as PATTERSON NY ROOFING COMPANY to make sure your home is fully sealed and protected from your roof.

2. Blocked dryer vents

One very common cause of damp and condensation within the home that a lot of people are strangely unaware of are blocked dryer vent ducts. Over time, dryer vent ducts can become overwhelmed by lint and other debris that builds up during the drying process, and when that happens, they are no longer able to circulate air effectively. This leads to moist conditions that could turn the place damp. That’s why regular dryer vent cleaning is important. Again, this may seem like one expense you can avoid, but actually, having the vents cleaned will stop your home from getting damp, which will save you money in the long-term so this is not a time to be frugal.

3. Lack of ventilation

If there is not enough ventilation in your home, then moisture can build up, and with nowhere to go it will start to settle on walls and other surfaces, first causing condensation, and then, if left alone, damp. One way you can help to prevent this is by using extractor fans when cooking or showering. Another is to regularly open all of the windows in your home to allow the air to circulate. This is probably one of the easiest problems to solve.

4. High ground

If your property is located at the top of a significant slope, the ground can sometimes build up on the side of the house and settle, where it will eventually cause damp. Having s damp-proof course installed is the best way to deal with this particular issue.

 By dealing with these common problems as soon as they become a problem, you can prevent your home from being overwhelmed by damp, which is likely to be expensive and time-consuming to get rid of.