I’ve always been a big fan of clocks. Not only are they extremely handy when you’re running late, but they make a great artistic statement as well. A handsome piece such as this graphically striking example below can instantly become the stylistic centerpiece that pulls a room together. Today, I’ve gathered some favorites of mine and found some lower priced alternatives…

This ultra mod extra large Retro Modern Clock (above) by Karlsson is a 3-dimensional timepiece and Pop Art for your wall. It retails at Conran for $350, but you can get it brand new for less than half the price on ebay!

Add a touch of classic nostalgia with this adorable 1930s Gentleman Classic Black Kit-Cat Klock for $40.

Quality vintage electronics like this 1970s-inspired GE Retro Clock from PeacockEnvy’s shop on Etsy ($25, below) is sure to liven up your kitchen.

Why spend $165 on the Mr White Wall Clock from Conran, a modern elegant piece that will fit in with virtually any decor…

…when you can get this practically identical clock for less ($49.95) from Crate and Barrel:


Another monochromatic white aluminum piece from Conran for only $26 is minimalism at its finest:

And finally, spruce up your home with this beautiful vintage modern Sunburst Clock by Kenneth Wingard for $119. Just over 2 feet in diameter, this clock is bound to make a statement.

It retails for $25 less than this similar Pluto Sunburst Clock from Conran for $145!


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